Study Information Technology and Computing for great career opportunities.
- Study in your own time and at your own pace.
- Gain a solid qualification in IT
- Learn about the IT industry and the skills required.
- Improve your job prospects
Duration: 1500 hours

To obtain this qualification you need to complete all assignments and pass exams in 14 modules. In addition you need to provide proof of attendance at 100 hours of industry meetings such as professional association committee meetings, seminars, conferences or trade shows.
You are also required to complete five of the following elective modules –
Scope of Studies
The following lists provide an indication of topics covered in each of the compulsory modules. In addition to this, there is a further 500 hours of study undertaken across elective modules, the content of which will vary, according to whichever elective modules you choose to study.
Computer Operations II 
- Introduction to Personal Computers
- Types of Systems
- Peripherals
- Software
- Using DOS
- Troubleshooting
- Industry Applications
- The Future of Computers
- Hardware Components
- Peripherals
- Operating Systems
- Files and Folders
- Office Applications
- Windows Accessories Programs
- Disk Management
- Installation of software
- Trouble shooting
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft Powerpoint
Computer Servicing I, II & III
- The Computer Workshop.
- Computer and Workshop safety
- Hardware Components
- Different Systems & Basic Disassembly.
- System Assembly.
- Peripherals.
- Installation of software.
- Computer Maintenance.
- Troubleshooting.
- Introduction to Hardware Components
- Basic Diagnostic Equipment
- Electric Circuits & Fault Analysis
- Problem Solving & Fault Analysis
- Diagnostic Testing A
- Diagnostic Testing B
- Software Maintenance & Troubleshooting
- Disk Drives & CD-ROM
- Video & Audio Systems
- Developing A Maintenance Program
- Using Tools & Equipment.
- Electronics
- CPU Problems
- Repairing Circuit Boards & Installing Hardware Components
- Printer Problems
- Other Peripherals
- Networks
- Deciding On A Course Of Action
Writing a Web Site (HTML)
- Introduction to the Internet and HTML
- The most important HTML Tags
- Simplification through HTML Construction Software
- Creating Links
- Loading a Site onto the Internet
- Adding Graphics
- Designing a Web Site that Works
- Advanced Features
- Introduction
- VB.NET Essentials
- Web Forms
- Web Server Controls
- Form Validation
- Classes and Namespaces
- Creating ASP.NET Applications
- Error Handling
- Email from your Applications
- Project: Creating an Online Store
Visual Basic.Net
- Introduction To Visual Basic
- Code Theory (Part 1)
- Code Theory (Part 2)
- Objects (Part 1)
- Objects (Part 2)
- Application Design
Digital Photography
- Introduction To Digital Technology How images are captured and stored, categories of equipment & software, scope of applications
- Equipment
- Digital Technology - Colour, resolution, sensors
- Digital Cameras
- Taking Photographs
- Scanners
- Uploading Images
- The Digital Darkroom
- Compositing & Imaging - Production & manipulation of images
- Special Effects
- Outputs & Applications- Printers, The Internet
E Commerce
- Introduction – what is e-commerce (more than the internet)
- Success and failure – what makes the difference
- Promotional strategies – are different on the internet
- Optimizing web site potential
- Increasing web site exposure
- Automating supply of goods, services and cash flow
- Managing constant change
- Dealing with e-commerce problems
Publishing I & II
- Nature and Scope of the Publishing world
- Desktop Publishing A
- Desktop Publishing B
- Illustration: Graphics
- Illustration: Photography
- Research Skills : Market Research, researching an article, etc
- Marketing of Publications
- Ethics & the law in publishing
- Developing a publishing project
Research Project I
The Research Project involves some theoretical studies followed by designing, conducting and writing up research on a relevant topic. Selection of the topic, and progress in this project is monitored and guided by a tutor.
Industry Meetings (100 hours)
Industry Meetings involves attendance at committee meetings, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, or any other events that are relevant. The student needs to submit documentary proof of attendance (eg. references, testimonials, receipts etc)
Graphic Design
- All about Graphic Design
- Basic Design Fundamentals
- Using Colours
- Typography
- Pictorial Content within your design - methods & techniques
- Logotype Design
- Layout Design to graphic artwork
- How the graphic design industry functions within your locality
- Comparative Design- drawing form the work of other designers to diversify your work
- Design Project
- Introduction
- Enabling Javascript & Web Applications
- Operators, Strings & Arrays
- Conditional Statements
- Functions
- Events and Event handling
- Cookies, Browser Detection
- Objects
- Dynamic HTML; XHTML, CSS
- Emails, Forms and Form Validation
- Pop Ups and Navigation Menus
- JavaScript Applications
SQL Databases
- Database introduction
- SQL Fundamentals
- Building an SQL Database
- Retrieving, Storing, Updating and Deleting Data
- Advanced SQL database access methods
- Database Security
- Using SQL Applications
- Cursors
- Stored Procedures
- Error Handling
- Dynamic SQL
- Networking Terms, Concepts and Standards
- Network Topology, Architecture and Transmission Media
- Network Components and Hardware
- Network Design and Planning
- Network Upgrading and Project Management
- Network Protection and Maintenance
- Understanding Network Connecting Options
- Installation and Configuration of Network
- Basic TCP/IP Services and Applications
- Troubleshooting Tools for TCP/IP Networks
Information Security
- Scope and nature of risks
- Ethics
- Data Integrity and Backing up
- Vulnerabilities of Operating Systems and Information Systems
- Risk Management
- Information Security Technologies, Developments and Initiatives
- Physical Security
- Security Policy Development
- Implementing and revising a security policy
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
Today's workplace is more efficient than ever before. Every sector of every industry has been impacted by computers: from primary production to manufacturing; both provision of products and services; and management to work at the coal face.
