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Duration (approx) 1500 hours
Work in Wildlife Management!
  • Learn more about wildlife management and conservation with this detailed diploma course.
  • A useful course for anyone wanting to work or volunteer in the various and varied roles within wildlife management.

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A must for anyone wanting to work or volunteer to work with wildlife!
  • Learn more about wildlife management, wildlife conservation, vertebrate zoology and much more to increase your knowledge of this topic.
  • Understand animal anatomy and physiology.
  • Learn about wildlife ecology and habitats.
  • Choose from a large range of elective modules to tailor the course to your areas of interest.
  • Course Duration: 1500 hours of self paced study.  Start at any time - study where and when you want.
Wildlife Management is a large and growing industry
On one hand it is engaged in conservation of threatened species; and on the other hand, it is very active in controlling populations of animals that are growing too large, or moving into the wrong places.
Wildlife managers can find employment in zoos and wildlife parks, conservation areas, in research and teaching, and also in pest control.
This course requires you to complete ten core modules. You can then choose five elective modules, so that you focus your studies to areas of wildlife that interest you in particular. 
You can find more information on the modules making up the Associate Diploma by clicking the links below.

Animal Anatomy And Physiology (Animal Husbandry I ) BAG101
Freelance Writing BWR102
Marine Studies I BEN103
Ornithology BEN102
Vertebrate Zoology BEN104
Wildlife Conservation BEN206
Wildlife Management BEN205
Zoo Keeping BEN208
Environmental Assessment BEN301
Industry Project BIP000

Students are to select and complete 5 of the elective modules from the choices below -

Animal Welfare

Carnivore Zoology


Each module in the Associate Diploma in Wildlife Management is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.


More Information on the Modules

You can find more information on the modules below.

Animal Anatomy and Physiology

The 11 lessons in this module are:

  1. Introduction to cells & tissues - Livestock classes, livestock products, interrelationship between crops and livestock, cells and tissues, special properties of cells, osmosis, nutrient waste.
  2. The Digestive System - Digestive system, mouth, tongue, teeth, oesophagus, simple stomach, small intestine, large intestine, ruminant stomach, accessory organs of the digestive system, digestion, absorption and utilisation in the simple stomach, enzymes, breakdown by microorganisms, digestion, absorption and utilisation in the ruminant stomach, mechanical action, action of micro-organisms, utilisation of the end products of digestion,
  3. The Circulatory System - Circulatory system, composition of blood, functions of blood, clotting mechanism, immunity, blood vessels, arteries, veins, capillaries, physiology of the circulatory system, rates of heart beats, spleen, lymphatic system, circulatory networks.
  4. The Urinary System - Anatomy of the urinary system, kidneys, ureter, bladder, physiology of urinary system, excretion in different animals.
  5. The Nervous System - central and peripheral nervous system, main parts of the nervous system, neurons, sensory neurons, motor neurons, central nervous system, the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system, cranial nerves, spinal nerves, autonomic nervous system, reflex actions, endocrine system, structure and function of the ear, hearing, structure and function of the eye, the iris, structure and function of the nose.
  6. Respiration - Anatomy of respiration, trachea, bronchial tree, lungs, physiology of respiration, gaseous exchange, rate and depth of breathing.
  7. The Reproductive System - Anatomy of the male reproductive system, testes, accessory organs, penis, physiology of male reproductive system, hormone production, sperm production, erection, ejaculation, fertility problems in males, venereal diseases, other diseases, injury, physical immaturity, emotional immaturity, nutrition, poor handling, anatomy of female reproductive system, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, physiology of the female reproductive system, ovulation, oestrus cycle, fertility problems, difficulties conceiving, venereal and other diseases, physical abnormalities, nutrition, inability to carry a fetus to full term, pregnancy and parturition, fertilisation, pregnancy, parturition,birth process, difficult births, structure of the mammary glands, secretion of milk, milk ejection, reproduction data for cows, sows and ewes.
  8. Muscles & Meat - Muscles and meat, smooth muscle, striated voluntary muscle, cardiac muscle, structure of meat, dressing out percentage, composition of the beef animal, meat quality and tenderness, juiciness, flavour, cuts and joints of meat.
  9. The Skeleton - Bones, how bones are formed, anatomy of bones, fractures and fracture healing, five types of bone, joints of bone, the skeleton, dentition, the dental formula, cattle, dental formula of an ox and cow, eruption of permanent teeth, pigs.
  10. Animal Growth, Development, and the Endocrine System - Growth and development, growth curve, prenatal growth, post-natal growth, fat, factors which affect the size of newborns, factors affecting post-natal growth, early maturing, compensatory growth, endocrine system, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal bodies, pancreas, testes, ovaries, pineal body, mucous membrane of the stomach.
  11. Comparing Different Animals - Poultry, digestion, gullet, crop, proventriculus, gizzard, intestine, caecum, rectum, incubating eggs, natural incubation, symptoms of a broody hen, fish.


Freelance Writing

There are 10 lessons in this module:

  1. Introduction - Categories of freelance writing, getting started, resources, resourcing the market, sources of information, how to develop yourself as a freelance writer, publishing alternatives, self-publishing, terminology.
  2. Basic Writing Skills - How to improve a piece of writing, essential writing skills, types of language, informative language, clear communication, making meaning clear, inconcise writing, condensing your writing, grammar, rules of speech, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, building a paragraph.
  3. Planning what you write - Conceptualisation, developing a concept, writing an outline or synopsis, planning your writing, word budget, writing structure, writing process, a writing routine, writer's equipment.
  4. The Publishing World -Contacting publishers, periodicals, books, sample publisher's contract, protection of writer's work, copyright, income from writing, copyright licensing payments, lending rights.
  5. Manuscripts - Preparing and presenting your manuscript for publication, editing, writing a sales package, the publishing process, presentation requirements, submitting your work.
  6. Newspaper Writing - Newspaper article types, news articles, short features, investigative article, human interest article, regular columns, fillers, local newspaper articles, interviews, conducting an interview.
  7. Magazine Writing - Magazine articles, what does a publisher/editor consider, article types, feature articles, how to articles, hobbies and sports articles, human interest, personal experience, service articles, interviews, travel writing.
  8. Writing Books - Fiction, writing fiction, plot, other factors to consider, non-fiction books, textbooks, other non-fiction books, fact finding, getting a book contract, books in print.
  9. Writing Advertising - Writing for public relations, writing press releases,  writing a promotional campaign, selling, effectiveness.
  10. Special Assignment - Reviewing your writing. Special assignment.


