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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Statement of Attainment

Learn more about managing your personal energy by distance learning. 

Do you get Tired; Run out of Energy, and simply NOT Achieve Your Goals?

  • Understand what makes you energetic, and what makes you tired!
  • Learn to recognise your potential energy as well as limitations to that energy - in order that you may better manage this important but finite resource.
  • Developed by specialists in the art of Personal Energy Management.
  • This course gives you keys to effective energy management.



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Study Personal Energy Management online - understand the limits of stress and time management, and the role that personal energy plays.

Are you always tired? Do you lack energy?

  • Learn how to improve your personal energy levels.
  • The course is also useful if you would like to help others with their energy levels.
  • This course will be a useful addition to your CV if you would like to help people in areas such as life coaching, counselling, anger management and more.
  • There are 7 lessons in the course covering personal energy, effective personal energy methods, stress and time management and much more.



There are  7 lessons in this course, as follows:

Lesson 1. Personal Energy: A Key to Success
  • What is Personal Energy?
  • The Real Energy Crisis.
  • How Leaders Become and Remain Energised.
  • Implications for Everyone.
  • Supplementary Notes: Physical Energy Production.
Lesson 2. 14 Keys To Managing Your Personal Energy
  • What Are The Keys To Managing Personal Energy?
  • Supplementary Notes: Energy And Aerobic Fitness.
Lesson 3. 10 Falsehoods about Managing Energy Supply
  • Introduction.
  • Myths About Managing Energy Supply.
  • Supplementary Notes: Fatigue and Recovery.
Lesson 4. The "Other" Energies: Emotional And Intellectual
  • Values And Energy.
  • Intellectual Energy.
  • Factors That Contribute Significantly to Shortages in Intellectual Energy.
  • Assessing Your Intellectual Energy.
  • The Primacy Of Emotional Energy.
  • Factors That Contribute Significantly To Shortages In Emotional Energy.
  • Assessing Your Emotional Energy.
  • Supplementary Notes: Breathing.
Lesson 5. The Myth of Invincibility
  • Leadership And Energy.
  • Enhancement Of Energy.
  • Supplementary Notes: Nutrition.
Lesson 6. The Limits of Stress and Time Management
  • General Limits.
  • Supplementary Notes: Stretching Exercises.
Lesson 7. Committing Occupational Suicide
  • Re-active and Pro-active Approaches.
  • Why People Work.
  • Causes of Avoidance.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences.
  • Negative Work Environment.
  • Self-Shaping.
  • The Impact of Avoidance.
  • Worker Productivity and Energy Level.
  • Cost to the Person, Organisation, Family or Group.
  • What are Avoiders Trying to Avoid.
  • Bases for Avoidance.
  • Supplementary Notes: Recreation And Personal Energy.



  • Explain the nature and scope of Personal Energy
  • Determine the most important factors that impact personal energy supply.
  • Describe the most common falsehoods regarding personal energy management.
  • Explain the significance of these two crucial kinds of personal energy: emotional and intellectual.
  • Identify actions taken by high achievers to enhance their energy
  • Consider the role stress and time management play in personal energy management.
  • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of being proactive and reactive.
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of seekers and avoiders.
  • Consider the role stress and time management in personal energy management
  • Understand the limits of stress and time management, and the role that personal energy plays.


The feeling of fatigue that follows a good workout tells us that we are pushing our physical limits, and is a necessary part of improving our personal performance. However, in certain circumstances, fatigue may also be our only warning that we are pushing too hard and indicating a need to back off or risk of deterioration in our abilities. This is a common dilemma in a personal training program: Hard work makes us stronger, but how much is too much.

When properly performed, an exercise should produce an intense burning, fatiguing sensation in the muscles, laboured breathing, and elevated heart rate. These are all natural responses to intense muscular stress, and should not be considered cause for alarm within the context of a high intensity workout. Exercise should not, however, produce any sharp, sudden pain, pain or discomfort in the joints, or any type of pain in areas of the body not being directly worked during an exercise.

If you suspect an injury, stop the exercise and slowly lower the weight. Have it checked by a medical doctor. If you feel something that may be an injury and ignore it or attempt to work through it, you may cause even further damage to the injured structure.

Fatigue during exercise tends to occur in the following three stages, generally in the sequence below:

  • Depletion of performance in the central nervous system (This can affect behaviour, performance quality, and efficiency of movement).
  • Energy reserves becoming depleted (This reduces the capacity to perform)
    Morphological changes (This can change the state of the blood and cause tissue damage)

Note: The nervous system will normally deteriorate well before any morphological deterioration; and as such, the condition of the nervous system should be the main factor in determining training loads.

Fatigue while exercising

The following stages may occur during exercise:

1st stage (Depletion in central nervous system performance).
This is seen in the person's attitude or mood, as well as their actions. They may still be able to perform, but their mood may change from happy to more serious or even a negative mood. They may acknowledge difficulty as the first threshold is approached.

