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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Statement of Attainment

Learn About the Science Behind Making Quality Wines.

Oenology is the study of wine and wine science. It is only concerned with the alcoholic product that is produced from harvested grapes. 

In this course you will study about the basic processes of most wine making that is:

  • Removal of unessential material such as stems and leaves
  • Grape crushing
  • Fermentation
  • Storage and Aging, or bottling

Also, you will learn about overall chemical and microbial studies that are critical for wine quality during and after the wine making process and how to determine them.

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Learn all about Wine Production

Discover the techniques and fine tuning that can be done to create different types and qualities of wine. Understand how the different human senses (sight, smell, taste) can play a part in monitoring and creating a quality wine. Learn about the chemistry, the biological processes, equipment, and much more.

Winemaking is one of the oldest ways of producing an alcoholic beverage. Over the centuries the science behind it has evolved considerably. Whilst the largest commercial producers of wine today are France, Italy and Spain, but other countries share of the market has been increasing steadily.  The range of conditions in which grapes can be grown has expanded too, and nowadays, you can successfully make wine in different climates whether or not you grow the grapes yourself. 

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading. There are ten lessons as follows:

  1. Scope and Nature of Oenology 
  2. Fermentation Science
  3. The Wine-making Process
  4. Factors affecting Grape Characteristics 
  5. Wine Classification
  6. Sensory Science & Evaluation
  7. Production of White Wine and Sparkling Wines
  8. Production of Red Wines and Rosé Wines
  9. Production of Spirits
  10. Storage and Aging of Wines


  • Discuss the scope of winemaking and the set of characteristics.
  • Recognise scientific processes of fermentation and simple control factors.
  • Investigate the practical tasks and required equipment needed for making wine. 
  • To explain how yeasts and other flavour affecting factors can be managed to impact the final wine product.
  • Comprehend the scope of different wine types arising from various grape varieties and learn how they are classified.
  • Explain wine sensory science and how consumers interact with wines.
  • Explain unique processes used to make white and sparkling wines.
  • Investigate unique processes used to make red and rosé wines. 
  • Explain how to make fortified wines and spirits.
  • Understand the importance of correct storage and how it prevent spoilage and enhances maturity.

We estimate that most students will complete the course in three to six months. But this will depend on the amount of time you have available for studying.


Research legislation around commercial alcohol production in your area.  
Learn about the most popular wines where you live from local or national winemaking and selling data.
Find out about new or old winemakers, wine tours or tourism activities associated with wineries in your region.
Learn about enzymes in action through watching videos online.
Undertake a simple fermentation experiment at home using sugar (glucose) and yeast.
Find out what options are available for hobbyists and wine enthusiasts to buy equipment - to measure pH, sugar levels etc.
Create a table of equipment needed in wine making, include a possible price range if you can and suppliers/stockists list.  
Make a list of winemaker's clubs in your region/country. Contact at least one of the winemakers clubs you listed and find out what is on offer for members, wine makers, or other exclusive communities.  Find out about any costs associated with the club and exclusive members benefits.
Examine the characteristics of those locally grown grape varieties (also known as cultivars) and two cultivars from further afield. Compare and contrast the information on the cultivars from both regions.
Contact any number of wine grape growers associations (or similar) in your region. Find out exactly their purpose.
Choose one scientific method used in winemaking e.g. determining pH or volatile acidity, then watch videos of that test being carried out. Imagine you are making a video on for the same test, using the same apparatus. Write a brief script for your video.
Write a script for a 5-minute presentation on wine regions and classifications which are of particular interest to you.
Go to an alcohol or wine retail shop or supermarket and read description of wines from different categories, e.g., light, full bodied etc. Recognise frequently used terms which describe wines from different categories.
Enjoy tasting a wine and identifying the notes mentioned on the label (optional activity).
Carry out a blind taste testing activity with friends.
Write a list of 10 different meals and wines which would best suit them. You can taste and try them as you wish!
Research wine grapes for sparkling wines. You may contact specialist wine clubs, producers, and wineries, watch videos, or read appropriate viticulture material.
Create a wine map of the world. Colour/highlight and label a blank world map with the different wine making regions in relation to climatic conditions.
Create an illustrated guide for how oak barrels are made. You may use images from online sources and label each stage in the process.
Visit a winery specialising in red and/or rosé wines in your region (if possible). The purpose is to use your senses when undertaking the visit, what do you see, hear, smell etc. Make notes on the sensory aspect of the experience.
Watch videos of colour extraction and identify which method is being used, its effectiveness and the popularity of the method.
Choose two of the classification categories of spirits and research the range and varieties of each available. Makes notes on the country of production, alcohol volume, price, and any other comparative data you can collect.
Use social media to follow or connect with one brand/company of two chosen spirits and learn about the company including their history and current offerings.
Visit a distillery in your region if possible. Aim to enjoy a guided tasting session. This task is optional.
Design a storage area for wines - produce a drawing. Label as necessary.


Primarily vineyards, vineyard owners, farmers/ small holding owners.  For diploma or certificate students – it can be a useful component – it may be used for staff training by property owners/managers; or a foundation for someone seeking to start up or seek employment

It may be of value PD for anyone working around wine – but do not over emphasise these connections, as there is a lot more to each of the following jobs than just understanding wine production. 

  • People who have some knowledge of crop production – in particular viticulture.
  • Wine merchants – as a way to train their staff
  • Retail staff as additional training
  • Amateur wine producers
  • Hospitality (restaurants, guesthouses, pubs) staff as a way to increase their knowledge of wine making
  • Wine critics
  • Wine writers/journalists – professional and amateur – also blog writers, article writers, social media 
  • Wine influencers and photographers
  • Sommeliers



Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!