Marine Studies

This module has 9 lessons as follows:

  1. Marine Ecology Systems   Ecology; Marine Weather (including El Nino, Thermocline, Gulf streams, etc), Continental shelf, Nutrient cycle, Red tide, Plankton, Marine Plants (including Mangroves, Shallow & Deep water algae, etc).
  2. Shallow Waters & Reefs  Coral Reefs, Rocky Shorelines, Estuaries, Introduction to marine arthropods.
  3. Shellfish & Crustaceans   Molluscs and Brachiopods. True Crabs, Hermit Crabs, Lobsters, Prawns etc.
  4. Squid, Octopus, and Other Primitive Animals (Cephalopods and Clupeoids, etc).
  5. Fish Part A (Cartilaginous Fish) Sharks, Eels, Rays; Shark Life cycle, How dangerous are sharks? Effect of sharks on tourism, etc.
  6. Fish Part B (Bony Fish) Fish Anatomy/structure (identifying external & internal parts); legalities (protection of wildlife), types of fish, etc.
  7. Marine Mammals  (Dolphins, Whales, etc) Types of marine mammals, protection and politics, position of these animals in the food chain, products derived from marine mammals & substitutes for those products.
  8. Turtles, Sea Snakes and Seabirds  Types of turtles & sea snakes; toxicity of sea snakes; turtle protection, penguins and other sea birds (eg stints, knots, pelicans, swans, gulls, eagles, ibis, egrets, terns, shearwaters, gannets, albatross, prions, oyster-catchers and petrels).
  9. Human Impact on Marine Environments & Fishing   Human impact on marine environments; commercial vs recreational fishing, significance of certain mesopelagic fish, techniques for managing stocks of fish & other marine life.



The module consists of 9 lessons.

1.  Classification and Introduction to Bird watching

  • Nature and scope of ornithology (over 9,000 species).
  • Place of Birds in Nature.
  • Bird Classification (Aves, Ratitae, Carinate).
  • Use of common names and scientific names.
  • Fossil or Extinct Birds.
  • Classes and Sub Classes.
  • Comparing characteristics of different Super orders.
  • Comparing characteristics of all major bird Families.
  • Resources for further information.
  • Bird Watching equipment.

2.  The Biology of Birds

  • Anatomical features.
  • Skeleton.
  • Feathers.
  • Feather Colour.
  • Wings.
  • Wing Types (elliptical, high speed, long soaring, high lift).
  • Legs and Feet.
  • Beaks and Bills.
  • Internal Structure.
  • Respiration.
  • Excretion.
  • Digestion.
  • Circulation.
  • Senses.
  • Avian Behaviours  (Flight, Diving, Reproduction, Courtship, Bonding, Territoriality, Nesting).
  • Formation of Eggs and Hatching.
  • Feeding.
  • Vocalisations.
  • Migration.
  • Habitats.

3.  Common and Widespread Land Birds

  • Eagles and Relatives, Carthatidae (New World Vultures, Condors).
  • Pandionidae (osprey).
  • Accipitridae (hawks, eagles, kites).
  • Sagittariidae (secretary bird).
  • Falconidae (falcons, caracaras).
  • Crows and their Relatives.
  • Butcher birds, Currawongs and related birds.
  • Pigeons (structure, feeding, breeding, types).
  • Doves.
  • The Dodo.
  • Cuckoos.
  • Pest and Introduced Birds (for man countries), Indian Mynah, Sparrow, Thrush, Starling, etc.

4.  Giant Birds and Long Legged Birds

  • Ratitites, Ostrich, Emu, Moa, Rhea, Cassowary, Kiwi, South American Tinamous, extinct giant Elephant Bird and Dodo.
  • Herons, Storks and relatives.

5.  Seabirds and Water birds

  • Anseriformes: ducks, geese, swans etc.
  • Gruiformes: cranes, coots, mud hens, rails.
  • Charadriiformes: sandpipers, snipes, curlews, plovers, dotterels, etc.
  • Gaviiformes: divers.
  • Gulls, Skuas, Orks, Puffins, Terns.
  • Tube Nosed Birds.
  • Albatrosses.
  • Petrels, Storm Petrels and Diving Petrels.
  • Pelicans and Relatives.
  • Gannets.
  • Cormorants.
  • Boobies, Frigate Birds, Tropic Birds.
  • Penguins.

6.  Hunters -Birds of Prey, Owls, and Kingfishers

  • Eagles.
  • Eagle species.
  • Hawks.
  • Kites.
  • Osprey.
  • Falcons.
  • Vultures.
  • Owls.
  • Breeding behaviours of birds of prey.
  • Kingfishers.

7.  Passeriformes

  • Scope of "songbirds" or "perching birds".
  • Features common to Passeriformes.
  • Varieties of Passeriformes (Primitive and Advanced).
  • Muscicapidae: thrush.
  • Robins.
  • Flycatchers,  Larks, Pippits, Wingtails.
  • Swallows and Martins; physical characteristics, breeding and nesting.
  • Fringilllidae: finches.

8.  Other Birds

  • Parrots: structure, feeding, breeding, species.
  • Honeyeaters, Swifts.
  • Galliformes: chicken.
  • Other Orders.

9.  Attracting, Feeding and Keeping Birds

  • How plants benefit birds.
  • Plants that attract birds.
  • Feeding Birds.
  • Bird Care: parasites, catching and handling, caring for a sick bird.
  • Common Ailments.


Vertebrate Zoology

Lesson 1.  Vertebrate Taxonomy and Diversity Taxonomic classifications

  • Phylum, Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
  • Vertebrata, Chordata (chordates), Acrania, Urochordata (Tunicata), Ascidia, Synacidiae, Thaliacea (Salpae), Appendiculariae, Cyclostomata (Lampreys and Hagfish), Chondrichthyes (Sharks, Skates and Rays, Elephant Fishes), Osteichthyes (Bony Fishes) (Choanichthyes (Lungfish), Amphibia (Amphibians – Frogs and Toads, Newts and Salamanders, Caecilians), Reptilia (Crocodiles, Lizards and Snakes, Turtles and Tortoises, Marine Iguanas), Aves (Birds), Mammalia (Mammals).
  • Morphology and Evolution.
  • Environmental and Genetic Influences.
  • Speciation, Diversification.
  • Convergence.
  • Food types and distribution.
  • Terminology.

