Study animal feed and nutrition by distance learning.
Livestock diet can make or break profitability on a farm. Diet is essential to animal health, productivity, and longevity!
- Understand animal nutrition and feed components.
- Learn to evaluate food and digestibility for animals.
- Classify foods and calculate rations.
Study with ACS to improve established farming ventures or to further your career and business prospects within the agriculture industry.
Course Duration: 100 hours.
Start Date: Start at any time - study at a pace that suits you, and with full tutor support whilst you study.
Lessons: The course comprises 10 lessons as detailed, below.
Lesson 1. Introduction To Animal Foods
Terms and Definitions; Groups of Foods; Other Terms That Are Used; Food Processing Terms; Water.
Lesson 2. Food Components - Carbohydrates and Fats
Carbohydrates; Carbohydrates as a Source Of Energy; Fats and Oils; Adipose Tissue Deposits in Animals; Fat Deposits in Different Animals.
Lesson 3. Food Components - Proteins, Minerals, and Trace Elements
Composition of Proteins; The Build Up Of Proteins; Biological Value of Protein; Protein Content of Foods; The Function of Protein; Feeding Urea to Ruminants; Major Minerals; Trace Elements; Vitamins.
Lesson 4. Evaluating Foods and Digestibility
Analysis of Feed Stuffs; Calculating Digestibility; Protein Value; Energy Value; Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods.
Lesson 5. Classifying Foods Part A
Cereals and Cereal By-Products; Brewing By-Products; Grasses, Legumes and Succulents; Lucerne; Sainfoin; Other Succulent Foods; Roughage, Hay, Silage and Dried Grass.
Lesson 6. Classifying Foods Part B
Oil and Legume Seeds; Oil Seeds and Their Products; Legume Seeds.
Lesson 7. Classifying Foods Part C
Fodder Trees and Animal Products; Fodder Trees and Shrubs; Animal Products.
Lesson 8. Calculating Rations Part A
The Object of Rationing; Nutritional Requirements of the Animal, Calculating a Maintenance Ration; Cattle at Pasture; Working Out Rations for a Herd.
Lesson 9. Calculating Rations Part B
Nutrient Requirements for a Dairy Cow; Working Out the Total Requirements; Feeding a Ration to Meet Nutrient Needs; The Dairy Ration.
Lesson 10. Calculating Rations Part C
Ready Mix Feeds; Using Protein Contents; A Summary of Rationing; Further Considerations in Rationing.
Upon completing the course, you will be able to -
- Describe the range of livestock feeds and feeding methods available for animal production, using accepted industry terminology.
- Explain the role of energy foods, including the sources and functions of those foods, in animal diets.
- Explain the function of the major nutritional groups, including proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in animal diets.
- Explain the on-farm methods used to evaluate feeding, including selection of feeds and feed digestibility.
- Evaluate the dietary value of pastures, including grasses, cereals, and other edible plants, and their by-products for animal feeds.
- Explain the dietary value of seeds, including oil seeds, legume seeds and their by-products as food sources for animals.
- Evaluate the dietary value of fodder plants, including trees and shrubs and their by-products, as a food source in animal production.
- Determine suitable feed rations for a farm animal maintenance program.
- Analyse the method(s) to determine suitable feed rations in a farm animal production program.
- Evaluate the dietary value of protein in an animal production program.
- Explain the factors affecting the composition of feed rations in animal production.
Develop the ability to -
- Explain the importance of feed quality in livestock production.
- Describe the various food groups that animal foodstuffs are based upon.
- Define relevant industry terms related to livestock feed, feeding and feed processing.
- Explain the role of water in animal nutrition.
- Describe different, commercially available, animal feeds, including the composition and appropriate uses for each.
- List the chemical names of different carbohydrates which are of importance to animal production.
- Evaluate the roles of different carbohydrates in animal metabolism.
- List the important sources of carbohydrates for different types of farm animals.
- List the chemical names of different fats which are important to animal production.
- Compare fat deposition patterns in three different animals.
- Explain the role of lipids in animal metabolism.
- List the important sources of fats and lipids used in livestock feeds.
- Explain the importance of proteins to animal production.
- Describe the chemical composition of naturally occurring proteins.
- Explain the differences in protein requirements for different animals.
- List minerals and trace elements of importance in livestock nutrition, including their source foods, requirement levels, physiological functions, deficiency symptoms.
- Prepare a one page chart or table comparing the vitamin, mineral, protein and trace elements components of different commercial animal feeds.
