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Keep Moving Forward

Pressures and expectations

Sometimes life can get you down. We can feel like we are a hamster on a treadmill, never getting a break, never getting anywhere.

In the modern world of work, we are expected to do so much, to keep up with work, modern trends, new knowledge about subjects. This can be harder than it sounds, but ACS Distance Education can make it easier.

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King Junior

If you need to do some training to update your knowledge for work or for personal interest, we offer a wide range of distance learning courses that may help.

Options to let you move forward

I already feel like I'm on a treadmill, so how does this help me?

  1. We aim to be as flexible as possible –
    a. You can start our courses at any time
    b. You study where you want and when you want
    c. Our tutors are there to help you every step of the way with any questions you might have.
    You decide when you want to study.
  2. Our courses are updated regularly, so contain up to date knowledge of the field you are interested in studying.
  3. Our courses are focussed.  If you know you need to do some training, then you can choose a course that suits YOU.  We offer many niche, specialist courses that can help you update your knowledge in a sensible and practical way.
  4. You can study for 20 hours right through to a diploma level qualification. You decide what you want to study and how much time you have for studying.

Pause and think of where to go next

Sometimes we need to take a step off that treadmill and look around us.

  • What do I need to learn?
  • How do I need to improve?
  • What courses do I need to do to improve my knowledge for work?  

Learning - subjects, techniques and more with ACS

Gaining knowledge can also help us to move forwards in a more efficient way. By taking a course, you may learn

  • new knowledge,
  • new techniques, and gain
  • new ideas that can help you work more effectively and efficiently.

If you would like to study a course, we offer a wide range from aquaponics to zoology.  

Contact us - explore your options

You can view of full selection of courses from our Course Directory.

If you have any questions about our courses or your options for study, please get in touch; contact us by -

Phone (UK) 01384 442752, or (International) +44 (0) 1384 442752, or


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