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  • New Courses in Development
  • New Ebooks Just Released
  • Food Therapy
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New Courses in Development

New Courses in Development

We are excited to announce the development of two brand new courses: Genetics, and Climatology. Stay tuned for release dates!

New Ebooks Just Released

New Ebooks Just Released!

Growing and Knowing Bulbs: Get to know your bulbs and add colour to your life!
Bursting with colour photographs, Growing and Knowing Flowering Bulbs has 187 pages of fascinating and helpful facts about flowering bulbs. Written by John Mason and Staff of ACS Distance Education, this e-book is a must have for horticultural students, garden designers, professional horticulturists or anyone who is simply passionate about bulbs.

Flowering bulbs are grown for use as a cut flower crop and used widely as a garden plant, for borders, bedding displays, in rockeries, meadows,woodlands and even as container plants.

To read the full outline, and to read a sample, or buy this ebook, click here.

Growing and Knowing Annuals:
This is a book for students of horticulture, home gardeners through to professional horticulturists; nurserymen, seedsmen, garden managers,landscapers or cut flower growers.

With 140 pages and beautiful colour photographs, Knowing and Growing Annuals is a must read for anyone interested in gardening.

The first part of the book deals with how to grow annuals. Most of the book, however, looks at different annuals and how they are grown;presenting information systematically under different headings, in a format such as the following:

To read the full outline, and to read a sample or buy this ebook, click here.


Food Therapy

Food Therapy is a healing practice using natural foods to treat conditions!

In Food Therapy we think about food as medicine. It is provision of nutrients to maintain and/ or restore optimal health. Food therapy diets may be required as treatment for a disease or to increase energy and meet nutrient needs.

5 Amazing Disease Fighting Foods include:

Berries including cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries.
Dairy foods full of calcium for fighting oesteoporosis!
Fatty fish for an abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids to reduce blood cholesterol and prevent heart disease!
Dark, leafy greens such as spinach and kale contain beta carotene are actually wonderful cancer prevention foods.
Sweet potatoes contain vitamin C and E, folate, calcium, copper, iron, and potassium and give a boost of mighty antioxidants. Great in playing a role in preventing heart disease too.

All food is made up of chemicals, and over long periods of time society has figured out what we can eat and how we tolerate certain foods. What may be perfectly healthy for one person may cause food intolerance in another. This is important to know as many 'healthy' foods contain food chemicals which are as problematic as artificial chemicals often used as additives.

Let's think about keeping the diet raw, clean and organic as a starting point for treatment of disease and ill-health and include some of the top 5 foods!

To learn more about food therapy, check out our course Therapeutic Nutrition, or our Nutritional Therapy ebook.

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