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Course News

Culinary Herbs is now online
Learn how to identify and successfully grow scores of common and uncommon edible herbs. Develop your skills and experience the delights of cooking adventurous new recipes with herbs. Learn drying and other methods of preserving the flavour (eg. herb oils, salts, vinegars).
Click here to read more about this course

Herpetology is now online
In this course you will develop an ability to understand the biological and ecological characteristics of reptiles and amphibians as well as relevant conservation issues and how to keep them at home.
Click here to read more about this course

Technical Writing has been upgraded
Learn to write technical and scientific documents, articles, papers, books, manuals and even product lablels.
Technical writing is a skill required by all types of industries - from factories to research laboratories. It is a skill required by people in many professions - from consultants to teachers.
Click here to read more about this course


New Ebooks Coming Soon

We are currently developing a number of exciting new ebooks. Available very soon will be an ebook on Herbs, and an ebook on Professional Writing. Watch this space! To see our range of ebooks, visit our bookshop by clicking here.


Most Popular Courses

The most popular courses over the last week have been:

Certificate in Counselling (Care Professionals)
Psychology & Counselling
Pet Care
Mud Brick Construction
Farm Management
Certificate in Garden Design

Click on each link to find out more about each course.

What is Pinterest?

Social media goes visual. Well, it has been for a while obviously but we have only just discovered Pinterest and the addiction is almost instant. It's like a cross between twitter and facebook only entirely visual. You trawl through veritable libraries of images, pick out the good ones, "like" them, re-pin them on to your boards, follow people and get followers. It is a brilliant spot to get inspiration for anything from home and garden ideas to fashion... click here to read the full article about Pinterest.

Click here to visit our Pinterest page and see the amazing images we have found.

Student Testimonial

Yvonne Munshi, Hypnotherapist, South Africa. Student of Biopsychology at ACS.
"I loved this course – it has been of essential help with my new business Indigo Learning. If you are interested what this is, click on the website we help children with learning difficulties through a brain training programme from USA called Fast ForWord, and thus I need to learn exactly how the brain works, its cells, neurotransmitters, etc."
To read more about our Biopsychology course, click here.

ACS Distance Education
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