Study in your own time and at your own pace.
- Learn from our highly qualified and experienced tutors.
- Develop skills to run a successful e-commerce business
- Ideal for managers, marketing managers and business managers
Comment from a Client
"Lay a Foundation for Doing Business Electronically" Clients... that have completed courses with ACS that we have spoken to, have all been extremely happy. Leanne & myself are more than happy with the assistance we received and the prompt attention." - Dynamic Workforce Solutions
Course Duration: 1500 hours
Fifteen modules must be completed as follows:
Module 1. Writing a Web Site (HTML)
This module gives you a foundation for internet programming and covers:
- Introduction to the Internet and HTML
- The most important HTML Tags
- Simplification through HTML Construction Software
- Creating Links
- Loading a Site onto the Internet
- Adding Graphics
- Designing a Web Site that Works
- Advanced Features
Module 2
This module will expand on website database development techniques and more using Microsofts ASP.NET technology. There are 11 lessons as follows:
- Introduction
- VB.NET Essentials
- Web Forms
- Web Server Controls
- Form Validation
- Classes and Namespaces
- Creating ASP.NET Applications
- Error Handling
- Email from your Applications
- Project: Creating an Online Store
Module 3 Digital Photography
This module covers:
- Introduction To Digital Technology How images are captured and stored, categories of equipment & software, scope of applications
- Equipment
- Digital Technology - Colour, resolution, sensors
- Digital Cameras
- Taking Photographs
- Scanners
- Uploading Images
- The Digital Darkroom
- Compositing & Imaging - Production & manipulation of images
- Special Effects
- Outputs & Applications- Printers, The Internet
Module 4 E Commerce
- Introduction – what is e-commerce (more than the internet)
- Success and failure – what makes the difference
- Promotional strategies – are different on the internet
- Optimizing web site potential
- Increasing web site exposure
- Automating supply of goods, services and cash flow
- Managing constant change
- Dealing with e-commerce problems
Module 5 Visual Basic.Net
- Introduction
- The Variables
- Understanding conditional statements
- I/O handling
- Controls and Objects – An Introduction
- Structured Programming using Modules
- Properties, methods, events & classes
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Using controls
- Debugging
- Developing a complete VB.NET application
Module 6 Graphic Design
- All about Graphic Design
- Basic Design Fundamentals
- Using Colours
- Typography
- Pictorial Content within your design - methods & techniques
- Logotype Design
- Layout Design to graphic artwork
- How the graphic design industry functions within your locality
- Comparative Design- drawing form the work of other designers to diversify your work
- Design Project
Module 7 Publishing I (Introduction to Publishing)
- Nature and Scope of the Publishing world
- Desktop Publishing A
- Desktop Publishing B
- Illustration: Graphics
- Illustration: Photography
- Research Skills : Market Research, researching an article, etc
- Marketing of Publications
- Ethics & the law in publishing
- Developing a publishing project
Module 8 Freelance Writing
- Introduction
- Basic Writing Skills
- The Publishing World
- Manuscripts
- Planning
- Newspaper Writing
- Magazine Writing
- Writing books
- Writing advertising
- Special project
Module 9 Marketing (Foundations)
Marketing is the cornerstone of most modern businesses. Lack of marketing knowledge is frequently the reason why a good business concept does not succeed. This module deals with all aspects of marketing from presentation and packaging, to advertising and selling, developing in you an acute awareness of what is needed to achieve and maintain a good market share.
- Marketing and the Business
- Scope of Marketing
- Target Marketing
- The Marketing Mix
- Product Presentation
- Promotion, Communication, Merchandising
- Product Pricing and Distribution
- Customer Service
- Market Research
- Organisations

Module 10 Internet Marketing
- Scope and Nature of Social Media
- The Psychology of Internet Marketing
- Social Media Applications
- Websites, Advertising and Other Applications
- Capturing and converting customers
- Creating and Using Content
- Blogs and Newsletters
- Developing an Internet Marketing Program (PBL Project
Module 11 Advertising & Promotions
- Analysing the market
- Target Marketing
- Display and Display Techniques
- Advertising and Promotions strategy
- New product development
- Sales Techniques – General
- Writing Advertisements
- Electronic Marketing
- Direct Mailing
- Exhibitions and Shows
Module 12 Marketing Systems
- Marketing systems

- Retailing systems and strategies
- Wholesaling systems and strategies
- Product presentation and packaging
- Negotiating skills
- Marketing organisations
- International marketing
- International marketing
- Analysing the market
- The marketing mix
Module 13 Bookkeeping Foundations
- Introduction - Nature, Scope and Function of Bookkeeping
- The Balance Sheet
- Analysing and Designing Accounting Systems
- Double Entry Bookkeeping
- Cash Receipts and Cash Payment Journals
- Credit Sales, Fees and Purchases Journal
- The General Journal
- The Closing of the General Ledger
- Profit and Loss Statements
- Depreciation on Non-current Assets
- Profit Determination and Balance Day Adjustments
- Cash Control: Bank Reconciliation and Petty Cash
- Cash Control: Budgeting
Module 14 Research Project I
The Research Project involves some theoretical studies followed by designing, conducting and writing up research on a relevant topic. Selection of the topic, and progress in this project is monitored and guided by a tutor.
Module 15 Industry Meetings (100 hours)
Industry Meetings involves attendance at committee meetings, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, or any other events that are relevant. The student needs to submit documentary proof of attend
DURATION - 1500 HOURS of self paced study
START DATE - You can start our courses at any time. We operate on a rolling programme, so you start your studies at a time that suits you.

Develop an outline e-commerce marketing strategy, using these headings to develop your ideas:
Who are your customers?
- products and services
- pricing
- sales and communications
- customer service
- distribution
- competitors
Use these three stages to move your business online:
- E-commerce Launch Plan
- E-commerce Promotion Plan
E-commerce launch plan
The E-commerce Launch Plan helps to promote the launch of your E-commerce initiative using:
- letters to existing customers
- advertising in local newspapers, on radio and in
- magazines read by potential customers
- articles and interviews on local radio and TV
- announcements on portals and community websites
E-commerce promotion plan
The E-commerce Promotion Plan is to promote your email and website addresses using:
- signage at your place of business
- stationery, business cards, fax forms
- cartons, boxes and packaging
- catalogues, brochures, manuals, fact sheets
- advertisements: print, radio, TV
Internet marketing plan
The Internet Marketing Plan covers the Internet activities which support your e-commerce strategy:
- email signature for your business
- email newsletters and product announcements
- website links to and from other websites and portals
- email enquiry buttons and forms
- incentives to use the website such as free information, specials, discounts
voluntary mailing and subscriber lists search engines and directories
Things to note:
- Never send spam
- Make sure your presence is reminded to customers. For example: Monthly newsletter, special offers etc
- Get links back to your site from other popular websites
- Make sure you record the outcome of your marketing campaigns to know which is successful and which is not.
- Spend your marketing budget according to the statistics

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