- Distinguish between the 'protein value' and 'energy value' of specified animal feeds.
- Explain the concept of 'digestibility' as it relates to animal feed.
- Describe the techniques used to calculate digestibility of animal feeds.
- Perform a calculation of digestibility for a specified feed.
- Describe the dietary value of forage crops, including grasses, used in animal production.
- Explain the dietary value characteristics of harvested feed products including hays, roughage and silage used in animal production.
- Explain the dietary value of a growing pasture, on a farm you visit.
- List legume seeds used as feeds in animal production.
- Evaluate the dietary value of different legume seeds, as animal feeds.
- Collect and compare small samples of three oil seeds and legume seeds.
- Compare the nutritional value of different fodder plant species.
- Explain the objective of maintenance rationing in different farm situations.
- Design different types of animal feeds/rations.
- Explain differences in production feed ration given to the same type of animal on two different farms.
- Calculate a 'production feed ration' for a specified farm animal.
- Develop a production feeding program for a herd of milking dairy cattle.
- Describe the role of acids in specified animal diets.
Start anytime. Study anywhere. Progress at a pace which suits you.
Each lesson is comprised of course notes, set tasks and an assignment which is submitted to an expert tutor for feedback.
Our highly qualified and friendly tutors are available every step of the way. Reach out at any time for guidance or support – they’re always happy to help!
- Quality - Our courses are developed and tutored by industry professionals, with real world experience.
- Relevant - Our courses are relevant to today's world, providing practical knowledge and experience.
- Independent - ACS were established in 1979. We continue to be an independent distance education school. This means that we remain wholly focussed on our students’ learning and development.
- Flexible - Our courses can be started at any time and studied at your own pace (we do not impose time limitations), fitting in around your schedule and life!
- Choice - We offer a wide range of courses in a multitude of disciplines. We provide either online or correspondence study options. Whichever suits you best!
All animals must be fed! Anyone involved in the care and management of animals must also feed them properly. Animal feed provision is an essential part of many industries!
- Every pet owner, kennel, breeder or other pet industry business, must purchase food for their pets. Someone must formulate, manufacture, package and supply that food!
- Every livestock farmer needs to either produce or purchase food for their animals.
- Those involved in showing animals rely of a good diet to ensure the health and beauty of their animals.
- Working and sporting animals must be fed well to perform to the highest standards.
- Every wildlife refuge, zoo, animal reserve and rehabilitation facility must provide appropriate feed for the animals in their care.
- Park and habitat managers must ensure that the land they oversee produces adequate food resources for its animal inhabitants.
If you have any questions about this course, or would like support in choosing the best learning pathway for you, please get in touch with our specialist agriculture tutors.
Our knowledgeable and friendly team are here to help make your educational, career and personal interest aspirations a reality!
To enrol or enquire, click the links provided at the top-right of this page.
Food is required by an animal for the following reasons:
a) For Maintenance
to keep up the body temperature,
to supply energy for breathing,
to maintain the circulation of the blood,
to repair and to renew worn and damaged tissues.
b) For Production
to provide for the growth of the young animal,
to provide for the growth of the foetus inside the mother,
to provide energy for work e.g. ridden horses or draft oxen,
to provide for the production of milk or eggs or meat.
You can see from the above that there are two possible objects of feeding pets, livestock or wildlife - maintenance, and production.
A farmer may feed for maintenance only or for maintenance AND production. He cannot feed for production only. The maintenance needs of an animal must be satisfied before it can produce anything in the way of growth, offspring, work, milk, meat or eggs.
A pet owner is likely to only be feeding for maintenance; but a dog breeder may be feeding for both maintenance and production (i.e. producing puppies to sell).
What is the Purpose of Rationing?
A ration is the total amount of food given to an animal in 24 hours. The object of rationing is:
a) To satisfy the animal's requirements for a particular purpose: i.e. for maintenance or both maintenance and production. A dairy cow that is dry will only require enough food to satisfy her maintenance requirements. A cow that is milking will require enough food for her maintenance and for her milk production.
b) To use the available foods to the best advantage. All farms produce crops, and crop residues which can be fed to cattle, sheep, pigs or poultry. Knowledge of food rationing helps a farmer to make the best possible use of these foods.
c) To feed animals as economically as possible, but at the same time keeping up the best possible production. Livestock foods are expensive and a farmer cannot afford to overfeed or waste food on any other way.
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