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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Statement of Attainment
  • This course will teach you to understand electric currents and applications for electric power. It will teach you how to interpret circuit diagrams and explain function of electrical components. You will also be able to explain digital and analogue electronics, how devices engage with a user and the maintenance and repair of devices.  This course goes beyond theory and you will learn how to analyse and apply what you have learned in real word contexts. 


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  1. Know how to Work with Electronics

    Understand the nature of electricity and the laws that govern it's application



    Lesson 1. Nature and Scope of Electronics

    • Introduction
    • Linear and Non Linear Electronics
    • AC DC Current
    • Electrostatics
    • Conductors and Insulators
    • Making an Electroscope
    • Coulomb's Law
    • The Electric Field
    • Current
    • Safety Warning
    • Using an Electrician

    Lesson 2. Measuring Electricity

    • Measuring Flow
    • Voltage
    • Resistance
    • Ohm's Law
    • Relationship between Electricity and Power
    • Generating and Storing Electricity
    • Turbines and Generators
    • Fusion Power
    • Solar Cells
    • Batteries

    Lesson 3. Passive Components

    • Resistors
    • Capacitors
    • Inductors
    • Magnets
    • Magnetic Forces
    • Ferromagnetism
    • Creating Magnets
    • Curie Temperature
    • Earths Magnetic Field
    • Geomagnetic Reversal
    • Electromagnetism
    • Electromagnetism and Solenoids
    • Electric Motors
    • Magnetic Force
    • Right Hand Rule
    • Induction
    • Lenz's Law

    Lesson 4. Circuits

    • Conductors
    • Insulators and Non Conductors
    • Fuses
    • Circuit Breakers
    • Relays
    • Circuits
    • Series
    • Parallel Circuit
    • Reading Schematic Diagrams

    Lesson 5. Other Components

    • Printed Circuit Boards
    • Bread Board
    • Switches
    • Input/output Types -SPST, SPDT, DPST, DPDT
    • Integrated Circuits (IC, Chip, Microchip)
    • Relays
    • Normal Open and Normal Closed
    • Diodes
    • Transformers

    Lesson 6. Input and Output devices

    • Input Devices
    • Output Devices
    • Interactions with Input and Output Devices
    • Sensors
    • How some I/O Devices Work
    • Signals Processing

    Lesson 7. Digital Electronics

    • Digital versus Analog Electronics
    • Binary
    • Mechanical Analog Computers and Noise
    • Digital Analog Audio
    • Digital Analog Images
    • Analog Radio/TV and Digital Transmission of Signals
    • Boolean Algebra
    • Logic
    • Synchronous and Asynchronous Systems
    • Algorithms

    Lesson 8. Applications - Working with Electronics

    • Soldering
    • Wire Stripping/Crimping Tools
    • Anti Static Straps
    • Terminals
    • Multimeters
    • How to Use a Multimeter
    • Forming Connections in a Series or Parallel
    • Measuring Voltage
    • Measuring Current
    • Measuring Resistance
    • Electrical Tape, Punch Down Tool, Cable Ties
    • Printed Circuit Boards and Etching

    Lesson 9.  PBL Project to research appliance circuit diagrams and use a bread board to model a key component.


    Learn to Understand Electricity and the Tools and Equipment used when Working with Electricity

    Electricity is a form of energy flowing as an electric charge from particle to particle through different types of materials.

    This course helps you to understand electricity, it's nature, and how it is used to do so many different things in today's world, from operating computers and other machines to providing light and warmth in our homes.

    You will start with understanding electrostatics. This is the study of electric charges at rest. 

    Materials are generally considered to be either conductors or insulators, based on their ability to conduct or block electricity. 

    Metals such as copper and iron for example are classified as conductors, because some of the electrons present in these materials are free to move around the entire material. These are materials which transmit electricity; however, some conductors transmit electricity better than others. Copper and silver are some of the best conductors e.g. metals, carbon and water (Note that if the water is a good conductor only if it contains some impurity because pure water is not a good conductor).

    On the other hand, the electrons present in a piece of glass or a chunk of wood for example are bound to nearby atoms; this means that these electrons will not be able to move freely inside the material. For this reason, materials such as glass and wood are classified as insulators.

    You then move on to a deeper and deeper understanding of how electricity functions and the laws that govern it's characteristics - thewn begin to build a deeper understanding of it's applications and the use of different tools and components in the electronics industry.

Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

Meet some of our academics

Josiane JoubranCSC consultant with IBM, Software QA Engineer, Course Writer and Tutor. Josiane is an I.T professional with extensive experience with computer hardware and engineering in Lebanon and Australia. Josiane has a B.Eng., Grad.Dip.I.T., Master Info.Tech., MCP, MCSE.

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