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Featured Course - Information Security

The internet has created a global market, and through online purchasing and interaction, we are now exposed to security threats we have never before encountered. It is however possible to keep your private information secure when you know how to.
This course is equally valuable to the individual through to the largest corporation; in 11 lessons, it will teach you how to keep information on your computer safe.
The most important security concepts related to information on the internet are confidentiality, integrity and availability, whereas the most important concepts related to the people using the information on the internet are authorisation, authentication and non-repudiation.

Click here to read the full course outline.

Student Profile - Gillian Paxton, Horticulture I

1. Why did you choose to study by distance? Two reasons:
I haven't studied for a long time and wanted to go at my own pace;
I live in Tasmania, which is a very long way from ACS - my preferred college.

2. Why did you make your decision to do your study with ACS College? Tarooma, where I live, has a fine Community garden. I was so impressed with it that I asked its leader, David Stephen which course he would recommend. ACS was his recommendation.

3. What originally stimulated your interest in this course/studying? I'm involved in an organisation that works with landmine survivors, most of whom are in wheelchairs. I thought /think a knowledge of horticulture and easy access gardening would be useful. And it is. Also I like gardening.

4. What were you doing before you started studying this course? Before I retired I was a social worker counselling combat veterans. Although it felt like valuable (& moving) work, I have always wanted to grow things well and get my hands in the dirt.

5. What aspects of your course did you enjoy or find most valuable, and why? All of the course.

6. Has your life or thinking been impacted in any way due to anything you learned in the course? All the course was interesting and informative, but the research was especially interesting, and the plant identification was exciting.

7. How would you compare this course to other courses you may have done in the past? I liked the mixture of theory and practice in this course. The opportunity to put learning into practice at home is especially valuable.

8. What future career or study plans do you have? Being retired and a soon-to-be wrinkly, I have no future career plans. But I hope to continue with an informal study of plants & increase my knowledge over time. As I get older, I need to focus on low-maintenance gardening. Water usage is another thing I'm thinking about.



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