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  • New Ebook: Professional Practice for Consultants
  • Course News-Expanded, Updated, and Online
  • Most Popular Courses Last Week
  • Student Testimonial
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New Ebook: Professional Practice for Consultants

New Ebook - Professional Practice for Consultants

Whether you work for yourself or someone else, you need to be able to present what you have to offer in a way which attracts employers.
As a consultant, you need to stand out from others in your field. Whilst to some degree your demand will be related to your relevant experience, years in the industry, and perhaps notoriety through media recognition, publications, word-of-mouth and so forth - the way that you sell yourself is also important.

It is important to consider:
- What services am I going to offer?
- How am I going to present my services?
- What am I going to charge?

To download a free sample of this book, or to purchase, please click here.

Course News - Expanded, Updated, and Online

Efficient Writing has been expanded and is now available to be studied online
Course Aims:
- Define the nature and scope of writing
- Discuss the way written sentences and paragraphs are properly structured
- Develop an increased capacity to write clearly
- Develop improved conciseness in writing
- Develop and improve punctuation skills
- Apply basic writing skills more efficiently in a range of situations

Leisure Management II has been revised and is also now available to study online.
Course Aims:
- Manage work schedules
- Manage a work team
- Develop work team performance, to improve productivity and efficiency
- Manage the recruitment of new staff
- Manage performance of individual members of staff
- Maintain good communication with staff
- Deal with staff grievances
- Produce a staff manual for a workplace

Irrigation (Agricultural Irrigation) has been revised and is now online.
Course Aims:
- Explain the significance of soil in irrigation
- Explain how to determine when to irrigate in agricultural situations
- Manage irrigation in agricultural situations
- Explain the significance of different aspects of moving water including: drainage, pumps, filters, storage, recirculation, and re-use
- Select an appropriate irrigation system for a given agricultural situation
- Explain the principles of design for a simple irrigation system
- Design a simple irrigation system
- Oversee the installation of an irrigation system

Most Popular Courses Last Week

Our most popular course last week:

Animal Behaviour
Life Coaching
Tissue Culture
Animal Husbandry III
Food and Beverage Management
Dog Psychology and Training
Equine Behaviour

Click on each link to read the course outline or to enrol.

Student Testimonial

Student Feedback:

Student Name: Jo-Anna Apelt

Course Name: Zoo keeping

Tutors Name/s: Gareth Pearce

Is your work being marked satisfactorily? "I feel so. I'm getting positive comments, with notes on things I missed, so I think that is helpful."

Do you find the course to be a valuable learning experience? Why? "Yes. I'm learning a lot about zoo keeping and I able to see its value as I go about my volunteer zoo work."

Overall comments you may wish to make: "I'm loving the course. Thanks for the opportunity."

To read the course oultine, please click here.

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