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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification To obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30 inc VAT. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.
This course is designed as a program to help you firstly understand the marketing world; then assist you in making decisions and developing skills in marketing. Learn how to write and use effective advertising copy, and to plan and manage an appropriate promotional campaign for any product or service, in any industry.

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Learn more about advertising and promotion
  • Learn to run an advertising campaign for a product and service.
  • Study in your own home and at your own pace.
  • Improve your job prospects with this great course. 
There are ten lessons in this course, each requiring about 10-12 hours work by the student. This course is designed as a program to, first, help you understand the marketing world, then, to assist you in making decisions and developing skills in marketing. Emphasis is placed on profitability and efficiency!
Course Content
The content the ten lessons is as outlined below:

1. Analysing the Market   -  Scope and nature of Promotions and Marketing, Role of Marketing, Approaches to Marketing (The Production Approach: 1820s to 1910s, The Sales Approach: 1920s to 1960s, The Marketing Approach: Stage One – 1960s to 1980s, The Marketing Approach: Stage Two – 1980s to Present), Goals of Marketing, What makes people buy (Attitude, Defining attitudes, How attitudes form, Changing attitudes) Practical Applications (Strengthen an existing attitude, Develop a change in attitude, Increase involvement, Focus on changing several different attitudes toward a product, Message Evaluation & Selection, Message execution, What words sell, Deciding to Buy, Rational Decisions, Heuristic Procedures, Decision Making Process (Recognising a Problem, Seeking Information, Evaluating Alternatives, Purchase Processes), Understanding Communication (Types, Methods, Channels, etc), Managing the Marketing Process (Organising, Analysing, Select Targets, Develop the Mix, Managing the marketing Effort), Market Research (Types of research, Gathering data), Managing the Marketing Plan

2. Target Marketing   -The Process of Identifying a Target Market, Micro marketing, Developing a Marketing Plan, Organising a Planning Process, Reviewing (Mission statement, Goals & Objectives), Establishing Market Objectives, Increasing Market Share, Expanding Product Mix, Broadening Geographic Range, Expansion through Export, Maximising Customer Service, Develop Objective Focussed Strategies, Increasing Market Share, Analysing Opportunities, External Influences (General economy, Government, Overseas, Demographics, Technology, Changing customer values, Competitor activity, Alternative marketing methods); Internal Influences (Resources, Market Share, Product characteristics, Advertising, Price, Financial capacity, Innovative potential); Selecting Target Markets –Market Segmentation, Mass Marketing, Concentrated or Niche Markets, Differentiated Markets; Physical Basis for Segmentation, Behavioural basis for Segmentation, Developing a Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion, Distribution), Brand Names, Symbols, Logos, Packaging, Positioning and Image, Providing warranties; Price (Pricing Objectives, Pricing Methods, Cost-Price margin, Competition based Pricing, List and Discount Pricing)

3.  Display and Display Techniques   - Channels of Distribution, Market Coverage (Intensive, Selective, Exclusive Distribution), Warehousing, Physical Distribution and Coverage, Inventory Control, Determining Emphasis within Marketing Mix, Product Life Cycle, Product Strategy, Shop Layout, Fixtures and Fittings, Space Available, Displaying Products for Sale, What Sells Best, Spacing, Quantity Displayed, Merchandising Suggestions, Stock Control, Merchandising Program, Signs, Signposting.

4.. Advertising and Promotions Strategy   -  Promotional Element, Publicity, Public Relations, Forms of Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling Method, Promotion Principles, Scope of PR, Steps in Designing a PR Strategy (Set Advertising Objectives, Decide Advertising Budget, Decide Advertising Message, Decide Media to Use, Evaluate Advertising Effectiveness).

5. New Product Development   -  Product Line Decisions, New Products, Tracking Trends, Knowing Your Customers, Packaging, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Financial Forecasting, Project Revenues and Costs, Expenditure Breakdown, Revenue Breakdown.
6. Sales Technique   -  Promotion and Sales, Steps in the Sales Order, Understanding Persuasion, Materials of Persuasion (Know the Audience, Subject and Yourself, Influencing Opponents, Influencing Neutrals, Handling Criticism, Logical Persuasion); Questioning, Sales Staff Training, Theory of Helping, Strategies (Traditional Approach, Task Approach), Common Strategies for Staff Training and Teaching
7.  Writing Advertisement    -  Purpose of Advertising, Writing an Effective Advertisement, Structure of an Ad, Importance of Colour and Size, Advertisement Creation (Develop Product Awareness, Provide Information, Develop a Desire, Develop Conviction, Differentiate Brand, Make a Decision), The Advertising Message, Message Generation, Combining Rewards and Experiences to design a message, Delivering the Message, Advertisement Creation Checklist, Verification and Proofing