2nd stage (Depletion of energy reserves).
This is indicated by a deterioration in performance (e.g. distance being run, amount of weight being lifted, times being clocked/rate of activity etc). A higher level of activity may be sustained by using extra muscles, or an extra psychological effort, but performance efficiency will decrease (e.g. more energy will be used to perform the same tasks if they are being carried out by "alternative" muscles).

3rd stage (Morphological changes).
The fact that this stage has been reached may be indicated by:

  • Incomplete recovery between repetitions (e.g. in lifting weights).
  • Progressive deterioration in performance despite deeper (heavier) breathing (This can indicate lactic acid build up).
  • Distressed behaviour. Upon any indication of the third stage being reached, all activity should immediately cease.
  • Fatigue between training sessions.

If there is inadequate rest between training sessions, there will be inadequate recovery. This is to be avoided. Muscles that have the chance to rest and repair will then be stronger and more resilient. It has also been found that in training the best method is to give the muscle groups at least one day if not two between training sessions. Symptoms of over training and not enough resting time for the muscles and fatigue - such a state may be indicated by the following:

  • A negative attitude or mood.
  • Any abnormal psychological behaviour.
  • Commonly being quieter.
  • Feeling stiff or sore.
  • Sore throat.
  • Feelings of discomfort.
  • Feeling sick or ill (e.g. nausea).
  • Dizziness.
  • Reluctance to commence another exercise session.
  • Warm up activity is a poorer than normal performance.
  • Higher than normal pulse rate during rest period.



You can start the course at any time.

It is studied by distance learning, so you can study in the comfort of your own home. But this doesn't mean you are all alone in your studies.  Our highly qualified and friendly tutors are there to help you every step of the way.  If you have any questions at all, they are always happy to help.

Each lesson includes set tasks, and is completed with an assignment which the student submits to their course tutor.  The tutor will mark the assignment and return this to the student with comments and suggestions for further reading.


At ACS we provide you with more than just a set of course notes.

Your 'learning package' includes:

  • Course notes.
  • Self-assessment quizzes.
  • Assignment feedback.
  • You can interact one on one with a professional tutor with decades of experience - just email, phone or log on to chat to connect with them.



If you feel tired all the time or lacking in energy, and would like to improve your energy levels or help others to improve their energy levels, then why not take this 100 hour course in Personal Energy Management.

Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

Meet some of our academics

Tracey Jones (psychology)B.Sc. (Hons) (Psychology), M.Soc.Sc (social work), DipSW (social work), PGCE (Education), PGD (Learning Disability Studies) Tracey began studying psychology in 1990. She has a wide range of experience within the psychology and social work field, particularly working with people with learning disabilities. She is also qualified as a teacher and now teaches psychology and social work related subjects. She has been a book reviewer for the British Journal of Social Work and has also written many textbooks, blogs, articles and ebooks on psychology, writing, sociology, child development and more. She has had also several short stories published.

Check out our eBooks

Aqua FitnessThere are many reasons to exercise in water: It is low impact (less chance of over doing it and causing damage to the body). Aquafitness exercises are often used by professional athletes and equally by people recovering from injury; because it allows optimum exercise with minimum risk of associated problems. This is a comprehensive reference that can be used by both amateur and professional. It is well illustrated, with many exercises explained and shown in easy to follow diagrams.
Human NutritionBoth a text for students, or an informative read for anyone who wants to eat better. While covering the basics, the book approaches nutrition a little differently here to some other books, with sections covering ”Modifying diet according to Genetic Disposition or Lifestyle”, “How to find Reliable Information on Nutrition” and “Understanding how Diet relates to Different Parts of the Body” (including Urinary, Digestive, Respiratory and Circulatory System, the Brain, etc). This ebook was written to complement the ACS Nutrition I course, and provides a solid foundation for anyone wanting to grasp a fundamental understanding of Human Nutrition.
Counselling HandbookA book for both students, as well as volunteers who may be involved in helping people with problems. This is a starting point for understanding counselling, and a reference for developing counselling skills. The book contains seven chapters: 1. Where can counselling be used 2. How to see behind the mask 3. Emotions and attitudes 4. How to communicate better when all you have is words 5. Theory versus practice 6. Diffusing difficult situations 7. Golden rules or tips
How to be a Life CoachLife coaching is a relatively new profession - although coaches have been around for a long time in the guise of trainers, instructors, managers and tutors for various professions and disciplines. Life coaching is not easily defined, but it is a type of mentoring which focuses on helping individuals to achieve what they would like to achieve and thereby to lead more fulfilling lives. Unlike other forms of coaching, it takes place outside of the workplace and is concerned with all aspects of a person’s life.