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Our Featured Psychology Ebooks

Our Featured Psychology Ebooks

Professional Practice and Consulting
A Consultant may be regarded as having expert knowledge in their specialist field as their knowledge is far beyond most people's awareness of the topic. This ebook explains how to become a consultant, package your services, deliver the services, build your resources, find the work, get the job, planning and ethics.

Psychological Profiling
This book provides an excellent overview of psychological profiling techniques and pitfalls. Psychological profiling is used to assess anyone from potential new staff to school children. It helps you to determine an individual's personality, neuroses, mental health and career suitability. Profiling is essentially building up a picture of an individual's characteristics such as likely behaviours, attitudes, personal traits, unique skills or capabilities, and so forth in relation to norms of the general population.

Counselling Handbook
Full of interesting case studies, this ebook is a wonderful introduction to the complex world of the human psyche. Expand your mind and learn about what makes people tick.

Psychology Dictionary
The Psychology Dictionary can be used to complement studies in Psychology or Counselling, as a resource for the professional, or as a reference for anyone interested in Psychology.

New Course- Developmental, Learning and Behavioural Disorders in Children and Adolescents

New Course- Developmental, Learning and Behavioural Disorders in Children and Adolescents
This newly developed course helps you to gain knowledge of signs, symptoms and treatments for developmental disorders in children, including pervasive developmental disorders, behavioural disorders, and learning disorders.

The topics covered in this course include:
1/ Nature and Scope of Developmental Disorders - Mental Retardation/learning disability

2/ Autism - Autistic Disorder signs, symptoms, treatment and support

3/ Asperger's Disorder - signs, symptoms, treatment and support

4/ Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders (Rett's Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Developmental Disorders NOS) signs, symptoms, treatment and support

5/ Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders - ADHD & variants, signs, symptoms, treatment and support

6/ Conduct Disorders (Include oppositional defiant disorder) signs, symptoms, treatment and support

7/ Learning Disorders - focus on academia (Mathematics, Reading Disorder - Dyslexia, etc.) signs, symptoms, treatment and support

8/ Communications Disorders & Motor Skills Disorder - focus on speech and language signs, symptoms, treatment and support

9/ Special Project (choose something of interest to the student) signs, symptoms, treatment and support

Top Selling Courses

Top Selling Courses

Life Coaching- A valuable course for anyone interested in working in psychology, counselling, coaching, fitness or related industry.

Beef Cattle- Learn all about keeping cattle.

Animal Husbandry (Animal Anatomy and Physiology)- A great foundation course for anybody interested in animals.

Herb Culture- Gain a solid understanding of herbs and how to use them.


News item: Organic Produce- Expensive or worth the cost?

Organic Produce- Expensive or worth the cost?

We hear a lot about organic farming and organic produce, but is organic food really worth the extra cost? Read more on our blog...

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