There are 8 lessons in this course:
Lesson 1: Nature & Scope of Time Management
Outcomes of good time management
Importance of good time management at school or college
IMPORTANCE of good time management at work
Importance of good time management at home
Links to work-life balance
Work-life balance and health
Relaxation and reflection
A few cautionary notes
Lesson 2: Obstacles to Time Management
Personal Barriers
Identifying your time management personality type
Conscious and unconscious barriers to time management
The consequences of poor time management
Lesson 3: Time Management Strategies
Key strategies
Setting goals
Time management at home and at work
General tips for students
Time management techniques
Pomodoro technique
Time Boxing
Sequential scheduling – batches
Lesson 4: Time Management Assessment Tools
Auditing your time
Identifying your own potential timewasters
Lesson 5: Prioritising Time
Introduction to prioritising
HOW TO prioritise
Techniques for prioritising
Kanban Board
Covey’s Time Management Matrix
Workload management skills
Lesson 6: Maintaining Productivity
Measuring productivity
Motivation tools
Maintaining energy levels
Lesson 7: Effective Delegation
What is delegation?
Reasons why some managers fail to delegate
How can delegation help with time management?
Problems associated with failure to delegate
Micromanagement & poor time management
When to delegate
Benefits of delegation
How to delegate
Some delegation Tools
Lesson 8: Other Time Management Tools
Changing mindset
Some habits to try, some habits to avoid
Other time management tools
Staying on track with calendars and planners
Avoid time management becoming an issue in your life. Professionally or personally.
You can take back or gain control and be successful, you will learn:
- the role of time management in all aspects of life.
- what impacts your ability to effectively manage your time.
- key strategies which can be employed to help with good time management.
- how to self-assess how you are currently using your time.
- identify the ways in which you can prioritise your workload as an approach to managing time.
- how productivity levels can be sustained and managed.
- how and when to use the delegation approach to assist with time management.
- time management tools not covered elsewhere which can help people to optimise their use of time.
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