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Pillars of Health

The pillars of health are exercise, good nutrition, and a healthy lifesytle. 

Physical fitness is about “the capability of the heart, blood vessels, lungs and muscles to function at optimal efficiency.”
Good health is more than just physical fitness though!. It is a much broader concept that also embraces a person’s psychological wellbeing and mental attitude.

Mental stress caused by pressures from work, home, relationships or one’s own thinking, can have as great an effect on a person's fitness as poor nutrition or a physical injury. Stress is very often related to physical fitness. A stressed person can have problems with muscles that tense or pull where they should not, which can place pressure on the nerves and bones, leading to other problems.

Allergies to foods, dust, even to the common bacteria that occur in everyone's throat, can pose problems to a person’s fitness, or complicate already existing problems. So can poor choices of food, insufficient chewing of food or eating “on the run”, too much coffee or soft drinks, and other dietary factors. Clothing can affect fitness: uncomfortable or poorly fitting shoes may result in foot or posture problems; high heel may throw the spine into unnatural curves, causing spine problems; and tight jeans may cause circulation or even infertility problems.

The single most important fact to understand about human fitness is the complexity of the human body, and the fact that this complexity makes fitness a multi facet state. This also means that fitness requires attention to more than one aspect of wellbeing. It cannot be gained simply by eating well, or through exercise alone, but results from a combination of factors that work together.

While every body is different, and there is no one path to fitness that will work for everyone, experience shows that most people respond well to some fundamental fitness practices. These can be summarised as a “balanced approach” to wellbeing in all spheres of life.

Opinions on what constitutes ‘balance’ in regard to health and fitness, but in general, they agree on the following components:

  • Eat healthy foods which you are not allergic or sensitive to, which provide all the necessary nutrients in adequate but not excessive amounts
  • Eating in moderation
  • Exercising all parts of the body
  • Exercising in moderation
  • Resting the body to allow it to recover from physical stress or exertion
  • Relaxing the mind to allow it to recover from emotional or mental stress or exertion
  • Developing a positive attitude.
Click below on any of these books for more information:
We have courses that address all three of the pillars.  Just click on the link below to find out more.

Exercise, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle

[14/03/2025 08:49:12]