Learn to Understand and Help Find Solutions to Mental Health Problems with this distance learning course
- Improve your knowledge of psychology, mental health, anger and stress management.
- A must for anyone wanting to improve their knowledge and job and career prospects in this area.
- Course Duration: Approximately 1,500 hours of self paced studies.
Developmental Psychology
The study of human development focuses on behavioural and psychological development from conception through later life. Emphasis is on the processes and mechanisms underlying developmental change and stability and the contexts in which development takes place. Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. For example, psychology studies the brain, sensation and perception, motivation, intelligence, emotions, memory, psychological disorders, and much more. Developmental Psychology is a subfield of psychology. Its focus is on studying the changes that take place across our life span. Development is defined as changes in our physical structure, thought, and behaviour due to genetics or the environment. Development is life-long and also can be a very personal thing.
Development incorporates change over time. We all change as we mature. Some of those changes are due to experience and others to our physiology. Developmental psychology is concerned with the patterns and processes of change throughout our lifetimes. A significant question in developmental psychology is the relation between innateness and environmental influence in regard to any particular aspect of development – put in more easy terms nature vs. nurture.
Developmental psychology is interested in discovering the psychological processes of development. This is also the study of progressive psychological changes that occur in human beings as they age. Originally concerned with infants and children, and later other periods of great change such as adolescence and early life aging, it now encompasses the entire life span of an individual. This ever growing field examines change across a broad range of topics including: motor skills and other psycho-physiological processes, problem solving abilities, conceptual understanding, acquisition of language, moral understanding,
and identify formation.
Developmental psychology is one of the areas which the Associate Diploma in Applied Mental Health focuses on.
The modules forming the course provide a broad scope of studies relating to psychology and its different areas. These fit together to provide a complementary foundation in studies of mental health. Understanding the mechanics of psychology and the origins of mental health issues, whether they be due to background experiences, external or environmental influences, physical health issues or genetics, provides the basis for the modules that concern themselves with how such issues can be accommodated or managed. This course brings together all of these elements and provides an opportunity for those in the industry to broaden their knowledge or build upon practical experience with formal learning.

This course will increase your understanding of mental health, the conditions and the issues that affect the people with mental health conditions.
Learn about ways of better managing mental health. This all starts with being aware of causes and managing lives to minimize the impact of those causes.
After completing the course, students may wish to work within
- health or welfare services
- charities
- psychological services
- nursing
- the media
- education
- care
- voluntary work
- counselling and much more
Students can help to spread awareness and understanding of mental health to other sections of their communities or beyond.
What Next?
It is important to make sure this is the right course for you. If you have any questions at all for our psychology tutors, they are more than happy to help with any advice about suitable courses for you. Please -