Lesson 2.  Fishes:  Fish Diversity - Covering major groups

  • Class Agnatha (jawless fishes).
  • Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes).
  • Class Osteichthyes (bony fishes).

Lesson 3.  Ectotherms –Amphibians and Reptiles

  • Definitions, Endothermy, Ectotermic, Tetrapods.
  • Urodela (Caudata) – Salamanders and Newts.
  • Order Anura (Salientia) – Frogs and Toads.
  • Order Apoda (Gymnophiona) –   Caecilians.
  • Class Reptilia – Reptiles (turtles, lizards, snakes, crocodiles and the extinct Dinosauria).
  • Order Rhynchocephalia – Tuatara.
  • Order Chelonia (Testudines) – Turtles.
  • Order Crocodilia – Crocodilians.
  • Order Squamata – Lizards and Snakes.

Lesson 4.  Birds

  • Physiology (Structure) and Anatomy, Feathers, Colour, Legs, Skeletal structure, Muscles, Senses.
  • Behaviour (Flight, Diving, etc).
  • Egg formation and Hatching.
  • Bird Taxonomy.
  • Ratitae (flightless) birds.
  • Carinatea (flying birds).
  • Bird orders (e.g. Grebes, divers, Ducks, geese and swans, Storks, flamingoes and herons, Owls, Eagles, falcons and hawks, Pelicans, gannets and cormorants.
  • Chickens, turkeys, game birds and mount birds.
  • Rails, coots and cranes.
  • Pigeons and sand grouse.
  • Gulls, auks and plovers.
  • Parrots, parakeets, Hummingbirds, swifts, Woodpeckers, toucans, Kingfishers, bee-eaters and hornbills, Trogonos, quetzals, plumed birds.
  • Perching birds such as sparrows, starlings, swallows (Passeriformes).
  • Diving birds, loons, Cuckoos, coucals Nighthawks, whippoorwills, Mousebirds, etc.

Lesson 5.  Mammals (Mammalia)

  • Overview.
  • Taxonomy.
  • Sub classes P Rototheria (egg laying animals).
  • Subclass Metatheria (Marsupials).
  • Subclass Eutatheria (Placental mammals - these include such diverse forms as whales, elephants, shrews, and armadillos, dogs, cats, sheep, cattle, horses, monkeys and, ofcourse, humans).

 Lesson 6. Marsupials

  • Subclass Metatheria (e.g. kangaroos, koalas, wombats, bandicoots, opossums, phalangers, etc).
  • Physiology.
  • Locomotion.
  • Reproduction.

Lesson 7. Grandorders Glires and Insectivora

  • Rodents, Rabbits, Pikas, Hedgehogs, Moles, Shrews and Tenrecs.
  • Taxonomy.
  • Structure.
  • Adaptations.

Lesson 8. Carnivores

  • Dogs, wolves, bears, racoons, cats, weasels, hyenas, seals, sea lions and walruses.
  • Taxonomy.
  • Physiology.
  • Adaptations.

Lesson 9. Hoofed Mammals (Ungulata)

There are 7 separate orders within Ungulata as follows:

  • Order Artiodactyla. This includes: Hippopotamus, Deer, Giraffe, Sheep, Cattle, Antelope, Camelids.
  • Order Cetacea. This includes: Dolphins, Porpoises, Whales.
  • Order Perissodactyla. This includes: Horses, Rhinoceros, Tapirs.
  • Order Tubulidentata. This includes: Ardvarks.
  • Order Hyracoidea. This includes:   Hyraxes (or Conies).
  • Order Proboscidea. This includes: Elephants.
  • Order Sirenia. This includes: Manatees and Dugongs.

Lesson 10. Primates and other Archonta.

This grandorder is sub divided into 4 sub orders:

  • Scandentia e.g. Tree Shrews.
  • Dermoptera e.g. Flying Lemurs, Colugos.
  • Chiroptera. This order comprises the bats.
  • Primates (or Order Primates and sub order Strepsirhini) e.g. humans, monkeys, apes and lemurs.

Wildlife Conservation

1. Introduction to Wildlife Conservation

  • What is wildlife conservation?
  • The need for wildlife conservation.
  • Important concepts ecology, ecosystem, biome, conservation values, biological diversity, genetic drift, habitat, life span, wildlife movement and wildlife management.
  • Threatening processes habitat fragmentation, habitat degradation and loss, soil degradation, erosion, pollution, unsustainable harvesting, invasive species, climate change, population isolation and disease.
  • Biodiversity indicators.
  • Terminology.

2. Recovery of Threatened Species

  • Loss of species categories of risk.
  • Species vulnerability to endangerment.
  • Recovery of species and threat management.
  • Habitat Conservation identifying critical habitat and protecting habitat.
  • Research population growth, habitat use and conservation genetics.
  • Captive breeding.
  • Translocation.
  • Public involvement.

3. Habitat Conservation

  • Habitat.
  • Types of Habitat e.g. temperate and tropical forests, woodland, tundra and mangrove habitats.
  • Habitat Use.
  • Species Richness.
  • Habitat Fragmentation.
  • Creating Habitats.
  • Restoration Ecology creating habitat corridors, situating corridors, types of corridors, edge effects.
  • Habitat Rehabilitation implementing a land management program, determining objectives, determining a program.
  • The Role of GIS in Conservation.
  • The Role of Protected Areas levels of protection, approaches to reserve selection and limitation of reserves.

4. Approaches to Conservation of Threatened Wildlife

  • Species Approach modelling demography, effective population size, small populations, population viability analysis (PVA).
  • Landscape Approach elements of landscape ecology, distribution of populations within a landscape, landscape modelling.
  • Ecosystem Approach the need for ecosystem management, understanding dynamics, adaptive management, objectives for ecologically sustainable forest management.

5. Vegetation Surveys

  • Plant Identification common names, scientific names, levels of division, botanical keys.
  • Vegetation survey techniques such as quadrant surveys, landscape assessments, line surveys.
  • Vegetation Mapping remote sensing data.

6. Fauna Surveys

  • Observation techniques spotlighting, scat surveys, census techniques.
  • Trapping Techniques radio tracking, call recordings, pit fall traps, Elliot traps.
  • Species identification.

7. Marine Surveys

  • Reef Surveys.
  • Habitat Surveys.
  • Aerial Surveys.
  • Overexploitation.
  • Commercial Fish Stock Management.

8. Planning for Wildlife

  • Farm Planning.
  • Urban Planning.
  • Use of GIS.