8. Electronic Marketing -Telephone & Email   -  Telephone Manner, Managing an Unmanned Phone, Internet Promotions ( Larger audience, Lower Conversion Factor, Different Etiquette, Different Cost Structures, etc), Netiquitte, Ways of Using Web, Web sites, Site Construction, Site Use, Emails)

9. Direct Mailing   -  Types of Direct Mailing (The Direct, The Informative. The Reminder, The Utility); Advantages, Disadvantages, Appropriateness

10. Exhibitions & Shows   -  Types of Exhibitions, Judging it’s Value, What can go Wrong, Catering for People Overload, Measuring Success, Organising an Event, Planning a Display


Aims of the Course

  • Analyse a market and understand what prompts people to choose one product or service over another.
  • Determine the promotional effort on an identified target market.Explain how to organise and/or conduct displays.
  • Plan an advertising program.
  • Review a promotions campaign.
  • Explain how to choose and develop marketing of new products and services.
  • Explain how to organise and/or conduct promotions.
  • Develop a sales approach for a product or service which has a difficult sales history.
  • Plan a sales staff training program
  • Develop different advertisements and different promotional leaflets or brochures
  • Describe promotional and advertising techniques using electronic media, in particular the phone and the internet.
  • Determine an appropriate direct mailing campaign.Design a show/exhibition stand
  • Explain how to organise or conduct shows

Course Duration
:   100 hours of self paced study


Marketing Begins by Knowing Your Customers

Where do You Want to be Seen?

Being seen by a large number of people does not necessarily mean you will get a lot of business.
What if those people have no interest in doing business with you?  If you are selling a local history guide to village X in the UK and put it in an online bookshop, the people viewing your product could be thousands of miles away. The people who are likely to buy that book, however, are those who live or work in the village or who stay there or who have lived there in the past; so it is more useful to target those people rather than everyone in the world. But going back to the imaginary firm – SparkleWorld – if they targeted only the people in Village X, they might sell some fairy dust, but probably not that much. Their market is worldwide. So it is not just about getting your business seen by a lot of people, it is also about your business being seen by the RIGHT people – people who might buy your product or service.

Primary Aims of Advertising and Promotion
There are four primary aims for advertising and promotion:

  • That a high proportion of those who notice you are potential buyers
  • That sufficient numbers of  people notice you
  • That you are noticed often enough that you are more prominent in people’s thoughts than your competition
  • That you are noticed in enough different places to make an impact

To achieve these primary aims; you need to first determine who your market is.

Who are you trying to sell to?
This is what we call your “target market”.

It is important to recognise that you cannot be everything to everyone. Even big international companies like Coca Cola don’t sell their product to everyone.  It would be a waste of time, for example, for Coca Cola to advertise their drink at a health resort as a health drink. 

Everyone is a potential client but all goods or services should be aimed at specifically targeted potential customers. So although everyone is a potential client and there is always the off-chance that they might buy your product, it is better to target your marketing at people who are more likely to buy your product.

Who is Your Target Market?
There is no easy answer to this. To find out who your target market is requires market research.   Consider who you think will buy your products. 





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Meet some of our academics

Sarah RedmanOver 15 years industry experience covering marketing, PR, administration, event management and training, both in private enterprise and government; in Australia and the UK.
John MasonMr Mason has worked 45+ years in Writing, Education, Horticulture and Recreation. His experience in both public & private sectors is extensive; particularly across Australia and England.
Kate Gibson B.Soc.Sc.15+ years experience in HR, marketing, education & project management. Kate has traveled and worked in a variety of locations including London, New Zealand and Australia.

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Event ManagementThe Event Management ebook can be used as a reference for students or as a foundation text for professionals who need to know the finer details for organising an event. This book takes the reader through the all of the considerations that need to be looked at prior to, during and after an event is organised. The topics covered in the Event Management ebook are 1/ Scope and Nature of Event Management, 2/ Developing a Concept and Planning, 3/ Organising the Resources Required, 4/ Catering: Food and Drink, 5/ Promoting an Event, 6/ Managing the Clientele, 7/ Risk Management, Legalities and Contingency Planning, 8/ Delivering the Event, 9/ Organising Celebrations and Parties, 10/ Organising Exhibitions, 11/ Organising Conferences and Seminars and 12/ Working in the Event Industry.
Modern MarketingThis book explores new approaches to marketing, how to adapt to a continually changing world both through online marketing, and more. Some aspects of marketing never change; but many of the well established approaches used in the past simply do not work any more. This book lays a foundation for thinking about marketing in a different way
Project ManagementThis ebook is designed to help improve your capacity to manage any type of project in any type of industry. It may be read as a stand- alone book; used as something to refer to during the process of managing projects, or used as a complementary reference to help enhance the overall learning experience when studying a project management course.