Study at home - advance your knowledge in propagating and managing plants.
Develop your ability to describe the principles of plant taxonomy.
- Learn about structure, function and growth.
- Understand the management of plant health, and plant propagation.
Study this foundation course at home - at your own pace, and fitted in around your busy lifestyle.
- Benefit from the expert knowledge of our horticulture specialists.
- Further develop your knowledge of propagating and managing flowers, fruits, and vegetables.
Course Duration: 200 hours.
Start Date: Start at any time - study at a pace that suits you, and with full tutor support for the duration of your studies.
Lessons: The course comprises 15 lessons:
- Taxonomic Classification of Plants
- Structure and Function of Cells and Tissues
- Role of Flowers and Fruit
- Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Movement of Water
- Effects of Tropisms and Plant Growth Regulators
- Physical Properties of Growing Media
- Chemical Properties of Growing Media and Role of Air and Water
- Biological Processes in Growing Media
- Nutrients and Plant Growth
- Organic Techniques and Soil Management
- Plant Pests, Diseases and Disorders Part A
- Plant Pests, Diseases and Disorders Part B
- Regulation of Chemicals and Storage Procedures
- Seed Propagation
- Vegetative Propagation
Demonstrate knowledge of the major divisions of the plant kingdom and an understanding of the taxonomic hierarchy and its relevance to horticultural practice.
- Identify and describe the different types of plant cells and tissues, their structure, and function.
- To understand the role and function of the reproductive parts of the plant and the seed in the plant life cycle.
- Understand the mechanism and role of photosynthesis and respiration in the metabolism of plants, the role of water in the plant, and the movement of water, solutes, and assimilates through the plant.
- To develop an understanding of the effects of tropisms and other plant movements on growth and development.
- Understand the physical properties of growing media and their significance in relation to plant growth.
- To understand basic chemistry of soils and other growing media, and the relationship between their air and water content and plant growth.
- To understand the role of living organisms in the biological processes of soils and other growing media.
- To understand how nutrients affect plant growth and describe a range of fertilisers and their applications.
- To determine appropriate management programs for different soils in horticultural situations.
You can start Foundation Certificate in Plant Growth for Horticulture Level 3 at any time.
It is studied by distance learning, so you can study in the comfort of your own home. But this doesn't mean you are all alone in your studies. Our highly qualified and friendly tutors are there to help you every step of the way. If you have any questions at all, they are always happy to help.
Each lesson includes set tasks, and is completed with an assignment which the student submits to their course tutor. The tutor will mark the assignment and return this to the student with comments and suggestions for further reading.
Service – We put the student first. Tutors and administration can be contacted 5 days a week, 50 weeks of the year, by phone or email.
- We provide Better Learning – We’ve been delivering distance education for over 3 decades, and we understand how people learn by home study.
- Our methods are unique, developed through experience with a focus squarely on helping you learn.
- Up to Date – We are continually revising and updating courses. We listen to our students feedback and we always improve the course if a change is identified that will help significantly improve your learning.
- More Choice – Graduates need a set of skills that will set them apart and give them an advantage over competition in the world after study. We have a wide variety of study choices, and give you lots of options to choose different paths throughout a course. Doing this has meant our graduates very successful.
- No Short Cuts –You can’t take short cuts in learning, and that is why our courses are often longer than you will find elsewhere. You could choose to study a short course, quickly sit an exam (while the information is fresh) and pass, but if you want to really understand something and retain it, that takes time.
- More than just Learning Facts – We understand that success in the workplace or business requires you to not only learn things, but also build networks, understand the commercial world, be able to solve problems, communicate with people, and have an attitude that will function in your chosen industry.
ACS courses are designed to develop all of these things.
Graduates will feel confident that they can be assured they will stand in good stead for employment opportunities in a range of horticulture areas including:
- Propagation and nursery
- Garden retail
- Garden maintenance
- Garden establishment
- Soft landscaping
- Parks and gardens
" Thanks for the videos, they are great! I got a lot of information from them. The Turf Management video is practical and easy to understand. Plant Propagation is a video every student should watch because out here in the real world no-one would give out such information. The Rose Growing Tape was very beneficial to me as I have about 60 odd roses. I thought I knew a little about them but this tape is a real eye-opener."
It's easy to enrol - simply go to the enrolment box at the top right-hand side of this page. If you have any QUESTIONS, please do get in touch with us - our horticulture tutors would love to hear from you; connect with them using our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE.
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