9. Management

  • Managing Threatened Wildlife Populations manipulating populations, revegetation/restoration, creating corridors, pest control plans, fencing for species, fire breaks.

10. Wildlife Conservation Project 


Wildlife Management

 There are 9 lessons as follows:

1.  Introduction to Wildlife Management

  • What is Wildlife Management.
  • Approaches to Wildlife Management  (Preservation, Conservation, Management).
  • Purpose of Wildlife Management.
  • Goals.
  • Decision Making (Who makes decisions, Making good decisions).
  • Needs of Wildlife.
  • What’s a Good Habitat.
  • Limiting factor.
  • Carrying capacity.
  • Landscape Fragmentation.
  • Habitat Diversity.
  • Arrangement.
  • Biological Control.
  • Integrated Pest Management.

2.  Wildlife Ecology

  • Ecology (Mutualism, Commensalisms, Competition, Predation, parasitism, herbivore).
  • Behavioural Ecology.
  • Population Ecology.
  • Community Ecology.
  • Ecosystem Ecology.
  • Interactions within a Community.
  • Competition.
  • Predation.
  • Parasitism.
  • Commensalism.
  • Mutualism.
  • The Food Web (Derital Web, Grazing Web, Trophic Levels).
  • Energy Flow.
  • Imbalances.

3.  Wildlife Habitats

  • Introduction.
  • Classification of Habitats.
  • Biomes, Ecosystems, Microclimates.
  • Timbered Biomes (Boreal Forest/ Taiga, Temperate Forest, Tropical Forest,  Woodland).
  • Scrubland.
  • Tropical Savannah.
  • Temperate Grassland.
  • Arctic Tundra.
  • Alpine.
  • Semi-desert.
  • Desert.
  • Man Made Biomes (Urban, Agricultural).
  • Wet Biomes (Mangrove, Rivers, Benthos, Pelagic, Continental Shelf, Coral Reef.
  • Animal Use of Features in Biomes (Trees, Logs, Surface Rocks and Ground Cover, Creeks, Wetlands and Dams).
  • Case Studies.
  • Changes to Habitats (Physical, Biological, Pollution).
  • Water for Wildlife.
  • Site Water Points.
  • Managing Trees.
  • Deforestation.
  • Afforestation.

4.  Population Dynamics

  • Populations.
  • Birth or Fecundity Rate.
  • Death or Mortality Rate.
  • Growth Rate.
  • Life Tables.
  • Cohort or Dynamic Life Tables (Age Specific).
  • Static or Time Specific Life Tables.
  • Rodents.
  • Squirrels.
  • Rabbits.
  • Mosquitoes.
  • Grasshoppers.
  • Case Studies of different animals in different countries.

5.  Carrying Capacity

  • Introduction.
  • Exponential Population Growth.
  • What is Carrying Capacity.
  • Fisheries stock management (stock Identification, assessment, biomass).
  • Stock Management Methods.

6.  Wildlife Censuses

  • Introduction and census types.
  • Total Counts.
  • Sampling (Simple Random, Stratified Random, Systemic, Two Stage, Double sampling).
  • Accuracy vs Precision.
  • Bias Errors.
  • Aerial Surveys.
  • Trapping.
  • Transects.
  • Indirect Methods.
  • Mark-Recapture method.
  • Roadside and Call Counts.
  • Mapping.
  • Sampling methods for specific types of animals (ie. Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Invertebrates, Mammals etc.).
  • Animal Ethics.
  • Case Study.

7.  Wildlife Management Techniques

  • Habitat Modification.
  • Fire.
  • Vegetation Management.
  • Predator Control.
  • Habitat Features.
  • Seeding.
  • Population Monitoring.
  • Captive Breeding and Release.
  • Culling and Cropping.
  • Control of pest or undesirable wildlife species.
  • Control Objectives.
  • Effects of Control.
  • Control Techniques (Manipulating mortality, fertility, Genetic Engineering, indirect methods).

8.  Wildlife Management Law and Administration

  • Policy and Wildlife Law.
  • International Environmental Law.
  • Treaties.
  • International Customary Laws.
  • Hard vs Soft Law.
  • Domestic/National Law.
  • Evolving Domestic Law.
  • Sources of Legislation.
  • Environmental Ethics.
  • Enforcement.

9.  Wildlife Management Case Study Research Project

Problem Based Learning Project with following aims:

  • Identify the objectives of a management program for an endangered species.
  • Determine appropriate techniques for carrying out a census of an endangered species.
  • Identify techniques for increasing the population of the endangered species.
  • Identify pest species and their undesirable effect on the endangered species of bird.
  • Identify techniques for reducing the undesirable impacts of the pest species on the endangered bird.
  • Present a management plan in a form that is appropriate for use by wildlife worker.

Zoo Keeping

There are 9 lessons in this module:

1. The Nature and Scope of Zoos
  • What is a Zoo?
  • The Evolution of Zoos.
  • Change in Zoo Design.
  • Modern Zoos, Fauna Sanctuaries and Safari Parks.
  • Legislation and Codes of Practice.
  • Animal Welfare.
  • Record Keeping.
  • Identification Tags.
  • Animal Taxonomy.
  • Phylums and Classes.
  • The Function of Zoos - Conservation, Research and Education.

2. Occupational Health and Safety in Zoos

  • Workplace Health & Safety.
  • Legislation.
  • Health and Safety Management in Zoos.
  • Training.
  • Workplace Health and Safety Practices.
  • Personal Protective Equipment PPE.
  • Moving Animals within the Zoo.
  • Restraining Animals.
  • Carrying out Veterinary Procedures.
  • Managing Visitor-Animal Contact.

3. Captive Husbandry – Nutrition and Feeding

  • Nutrition - Natural Diet.
  • Feeding Behaviour.
  • The Effect of Poor Nutrition.
  • Water Requirements of Animals.
  • Essential Dietary Components - Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats and Lipids.
  • Vitamins and Minerals - In food and Supplementing captive diets.
  • Food Storage and Preparation.
  • Presentation of Food.
  • Monitoring Feeding.
  • Feeding Enrichment.
  • Primates and Feeding Enrichment.

4. Captive Husbandry - Health

  • Monitoring Health - The Healthy Animal, Recognising Ill Health and Diagnosing Diseases.
  • Maintaining Health and Hygiene.
  • Diseases - Metabolic Diseases, Parasites, Diseases Common to Zoo Animals, Controlling the Spread of Diseases.
  • Quarantine and Vaccinations.
  • Record Keeping.