Computers are wonderful when everything is working, but can be the biggest problem any workplace can face when things don't work.
Avoiding, or at least minimizing potential problems (ie. risk management program), starts with a heightened awareness of what might go wrong.
Consider the Character of Your Computer System
Every organisation is unique with regards to its size, location, operations, employees, budget, and profit margins. The IT system is every organisation is different to that of another organisation, even if the 2 organisations share the same mission, same number of employees, etc. So when assessing the risks for a particular IT system, it is important to begin this process by identifying the boundaries, resources, information and technologies that constitute the system. This will assist decision makers to establish the scope of the risk assessment effort by categorising the risks based on the different systems components and features such as hardware, software, network connectivity, etc.
All information technology systems are characterised based on system-related information for a few or all of the following components, personnel and features:
- software components;
- hardware components;
- critical Information and data stored on the system;
- non-critical Information and data stored on the system;
- sensitive and non-sensitive data stored on the system
- internal network connectivity;
- external network connectivity;
- people who use the IT system;
- people who support the IT system;
- critical and non-critical systems;
It is also important to gather information related to the IT systems operation, such as:
- the functional requirements of the information technology system;
- a list of the users of the IT system (this would include the users who use the system
- as well the users who support the IT system);
- the security policies implemented. These include federal laws and requirements,
- industry practices, and policies implemented within the organisation.
- the security architecture of the system;
- the current network topology implemented;
- the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information stored on the IT systems, as well as that of any backup data stored on storage media;
any encryption methods used as part of the IT system security;
any physical security implemented to protect the IT system from unauthorised access such as facility security, boom gates, security access cards, data centre policies, etc.An organisation can undertake risk assessment either before it begins its operation (i.e. while the system is still in its design and initiation phase), or it can undertake an assessment during its operation.
When an IT system is still in its design phase, the appropriate system information will be derived from the design documents as well as the functional requirements documentation; however when an IT system is already operational, the system information data will be collected from the production environment and used in deciding on the measures and policies required for the organisation’s risk assessment. This includes but is not limited to systems configuration, network connectivity, as well as procedures and practices implemented in the organisation.
Identify Threats
When system vulnerability is exploited or has the possibility of being exploited, the system is known to be “at risk of a threat”, therefore, a threat is defined as the potential for a factor or third-party system to successfully exercise vulnerability in a particular system. Recall from previous lessons that system vulnerability is a weakness in the system which can be triggered or exploited either accidentally or for malicious intent.
When performing risk assessment for a particular information system, it is very important to identify all the potential threats to that system, along with the likelihood of each threat, therefore, things like threat sources, existing vulnerabilities, potential vulnerabilities and existing controls should be carefully considered and examined.
Identifying the source of threats
The first step in identifying threats consists of identifying any potential sources of threats and write down a list of those threat-sources which are of relevance to the information system being evaluated. A threat source refers to any event or circumstance that has the potential of causing some sort of damage and harm to an existing information system. The most common sources of threat are environmental, human, or natural.
Potential sources of threats should be carefully considered, and this can prove to be quite a lengthy exercise and might require a few meetings and sessions because some sources may not be very obvious but can still potentially cause great harm to the information systems in particular, and to the organisation as a whole. Events like “flooding” for example might have a very low likelihood of occurring because an organisation might not be located near the beach or the river, however it is still possible for the facility to flood in the event of a bursting pipe within the company, and this will still classify as a “flood” event. Such an event can cause extensive damage to the IT assets and resources of an organisation.
Human beings can also cause a great deal of damage to information systems, and are therefore considered as serious threat sources for any business. Humans can hurt information systems either intentionally or unintentionally. Intentional harm results from attacks by malicious people and disgruntled employees, whereas unintentional harm can result from negligence and human errors.
Consider Motivation
Motivation is only considered whenever human beings are the threat-sources. In this case, it is important to understand the possible motivation of people considered to be threat-sources (such as terminated employees, cyber criminals, terrorists, etc.), as well as the methods they might use to carry out their attacks.
Organisations should also review the history of any system break-ins as well as security violations and incident reports to determine whether their IT systems are vulnerable to human attacks in particular. Information gathering sessions should also include meetings and discussions with the IT administrators, help desk, HR personnel and other users in the organisation to identify any potential human threat-sources who can harm the IT systems and who can be a concern in case system vulnerability exists.
Identify System Vulnerabilities
When an organisation is analysing the threats to its IT systems, it should also analyse vulnerabilities associated with the system environment.
This step will allow the organisation to develop a list of the weaknesses and flaws existing in their IT systems, which are also known as “system vulnerabilities”, and which can be exploited by any potential threat sources.
Broader Skills will Broaden Your Career Potential
Becoming an I.T. professional, with long term career prospects; requires more than just the ability to program or repair computers.
Technicians and programmers may be able to command a good income when they are in short supply. This isn't always the case though.
The I.T. industry may have only been around for a generation or two, but over that time it has changed a lot; and it is likely to continue to keep changing.
Opportunities to earn well and progress in your career, will often depend upon your ability to adapt to change in this industry, to identify new opportunities, and to work at the cutting edge as an innovator, seeing and responding to new opportunities as they emerge and before others respond.
This course is broad based in order to give you broad skills. It will foster your ability to grow your awareness of opportunities, building contacts with industry professionals. You will learn to think and act in an innovative way, and in doing all these things to optimize your career sustainability.
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