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  • Course Coming Soon: Small Acreage Farming
  • New Ebooks Coming Soon
  • Featured Course - Animal Behaviour
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New Course Coming Soon - Small Acreage Farming

We are excited to announce that we will soon be releasing the Certificate in Small Acreage Farming (Livestock)

Core modules will be: Pasture Management, Animal Husbandry I, Animal Husbandry II, and Animal Husbandy III. Electives will be: Goat Husbandry (Production), Sheep, Poultry, Horse Care 1, Diagnosing Animal Disease, Natural Health Care for Animals, Farm Management, Organic Farming, and Sustainable Agriculture.

If you would like to be notified when this certificate is released, let us know by emailing

New Ebooks Coming Soon

We will soon be releasing the following new ebooks:

Growing Orchids
Medical Terminology
Creative Writing
Photo Techniques

To see what's on offer, and to purchase, visit our bookshop - click here.

Featured Course - Animal Behaviour

One of our regular best-sellers is the 100 hour course Animal Behaviour.

Over eight lessons, you will develop your understanding and ability to modify the behaviour of domestic animals. It is suitable for students of psychology ( the study of animals has long been a foundation for understanding human behaviour), people who work with animals (on farms, wildlife parks, or pets), animal owners and lovers, and for those wanting to lay a foundation to understand Animal Training.

To read the full course outline, including what lessons cover, and to enrol, click here.

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