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  • Office Re-opens for 2011
  • Hot Courses
  • How to Decide What to Study
  • Proposed Courses
  • Stay in Touch: Join one of our facebook networks
  • Ever thought of Starting a School?
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Office re-opens for 2011

The ACS office is now fully operational following the holidays.


Hot Courses

Some of our most popular courses:
Animal Health Care
Project Management
Dairy Cattle
Fitness Leaders Certificate
Marine Studies
Certificate in Garden Design
Pet Care
Hotel Management
Therapeutic Nutrition
Photographing People
Associate Diploma in Photography

How to Decide What to Study

Are you studying to start a career or business, expand career opportunities, for self - improvement, leisure or something else?
How much time do you have, realistically?
After 3 decades of teaching, we know that successful students are those who start their studies with a clear and realistic focus.
This is why we provide a FREE ADVISORY SERVICE; this is an opportunity to communicate with an experienced professional in your chosen discipline, before you even commence.
Click here to apply for our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING.

Proposed Courses

We are considering development of a range of new courses over 2011. We would like to know if any of the following proposed courses interest you:

Principles of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Practice of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Geology – Foundations for Mining
Foundations of Agronomy (Broadacre Grains, Oil Seed & Fibre Crops)
Vegetarianism -Vegetarian Diet/Eating
Equine Food & Nutrition
Dog Training
Zoo Keeping
Feral Animal Management
Environmental Soil Management
Computer Security

Email with the courses that interest you, or let us know of anything else you are looking for.

Stay in Touch: Join one of our facebook networks

Australian Correspondence Schools Group

Horticulture Group

Media Group

Ever thought of Starting a School?

WANT TO LICENCE OUR COURSES and run your own school? Visit our Affiliates Page and see what is involved in this exciting area:

ACS Distance Education
Phone: +61 7 5562 1088 | Fax: +61 7 5562 1099
ACS Distance Education UK
Phone: 0800 328 4723
International Phone: +44 1384 4 44718
Fax: +44 (0) 207 6812702