Develop your ability to perform a variety of scientific or technical procedures
Using problem-based learning (PBL) strategies you will complete three projects that address the following topics, relevant to your workplaces in your industry:
Identify and analysing scientific or technical problems
Use and maintai scientific or technical equipment
Collect and store samples, data or other evidence
Undertake and evaluate scientific or technical procedures
Describe operations and equipment for scientific laboratories or technical facilities
There are 3 PBL projects in this course, as follows:
1. Identifying Technical Problems and Collecting Samples of Data
- Investigating technical problems in the workplace; collecting and treating samples, data or other evidence.
2. Analytical Procedures
- Using specialised technical equipment to analyse samples, data or other evidence; undertaking routine and advanced scientific or technical analyses.
3. Workplace Operations
- Describing the operations and equipment of a laboratory or other technical environment.
- Identify technical or scientific problems that occur in the workplace and demonstrate appropriate techniques for collecting and treating samples or data.
- Demonstrate techniques used to analyse and solve technical problems.
- Describe the operations of a scientific laboratory or other technical environment.
What Does a PBL Report Look Like
Every PBL culminates in a final report, which must meet precise specifications, such as the following
Final Report
You may use any of a variety of means to present your project but you should not spend more than a quarter of the total time involved in the project on preparing the presentation.
Your presentation must include:
1. An identification of the tools, equipment and materials commonly used in workplaces in your industry sector, including a description of industry-specific computing, electronic and digital equipment.
2. An evaluation of the tools, equipment and materials in terms of cost, availability, suitability for intended use in a specified workplace, maintenance and storage requirements.
3. An explanation of the specific tools, equipment and materials you would recommend for use in your industry sector.
4. An evaluation of the skills and training required to use industry-specific tools, equipment and materials.
5. A demonstration of the use of two items commonly used in an office and by an industry technician, in your industry sector.
6. A list of issues that arose during the project that you either could not deal with or that were not essential to the project.
7. A list of resources used, including human resources.
8. An evaluation of your performance, including what you did very well, and what you can improve.
9. A summary of what you learned about problem solving.
10. A summary of what you learned about selecting and using tools, equipment and materials for use in your industry sector.
The following table sets out presentation requirements:
Presentation Component
Minimum Required
Maximum Allowed
Identification of tools, equipment, and materials
½ page or 2 minute presentation or equivalent
1 page or 3 minute presentation or equivalent
Evaluation of tools, equipment and materials
1/3 page summary or 1 minute presentation
1 page summary or 3 minute presentation or equivalent
Explanation of your recommended choices
1 page presentation or 3 minute presentation
2 pages or 7 minute presentation or equivalent
Evaluation of skills and training
1/3 page or 1 minute presentation, or equivalent
1 page or 3 minute presentation or equivalent
Demonstration of use of two workplace tools or equipment
1 page presentation (including illustrations), or 3 minute presentation, or equivalent
2 pages or 7 minute presentation or equivalent
A list of issues that arose during the project that you either could not deal with or that were not essential to the project
One paragraph or 1 minute presentation or equivalent
1 page or 3 minute equivalent presentation
A list of resources used, including human resources
One paragraph or 1 minute presentation or equivalent
1 page or 3 minute equivalent presentation
An evaluation of your performance, including what you did very well, and what you can improve
One paragraph or 1 minute presentation or equivalent
1 page or 3 minute equivalent presentation
A summary of what you learned about problem solving
One paragraph or 1 minute presentation or equivalent
1 page or 3 minute equivalent presentation
A summary of what you learned about selecting and using tools, equipment and materials
One paragraph or 1 minute presentation or equivalent
1 page or 3 minute equivalent presentation
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