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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Statement of Attainment
Study photojournalism. Write inspirational pieces and support them with informative and beautiful photographs. Photojournalism is slightly different to other forms of professional photography in that it adheres to the principles of journalism, which are:
  • Accuracy
  • Timeliness
  • Fair representation of the context of events
  • Reporting of facts
  • Accountability

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Study and Work in Photojournalism

Learn to take photographs to specification and how to submit them for publication with this course. Photojournalism also has ethical and social considerations that need to be addressed when you are taking photographs for publishing. 

With so many would-be photographers around, publishers can afford to be very choosy. Most will only accept work from photographers who have already been published, but getting that first work published can be a daunting and difficult task. Many very good photographers just never get published at all.

This module provides our students with just what they need: an opportunity to get work published.

On graduation, you will have at least one photograph published (ideally more) in an online publication that you can show to potential employers, which will increase your chances of being employed or published in future.

Course Aim

To improve your understanding of ethical and social issues involved with photojournalism and develop your ability to take photographs to specification, submitting those images for publication in a periodical (ie. newspaper, magazine or e-zine).

• Knowledge and experience in photography
• Medium level computer skills, or higher.

Course Content

This course takes you through the processes of taking photos for a specific publication, submitting work for publication, and meeting the requirements of an editor and publisher.

There are 11 lessons in this course:

1/ A Short History of Photojournalism
  • Overview
  • History of photojournalism
  • Famous photographers
  • Margaret Bourke-White
  • Gordon Parks
  • Diane Arbus
  • Nick Ut
  • Larry Burrows
2/ Ethics and Photojournalism
  • Hypothetical - What are ethics?
  • Schools of Philosophy
  • Utilitarianism
  • Rationalism
  • Humanism
  • Kant
  • Socrates
  • Other philosophers
  • Digital manipulation and ethics
  • How ethical is digital manipulation?
  • Real life
  • Codes of ethics
  • Guidelines for making ethical decisions
  • Ethics in practice

3/ What Should I Photograph?

  • Composition
  • Things to consider
  • Camera techniques to help with composition
  • Principles of photographic composition
  • Qualities of the components
  • Effects of different angles on the subject
  • Legal issues
4/ How Should I Photograph It?
  • Terms to learn and understand
  • Depth of field
  • Digital vs conventional photography
  • Shutter speed
  • Development of photographic style
  • Equipment and materials
  • Sensitometry
  • Lighting
5/ Photo Stories / Editing Images
  • Ethics of digital manipulation
  • Controversy of fairy photos
  • Correctly interpreting photos
6/ Publishing Opportunities
  • Portfolio
  • Online portfolio
  • Direct portfolios
  • Slide portfolios
  • CD's
  • Using flash
  • Music
  • Standing out
  • Writing a cover letter
  • Your resume
  • Creating a job hunt database
  • How to get work
  • How to find a job
  • What type of clients do you want?
7/ Working to Specification / Problem Based Learning
  • Photography specifications
  • Consistency
  • PBL Project to develop and draft submission specifications for an electronic publication and then shoot a photo story which meets these specifications. You firstly need to identify two possible subjects for a photo story for that publication, and then follow one of these stories for an extended period of time. You will then select and edit your images - to meet the specifications created for that publication.
8/ Publishing Using Online Management Systems
  • Types of digital files
  • Publishing online
9/ Taking Photos and Submitting Images
  • Portraiture vs photojournalism
  • Sports photography
  • Freezing action
  • Blurring movement
  • Panning
  • Sports photography using a digital SLR
  • Photographing an event
  • Submitting images for publication
10/ Writing Articles and Captions to Accompany Your Image
  • Sentences and phrases
  • Writing effective sentences
  • Choosing effective words
  • Paragraphs
  • Punctuation
  • Newsworthy articles
  • News values
  • Storyline
  • Writing a news article
  • Writing captions
11/ Revising Submitted Work
  • Tips to improve your work
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading

Under guidance of a mentor (a photography/ journalism tutor), you will learn to produce images to specific criteria and upload them to an online student magazine.

You will come away with at least one photo story and possibly an accompanying article.

No matter what you want to photograph, you will find this a great learning experience.
The course requires approximately 100 hours of study.

If you pace yourself and spend that amount of time, you will probably be working to an expected level. You may spend more or less time, as this is a general guideline only. 





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Meet some of our academics

John MasonMr Mason has worked 45+ years in Writing, Education, Horticulture and Recreation. His experience in both public & private sectors is extensive; particularly across Australia and England.
Dr. Gareth PearceGraduated from the University of Nottingham in 1982 with a B.Sc.(Hons) in Animal Science. Between 82 and 85 worked as Research Assistant and Demonstator in Animal Science at the University of Leeds. Over more than 30 years he has furthered his studies, obtaining eight significant university qualifications including degrees in Veterinary Science, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Behaviour. Gareth has significant teaching experience around the world as a faculty member at eight different universities including Associate Professor at Murdoch University and Director of Studies in Veterinary Science at Cambridge University. He has over 100 prestigious research papers published, and enjoys an outstanding international reputation in the fields of animal and veterinary science.
Jade SciasciaBiologist, Business Coordinator, Government Environmental Dept, Secondary School teacher (Biology); Recruitment Consultant, Senior Supervisor in Youth Welfare, Horse Riding Instructor (part-completed) and Boarding Kennel Manager. Jade has a B.Sc.Biol, Dip.Professional Education, Cert IV TESOL, Cert Food Hygiene.
Tracey Jones (writing)Tracey has enjoyed creative writing since she was a child. She has had several short stories published and a novella. She is also a keen writer of children's stories and poetry. She has also written many academic and non-fiction books in the fields of psychology, sociology, child development, writing and marketing.

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