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Duration (approx) 600 hours

A successful career in marketing depends very much on the most appropriate training. An outgoing personality, organized and communicative is an asset, but education is a key factor for success.

This course provides a solid foundation for working in marketing, either in your own business, or in someone else's. The right combination of knowledge, skill, and personality will always be in high demand; so if you need the skills and knowledge, this course is a legitimate step in the right direction.

Learn to sell goods and services. Learn to understand the customer, what convinces them to buy and what causes them to discard what you are offering. Learn to appreciate delivery systems, and manage marketing so that you are not selling above or below your capacity to service the customer.


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING VBS002
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 2 of the following 5 modules.

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The Certificate in Marketing course looks at the basics of marketing and selling.  Marketing goes beyond just selling. It requires an open and trustful relationship, even in the short period of time when a sale happens between the sales person and client. 

Marketing involves promoting, selling, delivering and providing an after sales service.

Where this Course Might Lead

  • Marketing Manager
  • Sales Representative
  • Advertising agent, marketing consultant, customer service advisor, distribution manager, etc

The First Step in Marketing is to Find Customers

The way in which you find customers is currently changing; and is likely to keep changing.

In the early 1990's the internet brought about massive changes by connecting people around the world. The market for products and services is, therefore, potentially now a global one, depending upon the product or service you are promoting. The ways in which potential customers are reached and existing ones retained continue to develop, particularly with the use of social media.  Many big businesses, such as Ford, currently use their facebook page to advertise their products.

The only thing that is constant about finding customers is that you need to be visible to people who are potential buyers.  The ways in which you are able to be visible are going to keep changing as technology develops, media evolves and trends develop.

The course consists of six 100 hour modules and covers topics such as  -
  • Analysing the market
  • E-commerce theories and practice
  • Promotions
  • Advertising
  • Product development  and much more....


Some people seem to have a natural ability that would enable them to "sell ice to Eskimos".

This is a great starting point for any career in business, marketing or sales; but in today's world, marketing is far more sophisticated, and a natural ability to sell is only one of many things you need to know, understand and be able to do.
Any successful marketing needs to consider and master many things, including the following: 
  • Do you know how to raise visibility – do potential customers know that you exist?
  • Can you reaching the right demographic, or are you often reaching the wrong demographic?
  • Are you able to get noticed more than your competition?
  • Are you able to get sufficient enquiries?
  • Are you able to convert an appropriate % of enquiries to sales?
  • Are you  capable of  making high value sales or low value sales?
  • Do you know lots of different ways of capturing contact details of enquiries and customers?
  • Are you naturally proactive about using contact details you capture?
  • Do you know how to build return business and add on sales?
  • Can you differentiate between ineffective and appropriate front line sales people? (Often businesses fail because they don’t use sales people who know how to close the sale).
  • Do you understand the dangers of sales people misleading customers? (Getting sales based upon misleading information can result in a higher level of complaints).
  • Can you determine the most appropriate type of marketing to use according to the situation?
  • Do you know how to use different media to communicate and sell, including the internet and social media? There are many different ways to promote products and services available. 
  • Do you know how to conduct valid research into your competitors and analyze what they are doing.
If you already work in business and struggle with any of these; this course can help.
If you want to work in marketing,  are you capable of doing the things raised in the list above? 
If you have any weaknesses; don't let your competitors exploit them - enrol and upskill for the future. 

Enrol today and learn how to be an excellent marketing person.

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Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

Meet some of our academics

Tracey Jones (psychology)B.Sc. (Hons) (Psychology), M.Soc.Sc (social work), DipSW (social work), PGCE (Education), PGD (Learning Disability Studies) Tracey began studying psychology in 1990. She has a wide range of experience within the psychology and social work field, particularly working with people with learning disabilities. She is also qualified as a teacher and now teaches psychology and social work related subjects. She has been a book reviewer for the British Journal of Social Work and has also written many textbooks, blogs, articles and ebooks on psychology, writing, sociology, child development and more. She has had also several short stories published.
David CrothersChartered Accountant with 20 years experience in corporate and financial roles. David has a FCA, GAICD, B.Sc.Econ (Hons), Cert IV TAA. Extensive international experience in business and finance.
Kate Gibson B.Soc.Sc.15+ years experience in HR, marketing, education & project management. Kate has traveled and worked in a variety of locations including London, New Zealand and Australia.

Check out our eBooks

Business OperationsA text book for business students, or a guide book for anyone operating a business. Six chapters: Daily Challenges of Running a Business, Managing People, The Law, Fiance, Product Management and Risk Management.
Event ManagementThe Event Management ebook can be used as a reference for students or as a foundation text for professionals who need to know the finer details for organising an event. This book takes the reader through the all of the considerations that need to be looked at prior to, during and after an event is organised. The topics covered in the Event Management ebook are 1/ Scope and Nature of Event Management, 2/ Developing a Concept and Planning, 3/ Organising the Resources Required, 4/ Catering: Food and Drink, 5/ Promoting an Event, 6/ Managing the Clientele, 7/ Risk Management, Legalities and Contingency Planning, 8/ Delivering the Event, 9/ Organising Celebrations and Parties, 10/ Organising Exhibitions, 11/ Organising Conferences and Seminars and 12/ Working in the Event Industry.
Modern MarketingThis book explores new approaches to marketing, how to adapt to a continually changing world both through online marketing, and more. Some aspects of marketing never change; but many of the well established approaches used in the past simply do not work any more. This book lays a foundation for thinking about marketing in a different way
ManagementManagement is the process of planning, organising, leading, and controlling an organisation’s human and other resources to achieve business goals. More importantly though, effective management needs to be a process of human interaction and compassion. Most bad managers don’t know they are bad. They may well admit that they are a bit erratic, or they are sometimes late to appointments, but it is rare that they will recognise that they are ineffective as managers. Never here. This book has something to offer even the best of managers.