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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Statement of Attainment

Manage people better to build a stronger business - Study Human Resources in Leisure Management

This course will help you to:

  • Develop management strategies to maximise the productivity and efficiency of your workforce.
  • Address concerns specific to human resources management in a recreation or fitness service or facility
  • The course provides a strong practical and theoretical foundation in leisure management.





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Improve your Management of  Human Resources in a Leisure facility or Service.

People are a key resource for any business. This course develops an understanding of important human resource issues such as work schedules, developing a team approach, team performance, staff recruitment, evaluating staff performance and communication between staff.

It compliments the Leisure Management I, III and IV modules; but can also be studied as a stand alone program.



A 100 hour course comprising 8 lessons as follows:

Lesson 1: Work Schedules

  • Recreation Organisations
  • Management within Recreation
  • Responsibilities of a Supervisor
  • Effectiveness as a Supervisor
  • Organisational Structures
  • Staff Records
  • Work Scheduling

Lesson 2: Work Teams

  • Giving Directives and Introducing Change
  • Effective Communication
  • Giving Written and Oral Orders
  • Orders and Instructions - the differences
  • Order Giving and Correction
  • Delegation
  • Motivation

Lesson 3: Workplace Efficiency

  • Team Working
  • Twelve C's for Team Building
  • Organising the Workplace
  • Productivity and Efficiency 

Lesson 4: Recruitment

  • Interviewing, Recruitment and Staff Induction
  • Pre-Interview Questions
  • Advertising a Position
  • Interviewing People
  • Staff Induction

Lesson 5: Staff Performance

  • Introduction to Performance
  • Tips for Helping Staff Perform Better
  • Assessing Training Needs
  • Sources of Information for a Needs Assessment
  • How to Access Training Needs

Lesson 6: Workplace Communication

  • Styles of Supervision
  • Communication
  • Non-verbal Communication
  • Communication Barriers
  • Developing Conversation
  • Conducting Meetings
  • Motivating Employees and Staff Training
  • Training Program and Planning

Lesson 7: Staff Grievances

  • Dealing with Grievances and Complaints
  • Workplace Bullying
  • Cyberbullying
  • Detecting a Problem
  • Guidelines to Dealing with Grievances
  • Personnel Departments and Unions
  • Reducing Grievances  

Lesson 8: Developing a Staff Manual

  • The Importance of a Staff Manual
  • Development of a Manual




  • Prepare a work schedule, in accordance with a given job specification.

  • List items of information which legally must be maintained in staff records.

  • Explain different methods of maintaining work records.

  • Calculate pay for a specified case study, including deductions for taxation and superannuation.

  • Write a procedure for the maintenance of essential work records in a specified recreation workplace

  • Explain different delegation techniques appropriate to a specified recreation workplace.

  • Plan work programs, for different situations, including delivery of a specified activity program and maintenance of a specified recreation facility.

  • Develop a procedure to monitor work performance which satisfies the Quality Assurance Standard 9002.

  • Develop criteria for evaluating team performance in different situations.

  • Analyse staff needs in different recreation workplaces you visit to determine areas where adjustments may be desirable for allocated manpower hours.

  • Explain the purpose of job specifications, including control of work tasks.

  • Develop strategies to locate potential employees for different specified situations in the recreation industry

  • Write copy for specified job advertisements, including a classified advertisement and a small display advertisement.

  • List criteria for staff selection in a specified situation.

  • Plan a standard job interview in accordance with a given job specification

  • Compare the legal implications of recruiting new staff in accordance with different specified procedures.

  • Explain differences in staff recruitment processes in different large organisations.

  • Explain different methods of assessing work productivity.

  • Design an Employee Performance Appraisal Form for a specified situation in the recreation industry.

  • Develop a list of procedures to review changes in the skills of an employee.

  • Explain career advancement opportunities for staff in different recreation workplaces you investigate.

  • Explain career paths for different different specified recreation industry jobs using illustrations.

  • Explain the purpose of staff meetings in a specified recreation organisation.

  • Explain the effectiveness of communication systems between staff and management in different, specific, recreation organisations.

  • Write an organisational procedure to provide management with feedback from employees on any work related issues.

  • Explain different techniques of conflict resolution, appropriate to a specified problem in the workplace.

  • List guidelines for maintaining morale in a workplace.

  • Explain different types of grievance in a specific workplace.

  • Develop a formal procedure for dealing with grievances in a specified workplace situation.



Being able to do a job is of little use if you lack motivation to do it.

