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Importance of Study

How important is the Study?

Knowing the theory of management and having a qualification in management does not make you a successful manager. Learning helps, but other things are just as important (personality, commitment, attitude, experience, knowledge of the industry, leadership and communication skills etc).
People who study a management degree or diploma may struggle to forge a successful career in management, if they do not have a personality and attitude that is compatible with being a manager.
People who are poor time managers, and frequently disorganised in their personal life may be ill suited to pursue a management career.
People who have natural management skills may forge a successful management career with little or no formal training; while others with multiple degrees and advanced management training, may never attain the success they hope for.
Managers come to be a manager via many different types of pathways.
Typical pathways to management may include:

• For many a career in management is a goal after completing their basis schooling and they go to university with the intention of studying management. It may be to study the basics of management to apply to any situation or they may choose to specialise during their course in a range of subjects that will give them a speciality area when they complete their degree. Many students choose to combine their studies in management in a double degree where at the same time they are completing studies in another speciality area such as computers, human resources, marketing advertising, sales. While completing their studies they may also choose part time employment in their chosen field so that they have a stepping stone into the career or company that they would choose to work with on completion of their course.

• With a general degree in management completed prospective managers often are prepared to gain employment at a bottom level in a suitable company, so they gain employment as a trainee or in a mentored role, to be promoted through the ranks of a larger organisation into their management positions.

• Another entry into management can be gained by developing./studying and building expertise in a particular area, then as your skills and experience are demonstrated while working in that discipline,  senior staff promote  you into a management role. Usually in a progressive company you will have a mentor or one or more superiors (usually middle or senior managers) who will show you the ropes and give you opportunities, and professional development to further learn/refine your management skills on the job.

• Some of us are lucky enough to show natural abilities (eg. Leadership, creativity, communication and organisational skills) which may date back even to early years in school. These personal skills (often related to personality type and upbringing) reappear time and time again. Once in a job eventually senior managers who are on the ball recognise this natural flair for management and leadership and your communication skills and offer you a leadership/ management role, even though initially that may not have been your goal in joining the company.
• A customer or client who is recognised as having the ability may move over to work for the company they were once serviced by.
For example; Gary, who was working with his wife in their own franchise company was doing well saving for their retirement when suddenly the economy took a turn for the worst and the franchise company went broke so all the franchisees where suddenly without and job and also bankrupt. Garry and his wife had planned to retire in 8 years, until this happened! Gary, already over 60 was very concerned he would not get another job, particularly as he had no formal training just an affinity for his favourite hobby which was the theme of the business and management experience, from running the franchise day to day for 15 years. When one of his previous suppliers from outside the franchise heard Gary and his wife were struggling, he offered Gary a job as a delivery driver dropping off suppliers to other companies similar to the one he was running as they had a good business relationship and Gary new all the products.. Two years on Gary is now managing a fleet of other delivery drivers for the same company.

• For some, the rise to management positions is ‘only natural’. Many inherit the family company. As youngsters destiny is already set in place, once they finish school they are absorbed into the family business as they have worked for pocket money in it since being in primary school.- a management role becomes a fait de complit. They have absorbed some of the style and techniques early,  they have a ‘feel’ for the company imbibing similar work and business values from hearing and being involved in activities. Some born in to a business company such as the ‘Murdochs’, or ‘Bransons’ would have overheard various conversations at home or at events and parties amongst other major business leaders, even when they are young. In this way it becomes a part of their way of life and thinking patterns, set in place right from the start. Mentorships and tertiary courses are defined early as part of the succession planning for the family business. Sometimes though this background does not instil the best values or ways of doing business.


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[20/02/2025 17:15:05]

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