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Duration (approx) 500 hours
Proficiency Award

Study fruit growing in a warm climate with our distance learning course. Improve your career and job prospects in fruit production. 

  • Learn about the fruit growing industry.
  • Gain practical skills and knowledge in fruit production.
  • Learn useful planning, management, and marketing skills.
  • Learn from professionals with extensive industry experience.






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Study fruit production in a warm climate with this detailed course. Advance your career or business in fruit growing.

  • Learn about growing fruit in a warm climate.
  • Understand the requirements for healthy growing and a successful crop.
  • Be able to plan, manage, and market produce.
  • Learn from experts - our courses are written and taught by professionals with extensive industry experience.


The Proficiency Award In Fruit Growing (Warm Climate) has a nominal duration of 500 hours of study.  ACS Courses offer students the flexibility to start when they want to and to study at their own pace (perhaps fitting studies around existing work or home commitments).  Full support is given to students throughout the duration of their studies.

The course comprises 3 Modules (2 Core Modules plus 1 Elective Module) and a Workplace Project.  The course elements are summarised, below.  Please click on the module titles to follow the links to more detailed information on each.


Crops I BHT112
The Crops I module comprises 10 lessons covering all aspects of the production of different crop types (tree fruit, soft fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, herbs, and nuts).  The broad based studies will equip the student with useful knowledge on the principles of crop production – the types of crop to select, appropriate sites, managing nutritional requirements and the different systems used for growing crops outdoors.

Fruit Production - Warm Climate BHT217
This is an 8 lesson module concerned with the production of fruit in a warm climate.  The module looks at the establishing and management of an orchard and is completed with a lesson on the marketing of produce.


Students are to choose one module to study from the following options:

Berry Production BHT309
Berry Production is an 8 lesson module which covers all aspects of the propagation, care and cultivation of common, and uncommon, berry fruit, from soils to the marketing of produce.  The module includes sections on the growing of well know varieties of berry (e.g. strawberry, blackberry, gooseberry etc.) as well as lesser known berries (such as lignoberry, pepino, mulberry etc.).  The module concludes with a lesson concerned with the marketing process of commercially produced berries.  Research and tasks required to complete this module will allow students a degree of specialisation in particular berries that interest them.

Nut Production BHT219
A module for the enthusiast or commercial grower. Nut Production consists of 8 lessons, aiming to provide students with a sound foundation for growing a wide variety of nuts, particularly in temperate climates.  Those studying with this module will learn to identify different nut crop varieties and determine the cultivation and propagation practices applicable to these.  As well as looking at the harvesting of a nut crop, the module includes lessons on the marketing of nuts and risk assessment and management in the workplace.

Home Fruit Growing AHT104
This 6 lesson module is concerned with the principles and theory of growing fruit in the home environment.  Students will learn about how to improve the fertility of soils and how to cope with issues such as pests and disease.  The module looks at the suitability of produce and how to manage your crop.  Produce can either be sold or preserved (such as making jam).  As the module looks at so many primary elements of fruit growing, it also provides a useful starting point to those who may wish to pursue crop production in a more commercial environment.

Warm Climate Nuts BHT308
This 8 lesson module is very similar to Nut Production (BHT219), but is exclusively concerned with nuts grown in the tropics and sub-tropics. In this module you will learn about the basis of all good horticulture with soils and plant nutrition. You will understand the importance of maintaining the correct cultural techniques for the long term health of your trees and methods for propagating them.  The module includes lessons which focus on particular types of nut, such as the Macadamia, and the Pecan.  The module is completed with a lesson looking at the harvesting and use of nuts.

To complete this qualification, you are also required to complete a workplace project lasting 200 hours.  

There are 4 options available to you to satisfy this requirement.  The options will be different dependent upon whether or not you currently work within the industry. The project can be work experience, voluntary experience, a project you carry out, other training you have already undertaken and there are other options. Don’t worry if you are not sure how to proceed at this stage, as your tutor will be there to discuss how to proceed and help you every step of the way.

Why Study This Course?
If you are serious about learning more on the subject of fruit production in a temperate climate, then this course will be ideal for you.

  • Learn about crop selection as well as the appropriate systems for growing your fruit.
  • Familiarise yourself with the principles of growing fruit for a commercial environment.
  • Use the course as a basis to gain the appropriate experience to develop your own career.
  • The element of practical experience in the course means you apply your newly developed skills before you complete the qualification – this means you have tutor supported experience before you embark on the next stage of your own business or your career path.
  • The course covers all crucial areas in fruit growing, including what happens with your produce once grown – how it can be stored, marketed, and transported.


Our tutors offer expert support and advice throughout the course. Learn from industry experts - gain knowledge, improve your skill set, and enhance your career prospects.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Our Fruit Production tutors are more than happy to help. 








Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

Meet some of our academics

Marie Beerman B.Sc.,M.Hort.Marie has been involved in horticulture since 2003. She completed a Masters degree in Horticulture at Hannover University in Germany in 2007, and has worked with ACS since 2011 She has co-authored of several ebooks including one on Roses and has a very sound knowledge and experience with horticultural science and research ranging from plant taxonomy and plant breeding to pest, disease and soil management.,
John Mason (Horticulturist)Horticulturist, Nurseryman, Landscaper, Garden Writer, Parks Manager and Consultant. Over 45 years experience; working in Australia and the UK. He is one of the most widely published garden writers in the world; author of more than 100 books and editor for 4 different gardening magazines. John has been recognised by his peers being made a fellow of the Institute of Horticulture in the UK, as well as by the Australian Institute of Horticulture.

Check out our eBooks

Growing and Knowing NutsDiscover the many different varieties of nuts that you many not have ever heard of. Learn unique ways of using nuts and cooking with nuts.
CitrusThe Citrus ebook will provide you with some unique and practical insights into growing and getting to know more about citrus plants. The ebook covers getting to know more about the citrus plants, including botany and taxonomy of the plant, cultivating citrus plants, getting the most out of your citrus plants by ensuring that your plants are healthy, citrus propagation and many of the different citrus cultivars. Once you know how to grow healthy citrus plants and are getting a bumper harvest, we have also included some recipes for making the most of your delicious, homegrown fruit.
Starting a BusinessBusinesses don't need to fail! This is concise, easy to read, and alerts you to all of the things that commonly make a difference to business success or failure. Seven chapters are: “A Reality Check”, “The Product or service”, “Managing a Business”, “How to Find Customers”, “How to Make a Sale”, “Delivering the Product or Service”, “Pitfalls to Avoid”.
Plant Pests & DiseasesAre you one of those people that kill every plant you touch? Perhaps it's not you. Perhaps it's a pest or disease. A little bit of reading might just turn your garden into an oasis. Learn how to identify pests and diseases and bring the spring back into your plant...visit the bookshop to find out more...