When staff are motivated; the chances of them doing a good job will be greatly increased.

Motivated staff are only  going to be effective though if they have the knowledge, skills and compliant attitude to work in the way you want them to work. As a leisure services manager, you need to select the right people for a job; train them properly, instruct them appropriately and keep them motivated. If you fail at any of these things, you may well have failed at them all.  


How then Might You Motivate Staff?

There are many ways, both tangible and less tangible; to motivate.

Tangible rewards can be important motivators. If a member of staff knows that if they do their job well, they will receive certain rewards; it can act as a powerful reinforcer. Tangible rewards include money, benefits, services and goods.

However, money is not the only important factor, so intangible rewards will be considered in the next lesson. Between 1945 and 1965 The Minneapolis Gas Company carried out a survey on what their potential employees desired most from a job.

The ratings varied slightly between men and women, but the highest factors for both group were:–

  • Security

  • Advancement

  • Type of Work

  • Company – proud to work for.

Factors such as pay, benefits and working conditions were given low ratings by both groups.

Kovach (1987) found that as an employee’s income increases, money becomes less of a motivator. This is contrary to the belief that pay is the prime motivator. However, this should not be regarded as an opportunity to pay employees poorly.

Money is however a factor in motivating people. Reward systems and payments do get results.

Money is important in Human Resources!

Some have argued that monetary incentives have lost their force. Peter Drucker (1974) denies this. He argues that anti materialism is a myth, that in fact, money is taking so much for granted, that is actually acting as a demotivator.

“Economic incentives are becoming rights rather than rewards”.

We do live in a monetary motivated world. If the reward is sufficient, good human relations will improve a team/individual to produce their best efforts. If the financial reward is insufficient, monetary reward cannot be compensated by good human relations. Consider professional athletes, many will now play for the highest bidder, the pride of playing for their own country is not often enough. Professional tennis players are refusing to play Wimbledon as the rewards are not high enough, so money is obviously a motivating factor in sport and business.

Monetary rewards can take the form of wages, bonuses, discounts and rewards. At the end of each week or month, the member of staff will receive their wages. However, it is important to consider how their wages are organized. 

  • Overtime - For example, if a person receives the same wages each month, no matter how well he/she has performed, or how many hours they have worked, this can be particularly de-motivating. Let us say that person A works 50 hours a week, but receives the same wages as person B who works 40 hours a week. Why bother with the extra ten hours? In this example, some consideration should be given to whether overtime is to be paid to staff. It is important to bear in mind, though, that some staff will do overtime to gain more money, but not necessarily produce better or more work.

  • Bonuses – Another additional payment/reward can be in the form of bonuses. Staff may be rewarded for hard work in the form of bonuses at the end of the year, month, week, quarter, etc. Bonuses may be awarded individually to staff. For example, persons A and B worked the hardest so they received 50% of the bonus allowance; persons C and D worked hard, but not so hard, so received 30% of the allowance; persons E and F received 20%; and the remainder did not receive a bonus.

  • Commission Payments – Many sales people will receive commission payments on the amount of sales they make. This can be a real financial motivator as staff are aware that certain sales targets are required to receive certain commission payments. Tiered commission structures are particularly useful in motivating staff, for example, if they reach $10,000 sales in a month, their commission may increase by an additional 5% above the usual amount.

  • Pension Contributions, Health Care and Childcare contributions – Many companies make contributions to their employees’ pensions, health care and childcare. Some companies will provide free healthcare for their employees in health care organizations. Others will offer childcare within the organization, for example a crèche, or offer vouchers towards child care costs. Whilst these may not be a direct reward, they are a reward for their continued work and employment.

  • Goods – Goods may be offered as motivating rewards. For example, goods such as holidays may be offered if targets are met.

  • Services – Services can be offered for staff achieving targets and working hard, including those mentioned above, such as childcare support.


Why should I take a course in human resources for this industry?

  • Learn about team development

  • Raise your awareness and learn to understand human resource issues

  • Improve your management - learn to improve staff productivity and performance

  • Develop your communication skills

  • Improve your career prospects





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Meet some of our academics

John MasonWriter, Manager, Teacher and Businessman with over 40 years interenational experience covering Education, Publishing, Leisure Management, Education, and Horticulture. He has extensive experience both as a public servant, and as a small business owner. John is a well respected member of many professional associations, and author of over seventy books and of over two thousand magazine articles.
Kate Gibson B.Soc.Sc.15+ years experience in HR, marketing, education & project management. Kate has traveled and worked in a variety of locations including London, New Zealand and Australia.