Learn to Work in Health By Studying this Foundation Diploma in Natural Health

An excellent course for people looking to enter into a career in Natural Therapies, Health Support Services or Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
Study this alone, or as a foundation course for higher qualifications.
You also have the option of being awarded the Foundation Diploma through our UK school, a college that has also been assessed and approved for training in natural therapies and nutrition by the Complimentary Medicine Association (UK).
The Foundation Diploma might also be used to gain significant credits for the Pre-Medical Diploma offered by Warnborough College in the UK and Ireland (which has been used in the past to gain entry to medical degrees in a number of overseas countries).
Duration: 1000 hours
The Foundation Diploma consists of 10 modules:
- Human Anatomy and Physiology BSC101
- Nutrition I BRE102
- Nutrition II BRE202
- Nutrition III BRE302
- Biochemistry I BSC102

- Biochemistry II BSC203
- Biochemistry III BSC302
- Biology (Cell Biology)
- Introduction to Psychology BPS101
- Counselling Skills I
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
This subject must be undertaken before any of the other modules. The subject provides a solid foundation for the rest of your studies. It contains 6 lessons as outlined below:
- Cells & Tissues - Explains the human body at a microscopic level, including the structure and function of cells, tissues and membranes.
- The Skeleton - Examines features of the human skeletal system.
- The Muscular System - Describes the human muscular system, in terms of structure and basic function.
- The Nervous System – Looks at the human nervous system, in terms of structure and basic functions.
- Digestion & Excretion - Explains different physiological systems of digestion and excretion in the body.
- Physiological Systems – Focuses on the different physiological systems of the body.
Nutrition I
There are nine lessons in this course as follows:
- Introduction to Nutrition - Explain the role of different food types in human health
- The Digestive System - Understand and explain the anatomy of digestion
- Absorption & Enzymes - To understand and explain the physiology of digestive processes
- Energy Value and Foods - Understanding the science of nutrition
- Carbohydrates and Fats - Recommend appropriate carbohydrate intake and recommend appropriate fat intake for a specific person
- Proteins - Recommend appropriate protein intake
- Vitamins and Minerals - Recommend appropriate intake of vitamins and minerals
- Water - Recommend appropriate water intake in different situations
- Nutrient Disorders - Recognise symptoms of the major nutrient disorders
Nutrition II
There are 8 lessons in this course as follows:
- Cooking and its Effect on Nutrition - Determine the appropriate food preparation for different foods, in relation to its value for human health
- Food Processing and its Effect on Nutrition - Explain the characteristics of food processing techniques and their implications for human health
- Recommended Daily Intake of Nutrients - Understand the minimum and maximum safe intake for macronutrients, vitamins and minerals
- Vitamins - Manage dietary intake of more significant vitamins including fat soluble, B and C complex vitamins for good health
- Minerals - Manage dietary requirements of significant minerals including calcium & iron for good health
- Planning a Balanced Diet - Plan in detail, an appropriate seven day diet plan, for an "average" adult
- Assessing Nutritional Status & Needs - Determine dietary needs of different individuals and sub populations
- Diet Planning for Special Needs - Plan diets for specific needs for people at different stages of life
Nutrition III
There are eight lessons in this course as follows:
- Nutrient Imbalance and Disease - Explain different food related health problems
- Dental Problems - Manage diet to optimise dental health
- Fibre and Bowel Diseases - Understand the role of dietary fibre in the diet and how it relates to bowel diseases
- Different Ways of Eating - Determine the effect which different physical methods of food intake, can have upon health, including the time and order of eating, and chewing
- Food Toxicity: Sensitivity - Manage food sensitivity problems
- Food Toxicity: Toxicity - Implement procedures to know and avoid food poisoning
- Detoxification/Body Cleansing - Understand detoxification; methods, purpose and efficacy
- Consulting/Giving Advice - Recommend a nutritional program to a client in a proper and responsible manner
Biochemistry I
There are ten lessons in this course as follows:
- Introduction to biochemistry - Identify characteristics of common chemical compounds important in animal and human biochemistry
- Lipids and proteins - Explain the characteristics of major biochemical groups including carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
- Enzymes and hormones - Explain the characteristics of chemicals which control biological processes in animals and humans, including enzymes and hormones
- Nucleic acids - Explain the role of nucleic acids in the biology of animals and humans
- Thermo-regulation - Explain the role of thermo-regulation in animals and humans
- Carbohydrate metabolism - Explain the role of carbohydrate metabolism in animals and humans
- Absorption - Explain processes of digestion & absorption in animals and humans
- Acidity and alkalinity - Identify the characteristics of acidity and alkalinity in relation to animals and humans
- Chemical analysis - Develop simple chemical analysis skills relevant to testing animals and humans
- Biochemical applications - Identify applications and uses for biochemical processes and products
Biochemistry II
There are nine lessons in this course as follows:
