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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification Statement of Attainment

Study Pet Therapy Online

The course takes you through -

  • What is pet therapy?
  • The benefits of pet therapy.
  • The research behind pet therapy.
  • How pet therapy works.
  • What client groups it is beneficial for
  • Setting up your own pet therapy business.

This course is suitable for anyone working with animals or in a counselling/psychology setting and wants to use animals to support people's mental and physical health.

You can start this online course at any time to suit you and work at your own pace.


There are 8 lessons in this course. At the end of each lesson, there is an assignment to submit to your tutor for marking and feedback. You can also contact your tutor with any questions throughout the course.

1. Scope and Nature of Pet Therapy

  • Introduction to Pet Therapy
  • Animal and Human Relationships
  • Animal Assisted Therapy
  • Animal Assisted Activities
  • Animals Used in Pet Therapy
  • Scientific Research Supporting Pet Therapy
  • Tension and Stress
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Touch, Affection and Companionship
  • Immune System Response and Pain Control
  • Cancer Patients, Palliative Care and Heart Disease
  • Healthier Lifestyles, Structure and Routine
  • Benefits for Older People
  • Pet Therapy and Children
  • Negative Effects of Pet Therapy on People
  • Negative Impacts on Pets and Animals
  • Cultural Differences

2. Mental Health and Physical Assistance

  • Pet Therapy Research and Mental Health Conditions Introduction
  • Agitation and Cognitive Impairments
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Stress
  • Human-Animal Interactions
  • Bonding
  • Warning and Protection
  • Transport and Carriage
  • Working Animals

3. Working with animals

  • Introduction to working animals.
  • Factors for Consideration
  • Human Safety
  • Client Possessive Behaviour and Bonding
  • Animal Health and Welfare
  • Animal Behaviour
  • Resources and Legalities
  • Animal Species
  • Large, Medium and Small Animals
  • Suitability to the Client
  • Therapy Settings
  • Preparing Clients and Animals for a Session

4. Applications for people with mental health conditions

  • Mental Health Conditions
  • Mood Disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Social Phobias
  • Depression
  • Developmental Disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Autism Assistance Dogs
  • The Stress Response
  • Panic Attacks
  • Other Animal Contributions to Mental Wellbeing (Pleasure, Motivation and Exercise)

5. Applications for people with disabilities

  • Benefits of a Pet Therapy Program for People with Disabilities
  • Service Assistance Animals
  • Guide Dogs
  • Hearing Dogs
  • Seizure Alert Dogs
  • Diabetic Alert Dogs
  • Allergy Detection Dogs
  • Mobility Assistance Dogs
  • Physiotherapy Assistance Dogs
  • Pet Therapy Dogs Summary

6. Applications for Children

  • Pet Therapy and Children Introduction
  • Difficulties of Pet Therapy with Children
  • Developing Empathy
  • The Benefits of Pet Therapy for Children
  • Children with ADHD
  • Children with Autism

7. Applications for Older People

  • Introduction
  • Specific Applications of Therapy for Elderly
  • Grief and Loss
  • Physical Activity
  • Stress, Blood Pressure and Anxiety
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • When The Owner Can No Longer Care for the Animal

8. Establishing a Pet Therapy Service

  • Pet Therapy as a Business
  • Planning Your Pet Therapy Service
  • Which Animal is Most Suitable
  • Client Group
  • Timeline
  • Marketing Your Services
  • Data Protection and Privacy
  • Veterinarians
  • Other Services
  • Free or Paid For Services
  • Insurance
  • Business Plan
  • Buying an Existing Business
  • Animal Welfare Considerations
  • Remaining Competitive


  • Explain the nature of pet therapy and determine where it may be used as a therapeutic tool.
  • Explain how pets can contribute to a person’s wellbeing as a companion or working animal.
  • Determine how to work with animals effectively and appropriately in a therapeutic situation.
  • Discuss ways in which pet therapy can be used for people with psychological conditions.
  • Discuss ways in which pet therapy can be used for people with physical disabilities
  • Discuss ways in which pet therapy can be used for children of different ages and circumstances.
  • Discuss ways in which pet therapy can be used for older people in different circumstances.
  • Plan the establishment and operation of a pet therapy service.


  • Explore the positive and negative effects pet ownership has on health.
  • Find out about local animal assistance therapies or groups available in your local area.
  • Gather information on the range of animal therapies which are used specifically in mental health care support.
  • Observe a therapy session taking place.
  • Research different ways that animals can benefit our health.
  • Watch a dog being trained for therapy work.
  • Using personal experiences, or those of someone you know, consider how animals can improve mental health.
  • Investigate how a specific mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety or PTSD can benefit from pet therapy.
  • Talk to someone who has made use of pet therapy for physical disabilities and research how pet therapy is carried out, including how it benefits the person.
  • Carry out research into pet therapy with older people. Talk to an older person or several older people who have experienced pet therapy and ask them to share their experiences.
  • Prepare a plan for establishing a pet therapy service.
  • Find out about the use of therapy assistance pets and animals in schools and education settings.

Any questions about the Pet Therapy course? Our tutors are more than happy to answer.

Click here to contact us.

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