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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Statement of Attainment

Do you want to organise and manage events as a career?

Event management is the ideal career for people who enjoy socialising, having fun and are great organisers. 

  • Develop your knowledge and skills in the planning and management of special events, including concerts, festivals, exhibitions and sporting events.
  • Includes: Scope and Nature of Special Events; Originating and Developing a Concept; Budgeting; Event Co-ordination and Post Event Evaluation.




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Learn to plan, organise and manage successful events.

  • This course is great starting point for those wishing to develop a career in Event Management.
  • Develop your knowledge and skills in the planning, organisation and management of events.
  • Whether you want to start your own event management business or become an event manager for someone else, this course will give you the foundation you need.
  • Course Duration: 100 hours of self-paced study.

Learn about planning and managing events, such as parties, weddings, PR events, concerts, exhibitions and other forms of events. Event Management can be a great source of supplementary income and can just as easily become a full time career!


There are 9 lessons in this course:

 1.  Scope and Nature of Event Management

  • What is Event Management.
  • Planning an Event or Conference.
  • When to Run an Event.
  • Other factors.
  • Where to Hold an Event.
  • Event Management Companies.
  • Planning Example - A Christmas Party.

2. Developing the Concept

  • Naturally Occurring Events.
  • Creating New and Original Events.
  • Planning a Party in a Home.
  • Making Decisions.
  • Contingencies.
  • Hiring Equipment.
  • Fire at Events (BBQ’s, Bonfires, Fire Pits, Braziers, Torches, Fireworks).
  • Safety.
  • Planning a Public Event.
  • Evaluation Checklist.

3. Physical and Human Resources

  • Volunteers.
  • Managing Staff.
  • Leadership.
  • Giving Orders and Instructions.
  • Communicating Change.
  • Forming a Team.
  • Types of Team Members.
  • Elements of a Team.
  • Dealing with Problems in Teams.
  • Nurturing a Team.
  • Committees.
  • Guidelines for Planning a Show or Exhibition.
  • Hiring Tradesmen.
  • Choosing an Event Location.
  • Décor.
  • Equipment.
  • Entertainment.
  • Choosing a User Friendly Site.
  • Lighting.
  • Car Parking and Transport.

4. Project Logistics

  • Contingencies.
  • Traffic Management.
  • Toilets and Locker Rooms.
  • Security Lighting.
  • Legal Liability.
  • Understanding Legal Requirements and Controls.
  • Negligence.
  • Local Government and Liability.
  • Minimising Risk.

5. Marketing an Event

  • Target Audience.
  • Publicity.
  • Public Relations.
  • Sponsorship.
  • Developing a Business Plan.
  • Key Strategy.
  • Business Priority.
  • Action Plan.
  • Marketing Strategy.
  • Business Reviews.
  • Marketing.
  • Advertising.

6. Financial Management

  • Types of Budgets.
  • Budgeting an Event.
  • Cash Flow.
  • Controlling Cash.
  • Cash Cycle.
  • Liquidity.
  • Financial Decisions.
  • Budget Performance Reports.
  • Improving Profit.
  • Reducing Costs.
  • Controlling Expenditure.

7. Risk Management

  • Risk Reduction.
  • Managing Risk.
  • Sensitivity Analysis.
  • Quality Systems.
  • Contingency Planning.
  • Catering for People Overload.
  • Managing Slippery Surfaces.
  • Identifying Risk.
  • Workplace Policy.
  • Risk Control Methods.
  • Business Law.
  • Legal Rights and Obligations.
  • Consumer Protection.
  • The Law and Employees.
  • Dispute Management.
  • Duty of Care.

8. Staging the Event

  • Theme of an Event.
  • Venue Choice.
  • Audience and Guests.
  • Ticketing.
  • The Stage.
  • Power, Lights, Sound.
  • Catering.
  • Performers.
  • Crew.
  • Hospitality.
  • Recording an Event.
  • Contingencies.
  • Crowd Control.

9. After the Event

  • Measuring Success.
  • Dealing with Complaints.
  • Cleaning Up.
  • Repairing Lawns.
  • Evaluation Checklist.


