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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Statement of Attainment


How do products get from the maker to the customer?

There's more to it than what you might think

This course is designed to help you firstly understand the marketing world; then assist you in making a decisions and developing skills in marketing. Emphasis is placed on profitability and efficiency!

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How Does Marketing Work?

What are the steps that a product or service goes through from getting it noticed to facilitating a sale and achieving a happy customer?

  • After enrolling, watch our "orientation video" and discover how to use all sorts of services to support your study.

  • Then commence working through the lessons. Each lesson involves reading about the topic, then undertaking research or practical tasks that relate to what was read. After that you complete and submit an assignment.

  • The assignment is submitted, reviewed by a tutor, and you are given feedback.

There are 10 lessons as follows:

  1. Marketing Systems

  2. Retailing Systems and Strategies

  3. Wholesale Systems and Strategies

  4. Product Presentation and Packaging

  5. Negotiation Skills

  6. Marketing Organisations

  7. International Marketing I

  8. International Marketing II

  9. Analysing the Market

  10. The Market Mix


  • Explain the difference between the consumer market and other markets.

  • Draw a chart showing the market channels followed by a product or service.

  • Explain the differences between retailing and wholesaling.

  • Explain procedures, stages and concepts involved in retail marketing a product.

  • Explain the wholesale marketing system of this business.

  • Explain the core, tangible and augmented features of a favourite product which you buy and use frequently?

  • Recommend alternative ways that products might be packaged and presented in the retail situation.

  • Assess the marketing performance of two different companies.

  • Decide what preparatory studies should be made of a country before making a decision about whether to export there or not?

  • Explain procedures, stages and concepts involved in the marketing internationally of a product.

  • Recommend a product or service which you think has potential for marketing in another country.

  • Report on the marketing profitability of a business.  


100 hours. 

We estimate that most students will complete the course in three to six months. But this will depend on the amount of time you have available for studying.


You can start our courses at any time. We operate on a rolling programme, so you start your studies at a tim



At the end of each lesson, there is an assignment. If you pass all assignments, you will receive a COURSE COMPLETION LETTER.

There is also an OPTIONAL examination. If you pass all assignments AND the exam, you will receive a STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT. The exams can be taken at a time and location to suit you. 

What are Marketing Systems?

A marketing system is made up of components and connections. Components are the various stages in the process of marketing something, and connections are the way those components are linked together. Some marketing systems are dealing with marketing services or events; others might deal with retailing or wholesaling of goods or produce. The variety and nature of these systems can be diverse; for instance, in the world of retailing, consider the following:

Retailing in the past, involved mostly “buying or selling through a retail shop”. This is a traditional view of retailing.  In today’s world though, non-traditional systems are increasingly making inroads into the market place.

Retail systems might include any of the following:

General Stand-Alone Retail Enterprises

Examples: General stores, plant nurseries, landscape and soil suppliers, retail warehouses, or any other types of shops where the owner holds the freehold (ie. does not lease the premises).

Retail Shops in Shopping Complexes

Examples: Shopping malls or other centres where sites or buildings are leased or rented to a variety of different retailers.

Retail Farm Shops

Examples: Cut flower farmers, orchardists, wineries and dairy farmers (cheese makers) will sometimes set up a shop on the farm. These operations primarily concentrate on selling farm produce, but often diversify if successful to sell other produce brought in from outside the farm.

Retail Factory Shops

Factory shops may be used to either supplement the income of a factory, or perhaps dispose of stock that cannot be sold wholesale to normal customers for one reason or another (ie. damaged stock, or previous season’s products which have been removed from the product range).

Online Shops

Selling through web sites that take orders over the internet. This is a growth area of marketing, and like anything else can be lucrative if done well; but can also fail just as easily as any other form of retailing.

Retail Studio or Craft Shops

Craft enterprises such as potteries, jewellery makers, glass blowers etc., may develop a retail outlet on the same premises as where the art or craft is produced. This may be a supplement to other sales, or it may become a major source of income.

Tourism Retailers

A retail operation is often added to tourist operations to supplement primary income derived from other sources. For example, snacks, sweets, cigarettes, souvenirs etc. may be sold at the reception desk of an accommodation facility or the entry to a tourist park.

Roadside Stalls

In some jurisdictions (eg. local government areas), it is possible to obtain permits to sell products by the side of the road. Restrictions may apply as to what can be sold, when it can be sold and in what locations. A special position may be designated where it is safe for people to pull over and there is ample room for stall holders to set up.

Retailers in this situation are aiming to catch passing trade, usually on a busy road, often in peak times (eg. weekends). The products sold must be enticing for the general travelling public (eg. fresh produce, cut flowers, plants).

Mail Order Retailers

Mail order is appropriate to a wide range of products; however, it is most appropriate for products that are:

  • Not too heavy

  • Not too bulky

  • Not too fragile

  • Not too perishable

Mail order and online often fit together to become an online mail order system.

Pyramid/Agency Retail Schemes

This type of retailing is based upon using individuals as representatives to sell particular products. The individual will often target people who they know, or who they can easily canvas (possibly through door to door sales). Examples include Avon and Amway.

Telephone Selling

This involves people phoning potential customers and attempting to obtain an order over the phone. Sales people will call on people from a list (eg. the telephone directory, a trade directory, or a list of previous customers).

Travelling Salesperson

Travelling sales people may be involved in retail or wholesale marketing. Trade sales people are often employed to visit businesses of potential customers whom they might supply (eg. A pesticide salesman calls on farms and takes orders for pesticide; a stationery supplier calls on large offices and takes orders for stationery; a timber salesman calls on builders and takes orders for timber).


Markets operate in most countries, renting stalls on a regular or irregular basis, at a very economical rate, to anyone who has something to sell. Some markets develop a very good reputation, and regularly attract large numbers of patrons. Generally patrons of markets are looking for a bargain, or something unique - hence the most successful stall holders tend to compete on the basis of either price or uniqueness of their product.

Shows and Exhibitions

Agricultural shows, trade exhibitions and special interest events are regularly held throughout most countries (frequently as an annual event). Some retailers have found a niche in marketing through such events, travelling from one show to the next, throughout the course of the year


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Meet some of our academics

Sarah RedmanOver 15 years industry experience covering marketing, PR, administration, event management and training, both in private enterprise and government; in Australia and the UK.
Kate Gibson B.Soc.Sc.15+ years experience in HR, marketing, education & project management. Kate has traveled and worked in a variety of locations including London, New Zealand and Australia.