The internet has changed the world of commercial writing. With every company in the world needing to maintain a web site, and the prospect of self publishing more possible than ever before; demand has never been greater for commercial work to be written, edited and published in an electronic format.
- Learn about commercial writing - freelance, creative, advertising and technical.
- Learn about writing for different purposes, audiences and for different media.
- Learn about editing and publishing.
- Develop your knowledge in complementary areas such as graphic design.
- Course Duration: Approximately 1,500 hours of self paced studies.
Develop your skills and the possibility of making an income from commercial writing has never been greater.
The Associate Diploma in Commercial Writing and Editing comprises 15 modules, as shown below. Please click on the module title details for further details on each.
- Freelance Writing BWR102
- Business Studies BBS101
- Creative Writing BWR103
- Publishing I BWR107
- Technical Writing BWR301
- Editing I BWR106
- Marketing Foundations VBS109
- Information Security Management VIT203
- Children’s Writing BWR104
- Advanced Freelance Writing BWR201 (Applied Writing)
- Advertising and Promoting BBS202
- Graphic Design or Introduction to Photography BPH100
- Editing II BWR302
- Research Project I BGN102 or Editing Practice BWR305
- Industry Project or Workshop I BGN103
There are a number of elements to consider when writing - what type of wrting are you doing (i.e. fiction, non-fiction etc), who are you writing for (i.e. who is paying you to write as well as who your audience will be), what medium are you writing for, and where your writing will be published. There may, for example, be considerable differences in articles written for a news website compared with those published on printed media.
Consider the requirements for a newspaper. People usually do not read newspapers thoroughly. For this reason, it is essential to bring the most vital and interesting information to the beginning of the news article. The title should catch the reader's eye. The first sentence should capture the reader’s interest and encourage him/her to read further. The first paragraph should tell him/her everything that is important in the article. The remainder of the article should provide further detail.
Most articles written for newspapers will be based on recent newsworthy events. These may be based on information collected through interviews, eyewitness accounts, reporting and investigations, statistics, graphs or desk research. Headlines are used to grab a reader’s attention and highlight the main part of an article. The structure of articles in a newspaper and their purpose, however, will differ. The common article types include:
News Articles
These articles are based on breaking news stories and events. Facts and information can be provided through answering general questions including who, what, when, where, why and how. Quotes and references are often included to verify the reliability and factuality of an article. The most important facts in a story are often included at the beginning of a news article.
Short Features
Feature articles take a more in-depth look at topics than news articles. They aren’t used to report on breaking news, but are often based on recent news items. Short feature articles can be on any topic, and may vary in length from 500 to 1500 words. They may or may not be accompanied by photographs or illustrations. Local papers, trade and general magazines are generally receptive to submissions of this type on a speculative basis. Acceptance of your feature will depend not only on how good it is, but also on what other articles the publisher has available at the time, and how relevant the subject is to that particular publication. A feature story will often include the use of an interview.
Investigative Article
These articles involve deep investigation and in-depth reporting into a topic of interest. This type of article is often used when reporting on or exposing activities such as corruption in business or politics, criminal activities or a celebrity scandal. Months or even years can often be spent in conducting research before an article is written.
Human Interest Article
These articles are based on newsworthy people or events, often within a local area. The article covers the problems, worries or achievements of the people within the story and is written in a way that provides emotion and allows the reader to engage with the story through interest or sympathy.
- You can start the course at any time and study at your own pace.
- Fit your studies around your own busy lifestyle - we provide full tutor support for all the time you are studying.
- Study where you want to - online studies offer the flexibility for you to determine where and when you study.
Being able to write and edit are both useful and sought after skills for any writer. This course enables you to develop your skills in both.
Suitable for those already involved in writing and editing who want to improve their existing skills or complete beginners.
If you have any questions for our Commercial Writing and Editing tutors, then please don't hesitate to get in touch - connect with them using our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE.
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