  • Identify the various tasks which are involved in the management of a variety of different types of events.
  • Explain how a range of different types of events are initiated and planned.
  • Determine the human and physical resources required to deliver different types of events.
  • Determine how physical and human resources will be organised in preparation for staging an event, in order that needs are appropriately catered for.
  • Develop a marketing plan for an event.
  • Develop a Financial Management Plan for an Event.
  • Develop a series of Risk management procedures to minimize the impact of different types of problems including financial, legal, marketing, crowd control, food services, and hygiene.
  • Describe the way in which facilities and services are managed during the actual delivery of an event.
  • Review an event after its delivery.
What is Event Management?

Event management is the process of making an event happen, from planning to the staging of the event to the conclusion of the process.

Event managers need to have a firm understanding of the event planned and the reasons for holding it: the What, Where, Why and Who?

  • What type of event is to be held and what is the budget?
  • Where is it to be held?
  • Why is the event being held?
  • Who is the event being held for, who are the supporters, and who is to be involved?

A well-managed event will meet the needs of its patrons. Private clients who use event managers to plan and implement their event will often have pre-set ideas on how the event should be run and may have very high expectations. They pay the Event Manager to ensure that all their ideas will work and the event lives up to their expectations. They may also expect the organiser to come up with a range of innovative and interesting ideas. This requires skills beyond those of an organisational and management nature.

An example may be a birthday party for a very wealthy client. The client may expect the Event Manager to show an extraordinary depth of imagination i.e. in the decorations used, the layout of the room, the menu planning and so on. The wealthy client may want the ‘party to beat all parties’. Second best may not be good enough.

It is wise for the event manager, irrelevant of the size and nature of the event, to use the approach: ‘That’s good enough’ is not good enough. Aim for excellence. Developing an excellent reputation is the best way to ensure ongoing work.

Event management also includes planning and organizing the supply of equipment, materials and services well ahead of time. Careful planning enables the use of alternative resources should any of these resources prove be to be difficult to obtain.

Promoting the event is also important, and will encourage attendance. Even a visually pleasing pamphlet or leaflet to promote the event will go a long way to encourage people to attend. Promotions should begin well in advance of the event, as that will give people the opportunity to attend by planning their lives around the event. 

  • Create publicity well ahead of time will allow marketing to be effective with a good ‘lead in time’
  • Advertising should be booked well in advance i.e. advertisers sell space many months before publication.
  • People travelling from other cities or regions will need to organise their commitments and plan for accommodation, transport or any other needs with ample time.
Project Logistics

It is important to match your resources with your goals. Provide a smaller range of services, but provide them well. If an event is to run smoothly and you are to get the best productivity from your physical and human resources, you cannot afford to make mistakes. When things go wrong, resources are wasted.

Contingencies should be in place before any event ever begins.

Consider all the uncertainties: all the different possible ways events could unfold.

Sometimes everything seems to fall into place; and everything goes right. In fact, you need to make very few on the spot decisions to change tactics as the event unfolds.

At other times, things go wrong. If the way you are doing something is not working on the day of the event, you may need to change your approach quickly. In such cases, “back up” plans are best to have already been put in place. This may involve something as simple as swapping over an amplifier; or in an extreme case, it may require engaging the services of a different caterer to handle all food supplies.

Insurance is an increasingly complex, and costly aspect of logistics in today’s world.

For many events, rising premiums have virtually made an event unviable. Nevertheless, insurance is both a financial and often legal necessity.

It is wise to determine insurance costs before even commencing to organise other aspects of an event. Insurance considerations can cause you to rethink aspects or components of an event. Fireworks for instance may end up being excluded from an event simply because they would force insurance premiums too high.

Does the venue have all the facilities you are seeking?

Traffic Management At Events

When planning an event it is important to consider traffic flow. Special events can cause traffic problems such as congestion. Conversely, traffic problems can impact on events.

Traffic includes not only vehicles, but also pedestrians. For any event, large or small, both vehicles and people must have ready access and passage.

 Many factors can affect traffic flow, including:

  • Time of day and week.  Rush hour, lunch hour, school start and finish and the end of the working week can all increase the amount of traffic on roads.
  • Road conditions.  Poor road surfaces, for example potholes, can reduce the speed of traffic.
  • Environmental conditions.  Rain, snow, and even glaring sun can significantly slow traffic.
  • Competing events.  Competition between events scheduled on the same day can cause congestion.