5. Captive Husbandry - Reproduction

  • The Need for Captive Breeding.
  • Goals of Captive Breeding.
  • Captive Breeding Issues.
  • Inbreeding in Captive Populations - the Genetic Effects and Results of Inbreeding.
  • Captive Breeding Programs - Issues and Constraints.
  • Monitoring Reproductive Status - External Signs and Indicators, Invasive Monitoring.
  • Assisted Reproduction - Artificial Insemination and IVF.
  • Stud Books.
  • Birth Control in Zoo Animals.

6. Captive Husbandry - Behaviour and Enrichment

  • Ethology.
  • What Motivates Behaviour?
  • Kinds of Behaviour - Reactive, Active and Cognitive.
  • Learned Behaviour - Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Imprinting and Habituation.
  • The Flight or Fight Response.
  • Abnormal Behaviours - e.g. Stereotypes.
  • Welfare Indicators.
  • Physical and Social Influences on Behaviour.
  • Behaviour Management.
  • Environmental Enrichment - Food, Physical, Cognitive, Social and Sensory.

7. Human-Animal Interactions

  • Human - Animal Interactions in Zoos.
  • Keeper - Animal Interactions.
  • Husbandry Routines - Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
  • Dealing with Dangerous Animals.
  • Handling Animals.
  • Fear of Humans.
  • Managing Visitor - Animal Interactions.

8. Enclosure Design and Maintenance

  • Optimum Enclosure Design.
  • Walk Through Enclosures - e.g. Butterfly Houses and Aviaries.
  • Natural Replication.
  • Routine Maintenance.
  • Providing Stimulating Environments - Physical, Feeding, Sensory and Social Enrichment.

9. Problem-based Learning Project – Environmental Enrichment

  • Environmental Enrichment Research Project.
  • Introduction and Definition of Problem-based Learning.
  • Problem Definition.
  • People Involved.
  • Resources.
  • Guidelines.
  • Discussion.
  • Final Report.


Environmental Assessment

There are 8 lessons in this module as follows:

1. Types of Employment for Environmental Scientists  Pre purchase inspections, background data, Flora and Fauna Surveys, Open Space Management Plans, Detection of Pollutants, Use of Plants, Remediation of Polluted Sites.

2. Introduction to Environmental Assessment  What is Environmental Assessment?  Definitions of Environmental Assessment,  General Principles and Overview of Environmental Assessment.

3. International Environmental Law  Foundations of Environmental Law, Making International Laws (Treaties and Customary Law), Milestones in International Environmental Law, Principles of International Environmental Law, Institutions that influence Environmental Law, Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Law.

4. Domestic Environmental Law  Examples of Domestic Environmental Law, Research into Domestic Environmental law.

5. Types of Environmental Assessments  Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Statement, Risk Assessment/ Risk Analysis, Ecological Risk Assessment, Strategic Environment Assessment, Environmental Audit, Regional Risk Screening, Ecological Impact Assessment, Social Impact Assessments and Statements, Economic and Fiscal Impact Assessment, Health Impact Assessment.

6. The Design and Process of Environmental Assessment  Steps in the Environmental Assessment Process (Scoping, Screening, Alternatives to the Proposal, Collection and Analysis of Information, Public Involvement, Reporting the Findings of the Study, Post Project Analysis) Study design (Baseline Studies, Predicting Impacts, Mitigation Measures), Data Collection and Analysis.

7. Writing Environmental Reports  The Scientific Method and Report Writing, Generic Outline for an Environmental Statement, Examples of Suggested Layouts for Environmental Assessments, Effective Report Writing.

8. Research Project  The Research Project is the student’s opportunity to test out their skills as an environmental consultant.  In this project, the student will carry out a small environmental assessment and write it up as a professional report.


Industry Project

There are 4 options available to you to satisfy this requirement:

Alternative 1.

If you work in the industry that you have been studying; you may submit a reference from your employer, in an effort to satisfy this industry (ie. workplace project) requirement; on the basis of RPL (ie. recognition for prior learning), achieved through your current and past work experience.

The reference must indicate that you have skills and an awareness of your industry, which is sufficient for you to work in a position of responsibility.

Alternative 2.

A one module credit (100 hrs) can be achieved by verifying attendance at a series of industry meetings, as follows:

Meetings may be seminars, conferences, trade shows, committee meetings, volunteer events (eg. Community working bees), or any other meeting where two or more industry people or people who are knowledgeable about their discipline.

Opportunity must exist for the student to learn through networking, observation and/or interaction with people who know their industry or discipline

A list of events should be submitted together with dates of each attended and times being claimed for each

Documentary evidence must be submitted to the school to indicate support each item on the above list (eg. Receipts from seminars, conference or shows, letters from committee or organisation secretaries or committee members. All such documentation must contain a contact details)

Alternative 3.

Credits can be achieved by completing standard modules Workshop I, II and/or III.

Each of these modules comprises a series of “hands on” PBL projects, designed as learning experiences that involve interaction with the real world. (This approach is based upon tried and proven learning approaches that originated in American universities but are now widely used and respected by academia throughout many countries). See the web site or handbook for more detail.


Workshop I

There are 3 lessons, each involving a PBL project, as follows:

1. Workplace Tools, Equipment and Materials: Identifying and describing the operation of tools and equipment used in the workplace; routine maintenance of tools and equipment; identifying and comparing materials used in the workplace; using different materials to perform workplace tasks.

2. Workplace Skills: Determining key practical skills in the workplace; identifying and comparing commonly-performed workplace tasks; determining acceptable standards for workplace tasks; implementing techniques for improving workplace efficiency.

3. Workplace Safety: Identifying health and safety risks in the workplace; complying with industry OH&S standards; developing safety guidelines for handling dangerous items.

What is PBL? Problem-based learning has been defined as: “A learning method based on using problems as a starting point for acquisition and integration of new knowledge.”

Alternative 4.

If you do not work in the relevant industry, you need to undertake a project as follows.

Procedure for a Workplace Project

This project is a major part of the course involving the number of hours relevant to the course (see above). Although the course does not contain mandatory work requirements, work experience is seen as highly desirable.

This project is based on applications in the work place and specifically aims to provide the student with the opportunity to apply and integrate skills and knowledge developed through various areas of formal study.

