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Alternative Education Resources

There are lots of different ways to learn.

Education doesn't need to be the same for everyone -in fact it is better if it is not the same for everyone; for two good reasons:
  •  Everyone learns differently -Different people are more effective learning different ways; for example: some people have a natural tendency to process information and they will learn better when processing information; but other learn better by gathering information; and their learning capacity will decline when they are forced to be processing.
  • Different courses taught in different ways will produce people with different mixes of skills and knowledge.  The world thrives on diversity; and a more diverse education system produces greater capacity for innovation and growth
Getting Outside Mainstream Education can be a Good Thing!
 If you study different things in a different way; you will become different; and that can give you a real advantage in today's world.
ACS Distance Education has been developing different courses for decades based on experiential learning. These are outside the mainstream.
Read a book, do a course, join an organisation; talk to people who know the world of alternative education
Contact us -Talk to an Academic Officer
Learn from our experience.
The Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO) is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 to advance learner-centered approaches to education. AERO is considered by many to be the primary hub of communications and support for educational alternatives around the world

AERO offers three key areas of support from their headquarters in New York, USA:

1. Bookshop -reviewed and recommended books for alternative education

2. Seminars and Conferences

3. Training and support for anyone wanting to establish an alternative school



 Reference Books
Our staff have over the years written a large range of book and ebooks, many of which are are available through our school's online book store.
To visit the book store and browse some of these titles, click on any of the books below:

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