Event organisers should plan their event so as to minimise traffic load as people are transported to the event, and at the event itself. An important benefit of this approach is that it reduces inconvenience experienced by residents local to the event.

Further considerations for managing traffic flow during an event include:

  • Safety and security.  Traffic control measures should preserve the safety of both event-goers and event staff. This could include clear signage, wearing of brightly coloured clothing by traffic employees, and use of radios to coordinate traffic flow.
  • Crowd control.  Persons appropriately qualified in crowd control should be present at the event to foresee, prevent or deal with crowding problems should they occur.
  • Modes of arrival and departure.  Modes of transport to be used (for example, train and bus) should be identified during the planning phase of the event, and measures put in place to deal with them. For example, if a major event is close to a large train station, event organisers may negotiate for extra train services on event days. This would decrease the number of people arriving in private transport, and minimise the problems posed in trying to provide parking for large numbers of vehicles. Likewise, if parking close to an event is minimal, arrangements may be made for event-goers to park at a more distant venue. Event organisers can overcome the problem of distance by providing a free bus service to and from the event.
  • Queuing patterns.  Infrastructure for queuing vehicles and people should be in place before the event begins. Queuing strategies should be designed to deal with peak flows. Some queuing designs, for example long straight lines, are known to cause irritation and should be avoided. Alternatives such as multiple lines or snaking lines are much more user friendly, and are preferable in event situations. A key factor in queue design is space. Queues should be planned to cause minimal interruption to the flow of traffic. For example, a queue stretching across a crowded passageway would obstruct pedestrian traffic, whereas a snaking queue could avoid the passageway altogether.
  • Loading zones.  Provision should be made for special close delivery access to the event.
  • Emergency egress.  The event site should be planned to allow access by emergency vehicles and personnel in case of an accident, injury or fire.
  • Disability access.  Some event-goers may have mobility problems. Therefore it is important to make provision in the planning stages for disability parking and access to the event.
  • Humans and vehicles.  Special care must be taken when planning and coordinating traffic areas used by both vehicles and people. The potential for accidents is high in such areas, and all measures possible should be taken to separate the two types of traffic. A good method of dealing with shared road space is to establish a managed crossing. A qualified person can stop and start vehicle and pedestrian movements in such a way that people and vehicles are never both on the road at the same time.
  • Heavy load limits.  Some roads have an upper load limit. If a planned event requires delivery of heavy equipment, such as a fencing system, it is important to check that roads providing access for delivery are adequate.

It is very rare that an event can be planned and run by only one person or group, especially when traffic disturbances are likely. A crucial factor in the success of any event is collaboration with local authorities. Many of the aforementioned factors may in be regulated under local laws. The event organiser could risk criminal and/or civil action if they failed to understand and comply with such laws.

Depending on the nature of an event, and again on local laws, event organisers may be required to lodge a traffic control plan. Perhaps the most critical rule of event traffic control is never assume you have permission! Always check if authorisation is needed.

Some local authorities regularly participate in traffic control, and already have policies and procedures in place for dealing with special events. If this is the case, event organisers must integrate their staffing arrangements with those of local authorities.

Toilets And Locker Rooms

Most, if not all event facilities, include toilets. Many also include change rooms.  The maintenance of these facilities is an important part of managing any event.

These facilities may include toilets, wash basins, showers, mirrors, rubbish bins, soap dispensers, toilet paper holders, hand dryers, other dispensers (e.g. combs, condoms, toothpaste etc.).

Health and Safety

Several things can go wrong:

  •  Disease (e.g. bacteria) can develop.
  •  Rubbish can build up and attract vermin.
  •  Hot water can run out.
  •  Toilets or drains can become clogged.
  •  Dispensers run out (e.g. no toilet paper or hand towel).
  •  Mould grows on floor, in showers etc.

Routine Maintenance

The event manager is ultimately responsible for ensuring these facilities are kept in appropriate condition. Even if a contractor is engaged the event manager still needs to negotiate the conditions of the contract and monitor that it is carried out in accordance with those conditions.

