Learn to be a Dramatic Writer with this detailed distance learning course.

- Discover the reality of writing drama.
- Learn the writing skills needed to be a writer.
- Understand the scope and nature of the genre, and explore the possibilities for earning an income from work you undertake.
- Course Duration: Approximately 1,500 hours of self-paced study.
The Associate Diploma in Applied Dramatic Writing comprises 15 modules, as shown below. Please click on the module titles for further details on each.
- Introduction to Psychology BPS101
- Communications VWR100
- Dramatic Writing BWR110
- Abnormal Psychology BPS307
- Ethics BPS217
- Writing Fiction BWR105
- Anger Management BPS111
- Research Project I BGN102
- Children’s Writing BWR104
- Criminal Psychology BPS309 or Stress Management VPS100
- Freelance Writing BWR102
- Writing Poetry BWR109
- Script Writing BWR204
- Advanced Freelance Writing (Applied Writing) BWR201
- Industry (Workplace) Project
Decide on your Genre
You may enjoy reading certain types of books, you may have a story you are bursting to write. The genre is important. If you don’t decide your genre at the beginning, you may end up going off on a tangent and writing a romantic comedy instead of the action thriller you were planning. Genre is a word often used to describe categories or types of written text. Some of the more familiar genres of creative writing are:
- Poetry of all kinds
- Short stories
- Novels - including: westerns, romance, science fiction, detective stories, mysteries, fantasy, etc.
- Stage play scripts
- Film and television screenplays
- Lyrics.
Other genres that we may not think of as creative writing are:
- Magazine articles
- Newspaper feature stories
- Essays
- Biographies
- Advertisements
- Card greetings
- Books or articles on science, history etc.
Know Your Subject
Before writing your story, consider – do you know about the subject area that you wish to write about? Think about your motivation for writing. If you think - “I’d really like to write about wizards because J. K. Rowling made a fortune” but you know absolutely nothing about wizards or magic or mythology, then it might not be the right area for you. Your first thoughts need to be – “What am I interested in?”, “What do I know about?” If you don’t know much about wizards but really want to write about them and think you have a good story, then your next step is research.
This is an essential step for anyone who wishes to write. You may know a lot about what you want to write about. But there may also be some facts or essentials for the story that require you to carry out research.
- You can start the course at any time and study at your own pace (we do not impose a time limit for you to complete your studies).
- Fit your studies around your own busy lifestyle - we provide full tutor support for all the time you are studying.
- Study where you want to - online studies offer the flexibility for you to determine where and when you study.
If you would like to improve your dramatic writing skills, this course is the one for you. From complete beginners to writers who want to improve their skills, this course will enable you to work on and improve your existing writing. Take the time to work on your own writing.
Any Questions?
Our Dramatic Writing Tutors are more than happy to help with any questions about the course - please do get in touch, connect with them using our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE.
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