- Introduction to Biochemical Molecules - Explain the principles and practice of biochemistry. Explain the characteristics of biochemical molecules and distinguish between different groups of biochemical molecules
- Amino Acids - Explain the structural characteristics and other properties that differentiate amino acids
- Structure of Proteins - Explain the structure of proteins
- Protein Dynamics - To describe common protein dynamics including folding, structural evolution and haemoglobin function
- Sugars and Polysaccharides - Describe the structure and dynamics of different types of saccharides and polysaccharides
- Lipids (Fats) and Membranes - To explain the composition and structure of both lipids and membranes
- Enzymes, Vitamins and Hormones - To describe the structure and dynamics of different types of enzymes, vitamins and hormones
- DNA and RNA - To describe the structure and function of different types of nucleic acids including DNA and RNA
- Laboratory Techniques - To become familiar with some of the basic laboratory techniques used in biochemistry and to appreciate the importance of safety in the laboratory
Biochemistry III
There are ten lessons in this course as follows:
- Introduction - Explain the interaction between the various biochemical processes within the animal cell
- Glycolysis and Glycogen Metabolism - Explain the processes of glycolysis and glycogen metabolism
- Movement through Membranes - Understand the transport mechanism of bio-chemicals through animal membranes
- Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation - Explain the processes of electron transfer and oxidative phosphorylation, and their importance to energy regulation in animals
- Sugar and Polysaccharide Metabolism - Explain the metabolism of carbohydrates
- Lipid Metabolism - Explain the metabolism of lipids
- Amino Acid Metabolism - Explain the metabolism of amino acids
- Nucleotide Metabolism - Explain biochemical nucleotide metabolism
- Enzyme Activity - Explain enzyme reactions and catalysis in biochemistry
- Other Processes - Explain other biochemical processes including biochemical communication through hormones and neurotransmission
Cell Biology
There are ten lessons in this course as follows:
- Introduction to Cells - Review basic cell structure and discuss the scope and nature of cell biology
- Chemical Composition - Describe the chemical components and processes of cells
- Chemical Processes - Describe the storage of genetic information within cells and how this information is passed on to the next generation
Genetic Information - Describe key concepts in molecular biology
- Membranes - Discuss membrane structure and transport across cell membranes
- Nucleus - Discuss protein structure and function
- Protein Structure and Function in the Cell - Describe and discuss protein synthesis
- Bioenergetics - Describe the significant processes involved in transfer and storage of energy in a cell
- Cell Signaling/Communication - Describe the significant processes that occur in cell communication and intracellular transport
- The Cell Cycle and Tissue Formation - Describe the life cycle of cells and how they combine to create different types of tissues
Introduction to Psychology
There are seven lessons in this course as follows:
- The nature and scope of Psychology - Define psychology and explain basic theoretical approaches
- Neurological basis of behaviour - Explain characteristics of the neurological basis of behaviour
- Environmental effects on behaviour - Identify different kinds of environmental influences on learned behaviour
- Consciousness and perception - Explain the differences between consciousness and perception
- Personality - Explain the effect of personality on behaviour
- Psychological development - Explain psychological development
- Needs, drives and motivation - To understand and be able to apply different techniques to motivate people
Counselling Skills I
This course has eight lessons as follows:
- Learning Specific Skills - To be aware of various methods of learning, and identify essential micro-skills
- Listening and Bonding - To introduce the student to the skills of commencing the counselling process, helping their client to unwind, and making use of the skills of listening and bonding
- Reflection - To convey to the counsellor an understanding of the notion of reflection of content, feeling, and both content and feeling, and its appropriateness to the counselling process
- Questioning - To introduce the student to different questioning techniques and their usefulness in the counselling process
- Interview Techniques - To describe and provide understanding of various micro-skills including: summarising, confrontation and reframing
- Changing Beliefs and Normalising - To understand the negative impact of self-destructive beliefs and to appreciate the value of normalising in the counselling process
- Finding Solutions - To enable the student to understand how a client can make choices, overcome psychological blocks and facilitate actions
- Ending the Counselling - To familiarize the student with effective ways to close the counselling session, arranging further meetings and overcoming dependency
Health Services must be Ethical
Ethics has a long history within the field of medicine and comes into many different aspects of healthcare. Central issues in medical ethics concern the relationship between a medical professional and a patient and requirement for patients to be provided with competent non-discriminatory medical care and to be treated with compassion, dignity and respect. Ethical considerations may affect different relationships in medicine e.g. the relationship between government and medical institutions, relations between an employee and a medical institution, relations between a clinician and a patient and between different medical employees, professions and healthcare providers.