Routine maintenance tasks may include:

Removing rubbish

  • Rubbish bins should be emptied regularly, before they overflow.
  • Regularly check inside and above lockers, under benches, and in other obscure areas and remove any rubbish.

Replacing dispensers

  • Toilet rolls and paper towel need to be checked at least daily in many facilities.
  • Electric hand drying machines may eliminate the need to supply hand towels.
  • Dispensers of soap and other toiletries will need daily checking if supplied.
  • Franchise operators or contractors may provide and service some dispensers (e.g. condoms, toothpaste, water coolers, etc); in which case they will undertake the routine service. The manager should still check that the servicing is being done, and if necessary change contractor.


Areas should be swept or hosed out before cleaning after each day when they are used. All parts of a toilet and locker room should be washed frequently and thoroughly with a cleaning chemical such as sodium hypochloride. Heavy duty chemicals and heavy scrubbing will also be required periodically to remove any build up of grime (e.g. mould).

Toilets and showers in particular need to be thoroughly cleaned after each day when they are used.


  • Check for graffiti, and remove.
  • Check for damaged locks on toilet/shower doors, lockers etc. and repair immediately.
  • Check for broken glass, exposed nails, loose screws, failed adhesives etc.

NOTE: poorly maintained facilities are not treated as well as facilities kept in good condition!

Security Lighting

Security lighting will deter unwanted visitors from a site when it is not in use, and for larger and longer events, it is generally considered a necessity.

Types of Security Lighting

  • Street lighting
  • Lighting paths and driveways
  • Lighting potential hiding places
  • Flood lighting

How Much Light?

Flood lighting can turn whole areas of the site into almost daytime conditions but it can be overkill and expensive to run.

On the other hand, low voltage lighting can make an intruder visible without affecting the whole neighbourhood. The main thing is to think about how much light you need and the impact it will have.

Controlling Lighting

Some lighting may need to be on all the time, particularly if you are not on site. The lights can be controlled manually (you switch it on and off) or automatically (using time clocks or sensors).

Some problems that can occur with sensor lights:

If movement is too far away or to the side of the sensor, the light might not switch on.

The burglar can cover the sensor so it will not switch back on after switching off once.

It can sense things like moths or possums and switch on and off all night long …when it is finally activated by a burglar, you think it’s just an animal on the prowl.

The sensor might be knocked during the day and be sensing from the wrong direction


A timer can be set to switch lighting on and off at certain times of the day or night.

The problem is that dusk and dawn are continually changing throughout the year; so if you set a timer to switch on at dusk in winter (which might be 5.30pm), it will be switching on and running the lights throughout a long period of daylight during summer. The only way around this is to change the settings every month or two.

The Downside of Security Lighting

  • It can keep you awake at night (but people do tend to get used to it).
  • It uses more electricity so your bills go up.
  • Burglars are, on balance, discouraged but in hidden parts of a site, lighting can actually help the burglar see.

What about solar lights?

It can be expensive to run power cables into a site. Self-contained solar lights are sometimes an answer. They charge up from the sun during the day then can be switched on at night. Most of these have a limited life span though.

Consider vulnerability of lights to damage or intentional breaking by a burglar.

What areas need the most security lighting?

  • Places where someone might hide, e.g. behind bushes, fences, walls, mounds, buildings.
  • Entry and exit points – doors and gates.
  • Potential property entry/exit points, e.g. gates, gaps between plants, easy to climb fences/walls.
  • Roofs, windows etc where they might enter a building.

Legal Liability

Legal considerations are of increasing significance in most countries.

Any type of leader can be held legally liable for malpractice, failure to provide a service and other such things in many modern societies.

The things for which an organisation or its staff, are liable, will vary from place to place. Laws are different under different governments. Social conventions may also be different from place to place; and things which people would be likely to sue over in one country, might tend to be considered differently in another.

Disclaimer clauses (which can vary), may be used in contracts signed by club members, clients, voluntary services or even employees. Care needs to taken though as often these disclaimers may not stand up if challenged.

Insurance policies may need to be maintained by an organisation, or by practicing professionals, as a contingency to cover any liability arising from services provided or work carried out.

