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  • New Course - Horse Breeding
  • Time to Plant Your Deciduous Fruit Trees
  • Students who have recently completed courses
  • More Photos from ACS Principal's visit to the UK
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New Course- Horse Breeding

New Course- Horse Breeding

This newly developed course will show you the steps to plan and manage a horse breeding program.

The topics covered within this course are:
Lesson 1 - Breeding Horses
Lesson 2 - The Brood Mare
Lesson 3 -The Stallion
Lesson 4 - Breeding Management
Lesson 5 - The Pregnant Mare
Lesson 6 - Parturition and Foaling
Lesson 7 - Care of the Newborn Foal
Lesson 8 - Infertility in the Mare and Stallion

Free ebook offer

Free ebook offer

From 1 July 2013*, we have a special offer for a selection of our courses.

If you enrol into any of the following courses in the month of July, you will receive your choice of 3 ebooks from our ebook catalogue for free!

Courses this offer applies to:

Counselling Skills I
Child Psychology
Sheep Practices
Animal Behaviour
Wildlife Conservation
Permaculture Systems
Marine Studies I
Beef Cattle

*Offer ends July 31 2013


Students who have recently completed courses

Students who have recently completed courses

Congratulations to the following students who have recently completed their courses:
Beth Walker - Certificate in Horticulture (Ornamental Horticulture)
Karrellynne Dower - Foundation Certificate in Horticulture
Taryn Bennett - Certificate in Horticulture (Herbs)
Russell Henry - Certificate in Horticulture (Landscaping & Garden Design)
Walter Palombini - Certificate in Applied Science
Karen Murray - Medical Terminology
Margaret Fitzgibbon - Aged Care & Counselling
Kylie Rothnie - Food Preparation
Jo-anna Apelt - Zoo Keeping

More Photos from ACS Principal John Mason's Visit to the UK

More Photos from ACS Principal John Mason's Visit to the UK

ACS Distance Education
Phone: +61 7 5562 1088 | Fax: +61 7 5562 1099
ACS Distance Education UK
Phone: 0800 328 4723
International Phone: +44 1384 4 44718
Fax: +44 (0) 207 6812702