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Duration (approx) 600 hours

Psychology courses available to study in your own home and at your own pace.

Choose modules to suit you and your own interests.

Do you wish you could study psychology flexibly and learn more about what interests YOU?

Then this course could help. 

With the self-design certificate, you choose six 100 hour modules that focus on areas of psychology that you are interested in. If you are not quite sure what modules would suit you, you can also discuss your choices with a tutor and they can guide you through your options. 


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Study Psychology with this Self-Design course enabling you to pick topics to study that interest YOU.

Are you interested in psychology, but can't quite find what you are looking for?

With this self-design certificate, you choose six 100 hour modules to focus on areas and subjects that interest you.

You can focus on particular areas, such as stress management or child psychology or life coaching. Or you can look at general topics within psychology.

You pick the modules that most interest you and suit your requirements.

Our tutors are there to help you every step of the way, to make sure your module choices are the best fit for your needs.


A self designed certificate must contain SIX 100 hour modules.

Step 1 – Choose any combination of psychology modules.

Modules Available -

  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Stress Management
  • Life Coaching
  • Counselling Skills I and II
  • Counselling Techniques
  • Biopsychology I and II
  • Neuropsychology
  • Anger Management
  • Child Psychology
  • Adult Mental Health
  • Child Mental Health ........................ and more.

You can view all modules here.

You may even include one or two modules from outside of this topic list provided that they are relevant to the broad area of study, or can be readily justified as relevant to your particular situation.

Step 2 – Discuss your module choices with a tutor

You can choose any six modules from the 100 hour courses available, as long as the combination makes sense and is approved by one of the school's academic staff. You can contact the school and discuss your options with one of the psychology tutors. This can be done via email, phone or letter.

Step 3

Once your subjects have been determined and approved, you will be issued with a unique Course Code. Supply this code, the course title and the name of the tutor (or staff member) who approved the course when you enrol.

Step 4

Off you go and get started studying the fascinating world of psychology.

Start Date You can start the course at any time that suits you and your commitments.

Duration The course requires 600 hours of study approximately. How long this takes will depend on you and how much time you have available for studying. But as an example, if you studied 12 hours a week, it would take you 50 weeks.

BUT PLEASE REMEMBER YOU MUST DISCUSS YOUR COURSE CHOICES WITH A TUTOR BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR ENROLMENT. This is important as it ensures you are making the right choices to suit your requirements.


We are All Different

Several different people can all have exactly the same experience; and yet they will almost certainly all have different thoughts and opinions about that experience. Perception varies from one person to the next.

Perception is the process of organising selected information into meaningful patterns.  The meanings we arrive at form our perception of an event, object, or situation.  However, we never experience the total situation, only parts of it.  Different people perceive different things in an event because they have selected to focus on different parts of the information available to them: this is called perceptual focus. We focus on the stimuli that have the greatest attraction for us - in either a positive or a negative sense.  For example, we see a huge wave approaching as we swim.  If we focus on what we fear (drowning) or lack (swimming skills), we will feel in danger.  If we focus on what we find enjoyable (challenge), we will find the situation exciting.  Thus, our concerns and needs affect our perception. Other factors affecting our perceptions are past experience, culture, and emotions.

Past experience has shaped our understanding of the world and our patterns of thought and behaviour.  Experience can teach us to see only one way of dealing with others or it can teach us to look for other approaches.  Experience also teaches us to hold certain expectations about others.  If our experiences of a particular cultural group have been hostile or frightening, we may approach a person from that group ready to fight and defend ourselves, or afraid. 

Culture inclines us to view some behaviours as positive and others as negative.  For instance, our culture teaches us that eye contact demonstrates openness and honesty, and that people who avoid eye contact have something to hide.  In other cultures, eye contact may be considered aggressive or rude.  Because cultural values and expectations surround us, we may believe that they are the only right ones, or the best ones, and assume that they are (or should be) shared by everyone. Those who do not share or reflect those values or expectations may be seen as deviant (different to the norm) or unacceptable.

Emotions can narrow our perceptions, for we may view events through the lens of strong emotions.  The fear of a man who is robbed may cause him to perceive the criminals as bigger, meaner, and more violent than they actually were. Similarly, prejudices that are learned under highly charge circumstances (such as a rally, demonstration or conflict), or are surrounded by strong emotions may be stronger and more exaggerated.

In forming our perceptions, we often make judgments based on existing patterns of thought and expectation.  Judgments help us draw conclusions about a situation and understand it.  However, they also limit our perceptions, and may prevent us from seeing the full significance of the situation, or other aspects of it.

We can become more perceptive (able to see more in a situation) by suspending judgment until we have considered all the elements in a situation, including our own emotions, biases, and expectations and cultural influences.

Learning about psychology should change your perception 

If you learn well, your understanding of people will become more informed, and as such, your capacity to work with people in any relationship and on any level, should improve.

Study Psychology and understand more about the human and animal mind. A useful qualification for anyone wanting to work with people or currently working with people. Gain an insight into the human psyche.

Why delay? Enrol today and work through six interesting and informative psychology modules to achieve the Psychology Certificate.

Choose modules that suit you and your interests.

Study for work, training or for your own interest.

Any Questions?
If you have any questions about our Psychology course, please click here to contact a psychology tutor. Our tutors are friendly, experienced and more than happy to help with any questions.





Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

Meet some of our academics

Tracey Jones (psychology)B.Sc. (Hons) (Psychology), M.Soc.Sc (social work), DipSW (social work), PGCE (Education), PGD (Learning Disability Studies) Tracey began studying psychology in 1990. She has a wide range of experience within the psychology and social work field, particularly working with people with learning disabilities. She is also qualified as a teacher and now teaches psychology and social work related subjects. She has been a book reviewer for the British Journal of Social Work and has also written many textbooks, blogs, articles and ebooks on psychology, writing, sociology, child development and more. She has had also several short stories published.

Check out our eBooks

Occupational PsychologyThe Occupational Psychology Ebook looks at occupational or industrial psychology. Get to know the underlying theories in occupational psychology and improve productivity at your workplace. This ebook will help you improve your recruitment techniques, improve working conditions, increase productivity, developing effective decision making abilities and also includes methods of coping with stress within the workplace.
The Brain and BehaviourThe Brain and Behaviour ebook provides a fascinating insight into the functions of the human brain. From understanding the human brain, human anatomy & behaviour, chemistry, brain damage and memory, this ebook is an interesting read and also a great reference for students of biology, biopsychology or psychology.
The Psychology of HealthThe Psychology and Health ebook is a delightfully interesting read that helps you understand the link between physical and psychological health. This ebook is ideal for anyone who has a personal interest in the area, as well as psychology and health students.
Psychological ProfilingPsychological profiling is used to assess anyone from potential new staff and school children to serial killers. It helps you to determine someone’s personality, neuroses, mental health and career suitability. This book provides an excellent overview of psychological profiling techniques and pitfalls.