Some employers may require certain staff (eg. health therapists, fitness instructors, chemical spray operators etc), to hold professional liability insurance as a condition of employment. Volunteers are also governed by legalities applicable to the work they do and where they undertake it. It is the responsibility of the event manager to be aware of all the legal implications associated with employing staff whether volunteer or paid.

Given differences occurring between different countries (or even states), the following comments should be considered to be only a "general' guide.


One expert (Prosser) claims that the following four conditions that must be present in order to establish that legal negligence exist:

*Legal Responsibility

Staff have a legal responsibility to protect other staff, the public and/or clientele from harm.

As a private citizen who does not provide assistance in an accident, you may be breaching a moral (but not legal) responsibility. As an on duty employee, you may be breaching both a legal and moral responsibility.

*Failure to take Reasonable Care

It must be shown that actions have not been taken, which another reasonably prudent employee would have taken. Consideration may be given to the conditions under which a person is using a particular facility:

  • A trespasser may be someone using the facility without permission
  • A licensee may have permission to use a facility, but in a situation where management is not receiving any particular benefit from the user (eg. a public park).
  • An invitee may be someone who is using the facility with permission, and where management is also benefiting (eg. a fee has been paid).

In other words, if a fee has been paid, responsibility may be higher.


The actions of the employee must be clearly shown to have affected the injury or damage which has occurred.

*Proof of Damage (or Injury)

The damage must be able to be proven. In the case of physical injury or damage to property, a doctor's report, witnesses and/or photographic evidence may be required.

In the case of psychological injury, proof may be more difficult to establish, but must still be established.

Legal Liability (Negligence)

Publicly attended events are often conducted in public buildings under the jurisdiction of local Government.

Recent trends has seen councils/local governments, being no longer just service providers, but also as suitable targets for obtaining compensation when someone is injured on council property, or during council run activities. Councils, and other sport and leisure facility providers, now have to balance community requirements for facilities against the potential for liability.

Negligence is one of the most commonly litigated torts. A 'tort' is simply a civil "wrong". Courts will look at such things as, how any equipment is installed, how it is maintained, how it is used, and whether proper consideration was given to the range of people who are likely to use the facility and/or equipment. Councils are liable to damages in the same way as an ordinary individual. They are also liable for negligent omissions, being the failure to act by employees and agents. This responsibility in law of a council or similar body is called vicarious liability.

The employer will be vicariously liable in three circumstances:-

a) Where it is proved that there is a master/servant relationship between the employer and the employee.

b) The servant, that is the employee, was acting in the course and the scope of their duties as an employee, and

c) The employee was not in breach of any statutory duty.

In general, any liability arises where a duty to exercise reasonable care is owed by one person to another. Anyone exercising that duty should know that a failure to do so will result in loss or damage to another person. When a claim for negligence is made it is up to the plaintiff to prove (establish) on what is known as the "balance of probabilities" (that it was more likely than not) five things.

1. The first is that there is a duty of care owed by the defendant (e.g. the council) to the plaintiff.

2. This establishes a requirement to conform to a certain standard of conduct for the protection of others against unreasonable risks.

3. The third thing which the plaintiff must prove is that the defendant breached that duty of care, at the appropriate standard of conduct, (by failing to take reasonable steps to avoid risk, injury or damage occurring.

4. The fourth thing which the plaintiff needs to prove is that they have suffered material injury, loss or damage as a result of the breach of duty to take reasonable care.

5. The fifth thing is that the damage, etc, sustained was not too far removed from the original breach of duty - that is, it was not too "remote" from the failure to take care.

In case of a claim against a local council for example, for personal injury, damage or loss associated with the land or structure occupied by a council, the court will consider such matters as:

  • The type of premises in question;
  • The type and extent of the danger which might arise from the state or condition of the premises;
  • How the claimant became exposed to the danger;
  • The age of the claimant and the liability of the claimant to appreciate the dangers of the premises;
  • Whether and to what extent the occupier (in this case council) was aware of the danger and/or the presence of the claimant on the premises;
  • What steps where taken to eliminate, reduce or warn of the danger;
  • Whether (and to what extent) it was reasonable to expect the occupier to take measures to eliminate, reduce or warn against danger; and
  • Any matter that the court thinks relevant".