Students will design this project in consultation with a tutor to involve industry based activities in the area of specialized study which they select to follow in the course. The project outcomes may take the form of a written report, folio, visuals or a mixture of forms. Participants with relevant, current or past work experience will be given exemption from this project if they can provide suitable references from employers that show they have already fulfilled the requirements of this project.

For courses that involve more than 100 hours, more than one workplace project topic may be selected. For example, 200 hours may be split into two projects each of 100 hours. This will offer the student better scope to fulfill the needs of their course and to meet the number of hours required. Alternatively, the student may wish to do one large project with a duration of 200 hours.

Students will be assessed on how well they achieve the goals and outcomes they originally set as part of their negotiations with their tutor. During each 100 hours of the project, the students will present three short progress reports. These progress reports will be taken into account when evaluating the final submission. The tutor must be satisfied that the work submitted is original.

If the student wishes to do one large 200 hour report, then only three progressive reports will be needed (however the length of each report will be longer).


Animal Healthcare

There are 12 lessons as follows:

1. Introduction to Animal Health Care

Includes: animal welfare and control; veterinary services; code of practice; transporting animals.

2. Common Health Problems in farm animals and pets

Includes: causes of ill health, injury, pains, conditions, nutritional problems; living organisms; parasites; family pets common conditions; dogs; cats; caged birds; aquarium fish; mice; wild animals common conditions; reptiles.

3. Animal Behaviour

Includes: communication in dogs; scent; barking; body language; handling cats; bird language; types of behaviour; time orientation; space orientation; territorial behaviour; aggression; horse psychology.

4. Signs of Ill Health

Includes: vital signs, the healthy animal; signs & symptoms of diseases; recognising ill health; diagnosis of diseases; taking smears, taking tissue samples; diagnosis and control of different types of diseases including viruses; bacteria; protozoa; parasites; mites; fleas.

5. Veterinary Facilities

Includes: first aid kit; record management; enclosure for animals; environmental requirements.

6. Safety Procedures

Includes: duty of care; lifting heavy weights; reducing back injury, protective equipment; dealing with chemicals; skin penetrating injuries; risk categories; separating animals; disposal of dead/infected tissues; dangerous non-animal wastes; storage and handling of medicines; handling larger animals.

7 Administration of Animal Health

Includes: animal insurance; quarantine; importing animals; managing a veterinary office; telephone usage; record keeping; filing information.

8. Animal First Aid

Includes: types of wounds; cuts; punctures; tears; treating and cleaning wounds; granulating wounds; stitching a wound; bone and joint problems; broken bones; tendon injury; poisoning; restraining animals during first aid; restraining cats; restraining dogs; restraining horses; restraining cattle; restraining sheep.

9. Preventative Health Care

Includes: diet; insect control; dip; vaccinate; avoid stressing livestock; vaccination.

10. Routine Health Treatments

Includes: desexing; castration; vasectomy; spaying; tubal ligation; castration of cats, dogs; pregnancy; gestation periods; euthanasia; anaesthesia and analgesia; preparing an animal for surgery; sterilising equipment; castrating a colt.

11. Health Problems in Domestic Pets

Includes: burns; urinary tract infections; shock; electrolytes, ticks; reptiles; fish problems.

12. Rehabilitation Care

Includes: animal nursing, planning a recovery.


Nature Park Management

There are 12 lessons in this module as follows:

1. Introduction to Nature Park Management  The role and scope of nature parks; the importance of indigenous vegetation in nature parks.

2. Basic Ecology  The environment, plants and animals; ecosystem concepts.

3. Soil Management in Nature Parks  Soil characteristics and problems; earthworks.

4. Plant Maintenance  Basic gardening techniques; natural gardening; plant selection; succession planting; equipment.

5. Design of Nature/Wilderness Parks I  Collecting site information; preparing concept plans.

6. Design of Nature/Wilderness Parks II  Drawing the final plan; construction estimates; designing animal enclosures.

7. Weed Management  Characteristics of weeds; weed control; environmental weeds.

8. Pest and Disease Management  Management strategies; chemical safety.

9. Culture of Indigenous Plants  Techniques for establishing vegetation; planting design.

10. Tree Management  Role of trees in nature parks; tree maintenance plans; pruning and tree surgery.

11. Turf Care  Turf varieties in nature parks; lawn preparation, establishment and maintenance.

12. Rehabilitation  Problems and Solutions – aims and strategies; soil problems and solutions in degraded sites.


Animal Behaviour

There are 8 lessons in this module:

1. Introduction: Influences and motivation

  • What is behaviour?
  • Causes of behaviour (genetics, learning, external and internal influences).
  • Reactive, active and cognitive behaviour.
  • Conditioning.

2. Genetics and Behaviour

  • Understanding biology.
  • Natural selection.
  • Genetic variation.
  • Development of behaviour.
  • Behavioural genetics.

3. Animal Perception and Behaviour

  • How animals perceive things.
  • What stimulates them and how do those stimuli function.
  • Instinct.
  • Neural control.
  • Sensory processes, sight, sound, hearing etc.

4. Behaviour and the Environment

  • Coordination.
  • Orientation.
  • Homeostasis.
  • Acclimatisation.
  • Circadian rhythms.
  • Biological clocks.
  • Reproductive cycles etc.

5. Social Behaviour

  • Animal Societies.
  • Aggression.
  • Social constraints.
  • Social order.
  • Play.
  • Biological clocks.
  • Communication.

6. Instinct and Learning

  • Conditioning and learning.
  • Extinction and habituation.
  • Instrumental learning.
  • Reinforcement.
  • Operant behaviour.
  • Biological and cognitive aspects of learning.

7. Handling Animals

  • Psychological effects of different handling techniques.
  • Training animals (horses, cats, dogs etc).
  • The student has a choice of which types of animals to focus on, though a variety will still be covered.

8. Behavioural Problems

  • Abnormal behaviour (eg. Psychotic, neurotic).
  • Domestication of animals.
  • Reducing human contact.
  • Reducing human dependence.


Diagnosing Animal Diseases

This module has 9 lessons:

1. How Animal Diseases are Diagnosed  Conducting  clinical examinations, gross and clinical pathology, information to collect and how to collect it (live animal and necropsy samples), specialist support services to assist in diagnosis (i.e. types of laboratories, specialist vets etc).

2. Diagnostic Testing  Pathways followed to detect and diagnose different types of diseases, information to be supplied with samples for diagnostic testing, and diagnostic techniques.

3. Viral Diseases  Characteristics of viruses and the significance of a range of viral diseases that affect animals. You will study viral taxonomy, types and structure of viruses, virus replication cycle, transmission, and some common viral conditions.

