Marketing Psychology
Marketing Psychology
How does psychology apply to marketing? Every year, companies spend thousands of dollars trying to understand what motivates the consumer to purchase their product! Whether you are in business or not, this courses teaches the fundamentals of how psychology can be used to increase sales, what to watch out for when listening to a sales representative, how companies deter people from purchasing competitors products, how to provide a 'purchase environment' for customers, and much more.
For more information on what's covered in lessons, please see the extracts below:
1 Self Image and Marketing
2 Encouraging Clientele to Remember
Provided at the bottom of this page is the Distance Education Course Outline for Marketing Psychology. The following two extracts are samples from part of the lessons in Marketing Psychology:
Self-Image and Marketing
A person's self-image is the dominant view they have of themselves: materially, emotionally, mentally, physically and socially. How a person views themselves is often surpassed in advertising with appeals to a persons ideal self.
Researchers have split the self-image into 4 components:
- Actual -How people see themselves
- Ideal -How people would like to see themselves
- Social -How people think that others see them
- Ideal Social -How people would like others to see them
Memory and Marketing
There are a number of techniques that have relevance with regard to memory and product advertising.
TV commercials usually last 30 seconds or more and normally involve repetition of the brand name. This is just enough time for the product to enter long-term memory.
This method is not foolproof. Only those consumers who are already motivated will remember the product. Also, information is lost with each repetition. Finally, it may be a futile form of advertising when there is a lot of competition within the same field.
It would seem that brand names are more readily learned if they have a memorable image to accompany them.
It has been found that reference to the self and to people’s own lives also increases the likelihood of them remembering products
This refers to techniques used to remember information by forming associations, creating rhymes, and simplifying information. We can make things easier to learn by dividing them into smaller groups or lists and so on.
All of these techniques provide us with ‘meaningfulness’. That is, we can make information easier to learn by using patterns, keys, associations and so on. We organise our memories into ‘schemas’. It is these schemas that marketers wish to exploit.
Distance Education Course in Marketing Psychology
AIM To develop the learner's ability to understand how an understanding of Psychology can be applied to marketing.
DURATION 100 hours (study at your own pace, on average taking 4-6 months part time)
There are eight lessons in this module as follows:
- People as Consumers Understanding the types of psychological “rewards” gained by a person through buying. Distinguishing between consumers, customers and buyers
- Market Segmentation Understanding market segments and applying the concept of target marketing.
- Internal Influences –Perception & Personality Consumer self image, difference threshold, trait theory of personality, etc.
- Internal Influences –Motivation and Awareness Customer satisfaction, the way complaints are dealt with, stimulus generalisation and stimulus discrimination, etc
- Social Influences Family Influences, Social groups, Developmental Influences, Peer Group Influences (Work and Leisure), Social Class and Culture
- Consumerism Deceptive advertising, sensitivity to consumer needs,variation between perception and reality.
- Communication and Persuasion Message Evaluation, Selection & Execution
- Deciding to Buy Why people shop, or do not shop; surveying the market place.
In retailing (at least), shoppers can be categorised into the following four groups:
- Economic ShoppersMost interested in prices, value, product quality & economic factors. Not so interested in treatment by staff, decor of the store, location etc
- Personalising Shoppers: Enjoy the interaction with sales staff, preferring to shop with sales staff they know & like.
- Ethical Shoppers: Avoid large chain stores or companies that tend towards monopolies or deal with products that are judged unethical. Don't shop at big supermarkets because "they are putting the small man out of business" Prefer to buy food from the biodynamic shop because it hasn't been treated with chemicals: etc
- Apathetic Shoppers: Don't like shopping, go to the most convenient supplier because they must.
Through an understanding of things such as this, a sales or marketing person is able to better manage their marketing effort, and conduct their work in a more efficient and appropriate way. This is just one of many aspects to this course.
To enrol in Marketing Psychology click here
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