Specific ethical decisions in medicine include issues around truth telling, informed consent, palliative/end of life care, allocation of economic resources, ethics of medical research and trials. Here we shall consider some of these issues:
Truth Telling
As a matter of ethics and law, medical practitioners are required to tell patients the truth about their diagnosis, prognosis and treatment options- including the benefits and risks of these treatments. However, there may be times when a clinician may feel that truth telling is not in the best interest of a patient or cause harm. For example there are some instances where a doctor may not disclose a diagnosis of a terminal illness to a patient due to their concerns that a patient will be unable to cope with this information and become depressed or suicidal. The benefit of truth telling may also vary according to factors such as a person’s age, mental capacity, and culture. On the other hand failing to tell the truth may endanger the clinician/patient relationship which should be based upon trust and is also against the principle of autonomy.
Economic Considerations
Medical advances and new technologies have brought increased treatment options and opportunities for cure/treatment of disease but this has also come at a substantial economic cost. Financial constraints on healthcare require that medical practitioners work to promote health whilst also ensuring that health is not bought at too high a price. Ethical dilemmas frequently concern budgets and where and how to spend a limited pot of money. For example, should money be spent on hypertension, diabetes, gene therapy, or cancer treatments?
Patient Rights
The relationship between a medical practitioner and a patient requires an understanding of a patient’s basic human rights. Effective patient/ medical practitioner relationships require adherence to the four main ethical principles in medicine - justice, non- maleficence, autonomy and beneficence. In practice medical practitioners must respect a patient’s right to determine what investigations and treatments they wish to undergo and be honest with patients providing all the information they require to make their consent valid. The ethics of Justice must also be applied when deciding which treatments should be offered (or withheld) from a patient.
Confidentiality is one of the core principles of medical ethics. When patients disclose information to a medical professional, the medical professional has a duty to keep the patients trust and maintain confidentiality. Respecting confidentiality in turn helps to increase patient trust and encourages a patient to be more honest with the medical professional. This in turn helps ensure professionals provide patients with the most effective treatment options and aids patient compliance. Confidentiality is not, however, an absolute requirement, as there are times when breaching confidentiality is required and keeping it could harm others. Breaching confidentiality may, for example, be required to ensure the safety of others such as in the case of suspected child abuse, or if there is concern for the wider public for example in the case of some infectious diseases which must be reported by law.
Benefits of Ethics in Healthcare
There are many benefits to maintaining good ethics in healthcare and the discussion of medical ethics could be a course in itself. Some of the overall benefits of ethics include:
- Good ethics improve patient satisfaction- when medical professionals promote ethical health practices patients tend to be more satisfied with the treatment they receive and more compliant with treatment therapies.
- Good ethics improve staff morale and productivity – as discussed within business ethics.
- Good ethics can help reduce costs for example, by reducing the length of hospital stays.
- The application of good ethics reduces the risk of law suits brought by patients. Patients are becoming increasingly well informed about their medical conditions, treatment options and rights and this has increased the number of law suits brought by patients who become dissatisfied with their medical care. Strong ethics help to reduce the risk of legal action and the negative consequences that may result from this action.
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