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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Statement of Attainment


Improve Health Through Gut Management Strategies - Online Course teaches People Why the Microbiome Matters 

This course is rooted in science and includes many practical strategies and approaches to gut management. 

It teaches people:

  • how to recognise signs of dysbiosis - where the gut microbiome is not efficient or is out of balance. 
  • key components of science and how the microbiome functions
  • how to implement strategies into a focused management plan for improving health 


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    This course has the potential to change lives. Evidence based, written by ACS content writers with knowledge and skills in genetics, human health, nutrition and psychology; the course brings together specialist knowledge across eight lessons.  

    Lesson Aims: 

    Describe the nature of the human gut microbiome and its overall effect on the body.

    Describe how genetics influence the gut microbiome and how the use of metagenomics and metabolomics has enhanced our understanding of its functioning.

    Distinguish influencing factors on microbial colonies, which produce good or bad outcomes on human health.

    Explain how the gut can be managed to achieve good health, thus avoiding dysbiosis.

    Distinguish common diseases of the GI tract, the role of immunity in fighting gastrointestinal disease and advances in microbiome treatments of disease. 

    Explain the effect diet and nutrition has on the gut microbiome.

    Explain the gut-brain axis and how it affects our mood, behaviour, and mental health.

    Analyse and combine theory with functional strategies to enhance microbiome diversity and abundance. 


    The lessons include:

    Lesson 1: Scope and Nature of the Human Gut Microbiome
    Introduction - What is the microbiome?
    The Gastrointestinal Tract
    Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine
    How the Gut Microbiome is Established (Birth and Breastfeeding)
    Maintaining the Gut Microbiome as Adults
    Diet and Nutrition
    Lifestyle and Other Factors
    The Gut Microbiome Effect
    Contribution to Metabolic Function
    Protect Against Pathogens
    Educating the Immune System
    Gut Microbe Disruption and Dysbiosis

    Lesson 2: Genetics, Metagenomics and Metabolomics
    Microbiome Heritability
    Health Hereditary
    Bacteria Metabolism
    Short-Chain Fatty Acids
    Organic Acids
    DNA Sequencing Technologies
    Next Generation Sequencing
    Applications of PCR and DNA Sequencing
    Samples and Sampling Techniques and Considerations
    The Human Microbiome Project
    Bacterial Genomic Contribution to Human Survival

    Lesson 3: Diversity and Characteristics of Biota
    A fine balance - beneficial and detrimental biota
    Natural Probiotics
    Probiotic Supplements
    Understanding Microbe Classification
    Types of Bacteria
    Major Bacterial Phylum Present in the Gut
    Bad Biota
    Nurturing a Healthy Gut
    Diet and Antibiotics Typical Reponses

    Lesson 4: Maintaining the Gut Environment
    Anatomy Overview
    Small Intestine Environment
    Large Intestine Environment
    Managing the Large Intestine
    Microbiome & Hormones
    Microbiome and Allergies
    Microbe Imbalance
    Gut Dysbiosis
    Inflammation - Function and Process
    Gut Health Treatment
    Probiotics and Other Supplements
    Nutrition-based Interventions
    Lifestyle Practices including Stress
    Faecal Microbiota Transplant

    Lesson 5: Diseases and Immunity
    Types of Resistance
    Natural Killer Cells
    The Inflammatory Response
    Nausea and Vomiting
    Digestive Disorders
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
    Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
    Future Research
    Fungi and Bacteriophages - Treatment in Disease
    Beyond Traditional Probiotics

    Lesson 6: Managing Diet and Nutrition
    Homeostasis and Microbiota
    How Nutrition affects Homeostasis
    Function Foods and Gut Health
    Fermented Foods
    Prebiotic Foods
    Plant Foods
    Dairy Produce
    The Importance of Water
    Water Absorption
    Practical Ways to Improve the Gut
    Gut Transit Time
    Coeliac Disease
    Intermittent Fasting & Microbial Activity

    Lesson 7: The Gut-Brain-Axis
    What Are Pyschobiotics?
    The Interaction Between the Mind and Body
    The Gut-Brain Axis
    Animal Research on Psychobiotics
    Tryptophan and Serotonin
    Stress Hormones
    Human Research on Psychobiotics
    Findings on Depression and Anxiety
    Pyschobiotics and Other Mental Health Conditions
    Issues with Pyschobiotic Research
    The Future of Psychobiotics

    Lesson 8: Applications of Gut Microbiome Management
    Cultivate and Grow the Gut Microbiome
    Pre-Schoolers and Young Children
    Behaviour and Temperament
    Sleep Disturbance
    Cognition and Learning
    Teenagers and Young Adults
    Endocrine system support supporting hormonal changes
    Autoimmune (conditions)
    Arthritis & Pain Management
    Grief and Emotional Disturbances
    Eating to Improve Microbiota
    Other Strategies to Enhance Microbiota


    A potentially challenging course which demands commitment and dedication to learning. 

    • Students will be inspired to make changes in dietary management and lifestyle.
    • Students will cover the complexities of the microbiome in a easy to follow carefully constructed lesson materials.
    • Students will be inspired to take their reading and research beyond the course materials. 


    It's never too late to take charge of your physical and mental wellbeing, start today, you won't regret it.

    This course complements: wellness coaching, therapeutic nutrition, stress management, human biology and more! 


    Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

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