Minimising Liability

1. Take precautions, do your job well; be well trained.

Or in other words "an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure". Ensuring that the risks of injury are minimised, and establishing measures to ensure quick action should injury occur will give you the basis for a solid legal defence.

2. Be properly insured.

With insurance the group or person insured is indemnified by the insurer against its liability in law to pay damages in respect of claims for accidental bodily injury (including death) and accidental damage to property. Suitable insurance (adequate amount and scope of coverage) is absolutely essential these days. For recreation enterprises liability insurance transfers the risk of any high damages settlement from the individual, group, or association responsible for the individual to a professional risk bearer (the insurer) who is financially able to bear the potential economic loss.

It is important that the person or group seeking insurance coverage (e.g. council, club, association, recreation provider) carry out an audit of possible risks associated with proposed or existing facilities, equipment or activities, and deal with each one accordingly. When submitting a request for insurance to an insurance broker, it should be clearly specified what has been undertaken to reduce the risk involved.

3. Ensure that your club or association (if applicable) is an incorporated body.

Incorporation under relevant companies legislation or the more simple Association Incorporation Acts protects the individual members of such clubs or associations by enabling the club or association to be sued and be liable its own separate name, and apart from the names of its individual members. The liability of members is limited to their subscriptions, while the cumulative liability of the group is limited to the value of the property and assets jointly owned by the group or company. If these assets are small, the moral dilemma of being unable to meet large damage pay outs makes it very important for sporting associations to have suitable insurance. Such insurance contracts can only be entered into if the sporting or recreation group, etc. has the separate legal existence of being a company or association.

4. Aim for something that is achievable with regard to standards and expense. So that workers are not forced to take short cuts and end up with unsafe and shoddy work.


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If you are interested in Event Management or want to progress your career in this exciting area, then our Event Management course will provide a great foundation for your development. Study when and where you want to. Why delay? Enrol today!

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Meet some of our academics

Sarah RedmanOver 15 years industry experience covering marketing, PR, administration, event management and training, both in private enterprise and government; in Australia and the UK.
John MasonWriter, Manager, Teacher and Businessman with over 40 years interenational experience covering Education, Publishing, Leisure Management, Education, and Horticulture. He has extensive experience both as a public servant, and as a small business owner. John is a well respected member of many professional associations, and author of over seventy books and of over two thousand magazine articles.
Kate Gibson B.Soc.Sc.15+ years experience in HR, marketing, education & project management. Kate has traveled and worked in a variety of locations including London, New Zealand and Australia.

Check out our eBooks

Event ManagementThe Event Management ebook can be used as a reference for students or as a foundation text for professionals who need to know the finer details for organising an event. This book takes the reader through the all of the considerations that need to be looked at prior to, during and after an event is organised. The topics covered in the Event Management ebook are 1/ Scope and Nature of Event Management, 2/ Developing a Concept and Planning, 3/ Organising the Resources Required, 4/ Catering: Food and Drink, 5/ Promoting an Event, 6/ Managing the Clientele, 7/ Risk Management, Legalities and Contingency Planning, 8/ Delivering the Event, 9/ Organising Celebrations and Parties, 10/ Organising Exhibitions, 11/ Organising Conferences and Seminars and 12/ Working in the Event Industry.
Modern MarketingThis book explores new approaches to marketing, how to adapt to a continually changing world both through online marketing, and more. Some aspects of marketing never change; but many of the well established approaches used in the past simply do not work any more. This book lays a foundation for thinking about marketing in a different way
Starting a BusinessBusinesses don't need to fail! This is concise, easy to read, and alerts you to all of the things that commonly make a difference to business success or failure. Seven chapters are: “A Reality Check”, “The Product or service”, “Managing a Business”, “How to Find Customers”, “How to Make a Sale”, “Delivering the Product or Service”, “Pitfalls to Avoid”.
ManagementManagement is the process of planning, organising, leading, and controlling an organisation’s human and other resources to achieve business goals. More importantly though, effective management needs to be a process of human interaction and compassion. Most bad managers don’t know they are bad. They may well admit that they are a bit erratic, or they are sometimes late to appointments, but it is rare that they will recognise that they are ineffective as managers. Never here. This book has something to offer even the best of managers.