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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Statement of Attainment
Study Weight Loss at Home Distance Learning
  • Become a Weight Loss Consultant or Advisor
  • Learn about how and why people loose and gain control over their weight
  • Learn about the weight loss industry, employment and business opportunities, and develop a foundation for starting a business as a weight loss consultant

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Become a Weight Loss Consultant or Advisor

  • Learn about how and why people lose and gain control over their weight
  • Learn about the weight loss industry, employment and business opportunities, and develop a foundation for starting a business as a weight loss consultant



There are 8 lessons in this course:
  1. Scope and Nature of Weight Loss
    • Obesity Defined
    • Genetics
    • Diet
    • Exercise
    • Life Events
    • Adolescence
    • Pregnancy
    • Menopause
    • Middle Age
    • Stopping Smoking
    • Weight gain linked to Medication
    • Weight gain following Injury or Illness
    • Scope and Nature of Weight Loss Industry
    • Health Programmes
    • Meal Replacement Products
    • Pharmacotherapy
    • Surgery for Weight Loss
  2. Managing Physical Activity
    • Role of Physical Activity in Energy Balance
    • Role of Physical Activity Raising Metabolic Rate
    • Bone Mass Maintenance
    • Physical Activity and Mental Health
    • Specific Aspects of Exercise When Overweight
    • Tips to get started with Exercise
    • Types of Exercise and Effectiveness for Weight Loss
    • Cardiovascular Activity
    • Optimum Target Heart Rate for Fat Burning
    • Resistance Activities
    • Exercise Progression
    • Recommending Exercise
  3. Managing the Diet
    • Teaching Portion Control
    • Beginning to Address Portion Control
    • Energy Density
    • Fats and Energy Density
    • Sources of Fats
    • Tips to Reduce Fat
    • Practical Tips Based on Daily Meal Plan
    • Sugar and Weight Reducing
    • General Weight Loss Tips
    • Using Food Diaries
    • Nutrition Resources and Lesson Planning
  4. Managing the Psychology
    • Eating and Emotions
    • The Brain and Weight Management
    • Managing the Psychology
    • Helping People to Make Changes
    • Stages of Change Explained -Pre contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Relapse
  5. Tools for the Consultant
    • Determining Weight Status of Clients
    • Administering Weight Checks
    • Calculating BMI
    • Interpreting BMI
    • Setting Targets
    • Determining Waist Measurement
    • Health Evaluation
    • Nutritional Advice
    • Running Supermarket Tours
    • Food Labels
  6. Delivering Weight Loss Services
    • Individual Consultations
    • Features of an Ideal One to One Consultation
    • Good Questioning Skills
    • Running Group Sessions
    • Running Independent Weight Management Group Sessions
    • Joining an Established Weight Management Business
    • Potential Barriers to Weight Loss
    • Social Issues and Pressure
    • Time Constraints
    • Lifestyle
    • Physical Limitations
    • Psychological Limitations
    • Age
    • Hormonal Issues
  7. Conducting a Weight Loss Consultation
    • The Nest Step
    • Target Marketing
    • Demand
    • Competition
    • Location
    • PBL Project -A major project 
  8. Establishing a Weight Loss Business
    • Starting a New Business
    • Personality and Lifestyle
    • Affordability
    • Industry Knowledge and Experience
    • Starting a Business versus Buying a Franchise
    • Business Plans
    • The Planning Process
    • Marketing
    • The Marketing Plan, Promotion, Advertising, Networking
    • Summary of a Successful Business
Duration:  100 hours
Course Aims
  • Explain factors that affect weight in a body.
  • Determine the scope and nature of the weight loss industry in your region.
  • Explain the role of physical activity in weight loss and provide practical advice and resources for you to use as a weight loss consultant.
  • Explain the role of dietary change in weight loss and provide practical advice and resources for you to use as a weight loss consultant.
  • Explain a variety of ways that psychology can be applied to the control of weight.
  • Determine weight status of clients
  • Select and implement and manage the use of different techniques to control weight in clients
  • Identify a viable weight loss service, and those things that must be done to optimize the chance of ongoing success.
  • Adapt dietary resources based on needs of an individual or a particular group.
  • Planning to start a weight management group
  • Develop a weight management service as a business