4. Bacteria and Fungal Diseases  This lesson looks at the characteristics of bacterial and fungal organisms. Topics include: laboratory identification, controlling infections, specimen collection, and important disease conditions.

5. Parasitological Conditions  Discuss and differentiate a range of conditions that are caused by parasites. Topics include: Terminology and classification, life cycles, protozoa, helminths, and arthropods.

6. Metabolic and Nutritional Conditions  This lesson covers a range of common metabolic conditions affecting cattle, horses, pigs, sheep/goats, cats and dogs.

7. Poisoning  Discuss and differentiate some common disorders that result from poisoning or toxins. These include: Cardio-respiratory, Central Nervous System (CNS), dermatological, gastrointestinal, hepatological, and haematological disorders.

8. Inherited Conditions (Genetic Disorders)  Discuss types of genetic inheritance, and give examples of genetic diseases affecting horses, dogs, and cats.

9. Other Conditions and Disorders  Identify and discuss miscellaneous conditions such as allergies, dehydration, and age related conditions.

10. Research Project  In this project you will evaluate symptoms of ill-health or disease displayed by a set of animals, and go through the process of identifying the problem and deciding on a course of treatment.


Marine Studies II

There are 10 lessons and 10 Assignments; as follows:

1. Introduction and Simple Organisms

  • Terminology.
  • Classification or Taxonomy.
  • Simple and microscopic organisms.
  • Types of protazoans.
  • Ciliates.
  • Flagellates.
  • Algae.
  • Bacteria.
  • Plankton.
  • Sponges.

2. Marine Plants

  • Terminology.
  • Overview of seaweeds.
  • Chlorophyta (Green Algae).
  • Phaeophyta (Brown Algae).
  • Rhodophyta (Red algae).
  • Marine fungi.
  • Marine flowering plants: sea grasses, mangroves, salt marsh plants.

3. Cnidarians and Worms

  • Terminology.
  • Anemones.
  • Jellyfish.
  • Crustaceans.
  • Worms: flatworms, ribbon worms, round worms.
  • Segmented worms. peanut worms, giant tube worms.

4. Arthropods

  • Introduction.
  • Characteristics.
  • Prawns and shrimps.
  • Deep water prawns in the atlantic.
  • The common prawn (Palaemon serratus).
  • Giant red shrimp.
  • Pink prawn.
  • Shallow water prawns.
  • Indian white prawn.
  • Tiger prawn.
  • Kuruma shrimp.
  • Green tiger prawn.
  • Peneaeus notialis and others.
  • Barnacles.
  • Crabs.
  • True crabs.
  • Hermit crabs.

5. Molluscs

  • Introduction and classification.
  • Characteristics.
  • Gastropods.
  • Whelk.
  • Bivalves.
  • Mussels and oysters.
  • Cocles.
  • Green lipped mussels, common mussel, mediterranean mussel, and others
  • Pacific oyster, European flat oyster, Olympia oyster.
  • Nudibranchs (open gilled sea slugs).
  • Cephalapods.
  • Octopuses.
  • Biology of the octopus.
  • Cuttlefish.
  • Squid: classification and biology.
  • Oegopsida squid and other squid.
  • Chitons.

6. Echinoderms

  • Terminology.
  • Characteristics of Echinoderms.
  • Starfish.
  • Sea Urchins.
  • Sea Cucumbers.

7. Non Bony Fishes

  • Lampreys.
  • Hagfishes.
  • Sharks.
  • Rays.

8. Bony Fishes I

  • Introduction.
  • Terminology.
  • Structure and biological characteristics.
  • Classification.

9. Bony Fishes II

  • Families within Oesteichyes.
  • Mesopelagic fish: distribution, life historyand ecology.
  • Clupeoids (eg. sardine, herring).
  • Tunas: types, life history, feeding, predators.
  • Mackerels.
  • Bill Fish (Marlins, spear fish, sail fish).

10. Marine Mammals and Higher Animals

  • Marine reptiles: sea snakes, sea turtles, crocadylians.
  • Pinnipeds (seals walruses, Seal lions).
  • Dugongs and Manatees.
  • Whales and Dolphins.
  • Sea birds.


Nature Park Management II

There are 10 lessons as follows: -

1. Natural Environments  Preserving natural environments; plant associations and environment rehabilitation.

2. Recreation and the Environment  Impact of recreation on natural environments.

3. Wildlife Management in Nature Parks  Impact of park visitors on wildlife; managing wildlife.

4. Visitor Amenities in Nature Parks  Design; provision of visitor amenities including picnic areas and campgrounds; management of facilities.

5. Park Interpretation  Interpretative facilities including signs and education programs.

6. Trail Design and Construction  Designing access routes in parks; designing and constructing walking tracks.

7. Water Areas  Conserving and managing natural water bodies in nature park; impact of humans on water areas.

8. Marketing Nature Parks  Strategies used to promote nature parks.

9. Risk Management I  Identifying, minimising and managing natural hazards; safety issues.

10. Risk Management II  Preparing a risk management plan.


Animal Breeding

There are 10 lessons as follows:

1. Introduction to Animal Health

Learn to describe common diseases affecting farm animals and the circumstances under which animals contract these diseases - the healthy animal, causes of ill health, preventing ill health.

2. Signs & Symptoms of Diseases

The physical symptoms of diseases in farm animals - common methods of handling animals during health assessments, recognising ill health, restraining a horse, sheep handling facilities.

3. Disease Classification

Methods used in classifying animal diseases – viral diseases, bacterial diseases, parasitic diseases, protozoal diseases, disease types in beef cattle, diseases in sheep.

4. Causes and Diagnosis of Disease

The causes of disease and the relevant methods of diagnosis - examining cattle, examining a horse, ticks, tick-borne diseases, diagnosis of diseases.

5. Treatment of Disease

Methods used in the treatment of diseases in farm animals - vaccination, the animal first aid kit, tetanus antiserum, animal nursing, quarantine, slaughter, post mortem, disease prevention in cattle, disease prevention in sheep, treatment of parasites in sheep.

6. Inflammation

Outline the nature and causes of inflammation in farm animals - the inflammatory response, causes of inflammation, types of inflammation, symptoms of inflammation, inflammatory exudate, treatment of inflammation.

7. Fever and Immunity

The biological mechanisms underlying fever and the immune system in farm animals - the fever mechanism, other temperature related disorders, effect of temperature on enzymes, immunity.

