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Personal Energy Crisis


We are all aware of threats to the world's energy supply (e.g., oil, natural gas, electricity). There clearly has been an ever-increasing impact on the day-to-day lives of hundreds of millions of people. Hammered by demands to be more productive, but frequently experiencing a dwindling supply of resources, work sites more and more often come to resemble battlegrounds where only the fittest and luckiest survive. No occupation is immune. The threat of constant overwork has major implications, not only for the individual workers, but for organizations whose wellbeing depends on the continuing productivity of their employees.

It is becoming more difficult as well to climb up the career ladder. In certain cases even highly qualified and motivated workers may no longer be guaranteed an upward ascent. One reason is that in order to get ahead it is almost always necessary to acquire and develop an array of new skills. This often requires considerable energy expenditures, especially intellectual and often emotional.

The bottom line is as follows: To stay in the race may necessitate working harder, longer, and smarter, thereby leading to increased energy expenditures. The degree to which a person is seen as highly successful or not often depends as much on the amount of personal energy at their disposal as on any other single factor.

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Study with ACS - our courses are written and developed for application in the real world. Our courses are delivered by distance learning, but our relationship with our students is anything but distant. Our courses are designed and taught by our specialist tutors with the emphasis on real world relevance and the application of knowledge. Courses include assignments which are marked by our tutors and returned to each student with comments and evaluation relating specifically to their work. Many courses include practical tasks and projects so students can apply their knowledge, demonstrate what they have learned, and gain confidence in their ability to apply themselves.

We offer a wide range of courses which include Personal Energy Management. A further selection of our courses can be found at the bottom of this page.

All courses are available to start at any time.

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please phone us on (UK) 01384 442752 (or outside UK on +44 (0) 1384 442752. Alternatively, submit you questions using the form on our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE page - connect with our specialist tutors today.

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