How to Build Self Esteem

To improve our self-esteem, we need to challenge how we see ourselves.  Here are some things that can work, and are often worth trying:

  • Do something you enjoy and that you are good at. This might be a hobby, it might be sport, some aspect of your work, anything that you really enjoy doing. You don’t have to be brilliant at it, but feel that you are getting something out of it. Say you enjoy painting, but are not actually very good. If you enjoy the time you spend sitting there and painting and creating do it. If you are sitting there thinking you are not very good at painting, this is not going to help your self-esteem, so make sure you focus on something you enjoy and want to do, not something that you think you should do. Try something easy at first.
  • It is too easy to think that we are going to fail. If we decide we are going to be a brilliant painter straight away, we may feel disappointed with what we have done. So starting with small steps, like a beginner’s painting class or a drawing class can help us to start to develop our skills. If we can achieve in one step, we can move onto the bigger steps.
  • Work can help with our self-esteem. If you are in paid employment, doing your job well or working towards promotion can help our self-esteem. If you are not in paid employment, you can seek out other options, such as voluntary work.  This can make you feel good about yourself and help you to achieve.

  • Build positive relationships – try to have relationships with people who are not critical of you, people who are supportive of you.  If you feel you can rely on and trust your friends and people you mix with, this can help you to feel better about yourself.

  • Be assertive. It is hard to be assertive. Sometimes we are not able to or we might come across as aggressive.  Mind UK, the mental health charity, suggests we show assertiveness by –
    “The following things will help you act in a more assertive way:
  1. Pay attention to your body language as well as to the words you say –try to be open and confident.
  2. Try to express your feelings if you have been upset – wait until you
    feel calm and explain clearly how you feel.
  3. Say ‘no’ to unreasonable requests.
  • Tell people if you need more time or support with tasks that you find

  • Try to speak in the first person where possible – e.g. ‘When you speak
    to me like that, I feel… ’. This allows you to explain what you want to
    happen without appearing aggressive or scared.”

  • Being assertive is a skill like everything else and needs to be practised.  
  • If we are physically healthy, we are likely to be happier and have higher self esteem, so pay attention to physical aspects of yourself -
    -Make sure you get enough sleep.  If you are not sleeping well, this can impact upon how you feel physically and mentally.  
    -Get enough fresh air and exercise
    -Ensure your diet is good and balanced

  • Set yourself realistic challenges. As we said earlier, if we set goals that are too large, it can be hard to achieve them, but if we set realistic challenges, we are more likely to achieve them and feel good about ourselves. So rather than deciding to run a marathon next year. Why not decide to aim to walk at least two miles a day for two weeks, then move on from there. It doesn’t matter where you start from, it is the small steps that help you move forward and to succeed.
  • Learn to identify your own negative thoughts and where they come from. Also, try to look at when they happen. Some people will have patterns of when they feel negative thoughts. This can be at certain times of the week or when they have to face certain social situations. Look at how you feel and try to work out how to change how you feel about a situation.  Think about your own negative thoughts. “I’ve been invited to a party, but I won’t go because I’m too fat/too boring/have nothing to wear/won’t know anyone” etc etc.  Try and rationally think if that is true and try and overcome those feelings.
  • Look at your other negative thoughts. For example, if a person does not answer when you phone them, do you think they are avoiding you? Do you start to think – what have I done wrong? It could be that they are busy and couldn’t get to the phone, but when we have low self-esteem, it is easy to start to think that the person is not answering the phone because they are avoiding us, rather than what is actually happening.
  • Focus on positive things. Think about what is good about you. You might feel that you are overweight, but you might be a brilliant cook or great at your job or wonderful with animals.  You might think that you are not clever enough to do a course, but actually you might be very good at focussing on your work, finding out answers and might be better at studying than you think.  
  • Sometimes people with low self-esteem might require counselling to help them to resolve their issues.






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