8. Tissue Repair

The biological mechanisms underlying tissue repair in farm animals - healing of a clean incised wound, healing of an open wound, common horse ailments to recognise.

9. Wounds

The biological mechanisms of wounds in farm animals and address different treatment methods for repair of common ailments - types of wounds, first aid treatments, bandaging horses, emergencies.

10. Cell changes

The causes and biological mechanisms of cell change in farm animals - neoplasms, tumours and cancers, the course of an infectious disease, death, cancers etc. 

What's it like working with wildlife?

Working in wildlife education and interpretation can be a very rewarding and inspiring career choice.

People working with wildlife always appear to ‘love’ their job even though parts of it may be physically demanding and sometimes dirty work. Being in contact with wildlife and having the opportunity to educate others on the conservation importance of these animals is for some people a dream job.

What training do I need?
In order to work in the Wildlife Education and Interpretation sector, you do not necessarily require a degree or qualification, although it does help. Many people decide they want a career change and start volunteering with wildlife parks or national parks by guiding tours or caring for wildlife. This is an excellent way to get a foot in the door and create a network of contacts within the industry.

After gaining skills and knowledge through volunteering, you may end up obtaining paid work. If you wishes to progress further once having obtained a job in this field, studying for a Certificate, Diploma, or Degree may be necessary. For example, most people working in wildlife parks have some kind of qualification in zoo keeping or wildlife handling and care.

Can Captive Wildlife be Trained?
Training animals in captive environments implies experience and knowledge of proper handling and animal welfare, as well as special training skills and cognition or understanding of animal psychology.

Captive animals may exhibit abnormal behaviour or different to that displayed naturally in the wild due to enclosure, social deprivation or even changes in their feeding habits. It is important, therefore, that the trainer is completely aware of each animals’ natural needs and that it is receiving adequate care, nurture, stimulation and discipline.

Good discipline and training can create bond and communication between the animal and its trainer, which, in turn, can lead to the animals well-being and happiness within the enclosure, as well as during health procedures that the animal might normally reject.

Some animals, however, are easier to be trained than others, whereas others might not have the ability to understand and obey commands, but might have more reasons to be trained. Dolphins, for example, are an excellent example of all the points noted above. Dolphins are natural long distance and fast swimmers, requiring a large open ocean space in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle in terms of physical body needs, feeding and reproductive habits, and psychological development. Therefore, these characteristics may reflect abnormal behaviour if kept in a confined facility, however, dolphins have shown to adapt and perform with joy and motivation to each command a human trainer expects and implies if training and husbandry is properly attained.

Why Study this Course?

This is a great course to choose, if you want to not only learn about the subject now but keep learning after you finish studying. We believe a good course should not only develop intelligence and knowledge; but also:
  • Improve your ability to communicate with others within the discipline;
  • Develop problem solving skills relevant to this discipline;
  • Expand awareness and develop creativity;
  • Facilitate networking (develop contacts within an industry);
  • Develop attributes that set you apart from others in your industry;
  • Motivate you, build confidence, and more.
According to some authorities, success is actually only affected about 20% by your knowledge and intelligence.

Our school works at helping you in a holistic way, to develop all of the things
mentioned above, in a way that relates to the discipline you are studying; and
in this way, giving you the capacity to apply yourself to unanticipated problems,
to understand new information as it emerges, to see and seize on new opportunities as they reveal themselves, and to continue to grow your abilities within your discipline as you progress through life after study.

In a world that is changing faster all the time; it is difficult to even be certain how this industry might change between the start of your course, and the time you finish studying. With this in mind, any course that is to have long term value in today's world, must develop broad generic skills (as above). This approach to education is not unique to ACS, but it is an approach tested, proven and adopted in our courses, and an approach that is also used by some of the most successful, cutting edge universities and colleges around the world.





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Meet some of our academics

Alison Pearce (general)P.G.Cert. Ed., M.Ecotourism, S.Sc. (Hons). Alison has held many positions including: University Lecturer, Writer, Quality Assurance Manager, Research Technician, Vet Nurse and stockwoman. Over 30 years industry experience, mostly in Australia and the UK.. Alison originally graduated with an honors degree in science from university and beyond that has completed post graduate qualifications in education and eco-tourism. She has managed veterinary operating theatre, responsible for animal anaesthesia, instrument preparation, and assistance with surgical techniques and procedures.
Dr. Gareth PearceGraduated from the University of Nottingham in 1982 with a B.Sc.(Hons) in Animal Science. Between 82 and 85 worked as Research Assistant and Demonstator in Animal Science at the University of Leeds. Over more than 30 years he has furthered his studies, obtaining eight significant university qualifications including degrees in Veterinary Science, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Behaviour. Gareth has significant teaching experience around the world as a faculty member at eight different universities including Associate Professor at Murdoch University and Director of Studies in Veterinary Science at Cambridge University. He has over 100 prestigious research papers published, and enjoys an outstanding international reputation in the fields of animal and veterinary science.
Marius Erasmus Subsequent to completing a BSc (Agric) degree in animal science, Marius completed an honours degree in wildlife management, and a masters degree in production animal physiology. Following the Masters degree, he has worked for 9 years in the UK, and South Africa in wildlife management, dairy, beef and poultry farming.

Check out our eBooks

Horse CareThis book is an accumulation of information from biology, agricultural science and veterinary medicine. It looks to explore and explain the fundamentals of appropriate horse care aims and techniques. In doing so it will consider horsemanship as a combination of art and science.
Marine AnimalsWith colour photos splashed throughout, this Marine Animals e-book is designed to provide a guide for some of the more common animals found in marine ecosystems around the world. Learn about the creatures hidden by the other 70% of the earth's surface. Explore more...
LeadershipWhat makes a good leader? Is it an innate personality trait or a skill that can be acquired? This book is an excellent guide to the theories and practice of leadership. It is full of interesting facts about social dynamics and examples of leadership styles. For those who are curious or in need of some leadership skills, this book will provide both entertainment and advice.
Caring for DogsA book for both students and dog owners. This book has been designed to complement our dog care and pet care courses; but also to provide a sound foundation for choosing the right breed, and caring for a dog whether as a pet, or a working animal. Contents cover Breeds, Creating a healthy home for dogs, legal issues, dog biology, recognising poor health, parasites, illnesses, nutrition, reproduction, dog psychology, behavioural development, training tips, behaviour problems, grooming, working in the dog industry, and more.