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Duration (approx) 600 hours
Qualification Certificate
This flexible and unique qualification enables you to study both wedding planning and event management. This offers you the opportunity to gain more potential clients by being able to organise weddings AND events, such as parties, festivals, concerts, publicity events and so on.

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A detailed course enabling you to jointly study event management and wedding planning.
  • A useful combination to enhance your skills and services you offer.
  • Set up a new business in wedding planning and/or event management.
  • Or expand your existing skills in this area.
  • An exciting certificate for anyone interested in working in event management and wedding planning.



To complete the certificate, you are required to complete SIX modules. There are THREE core modules, then you choose THREE elective modules (Scroll down page to the list below).

The Three Core Modules are - 

Event Management

There are 9 lessons in this course:

  1. Scope and Nature of Event Management
    • What is Event Management
    • Planning an Event or Conference
    • When to Run an Event
    • Other factors
    • Where to Hold an Event
    • Event Management Companies
    • Planning Example -A Christmas Party
  2. Developing the Concept
    • Naturally Occurring Events
    • Creating New & Original Events
    • Planning a Party in a Home
    • Making Decisions
    • Contingencies
    • Hiring Equipment
    • Fire at Events (BBQ’s, Bonfires, Fire Pits, Braziers, Torches, Fireworks)
    • Safety
    • Planning a Public Event
    • Evaluation Checklist
  3. Physical and Human Resources
    • Volunteers
    • Managing Staff
    • Leadership
    • Giving Orders & Instructions
    • Communicating Change
    • Forming a Team
    • Types of Team Members
    • Elements of a Team
    • Dealing with Problems in Teams
    • Nurturing a Team
    • Committees
    • Guidelines for Planning a Show or Exhibition
    • Hiring Tradesmen
    • Choosing an Event Location
    • Décor
    • Equipment
    • Entertainment
    • Choosing a User Friendly Site
    • Lighting
    • Car Parking and Transport
  4. Project Logistics
    • Contingencies
    • Traffic Management
    • Toilets and Locker Rooms
    • Security Lighting
    • Legal Liability
    • Understanding Legal Requirements and Controls
    • Negligence
    • Local Government and Liability
    • Minimising Risk
  5. Marketing an Event
    • Target Audience
    • Publicity
    • Public Relations
    • Sponsorship
    • Developing a Business Plan
    • Key Strategy
    • Business Priority
    • Action Plan
    • Marketing Strategy
    • Business Reviews
    • Marketing
    • Advertising
  6. Financial Management
    • Types of Budgets
    • Budgeting an Event
    • Cash Flow
    • Controlling Cash
    • Cash Cycle
    • Liquidity
    • Financial Decisions
    • Budget Performance Reports
    • Improving Profit
    • Reducing Costs
    • Controlling Expenditure
  7. Risk Management
    • Risk Reduction
    • Managing Risk
    • Sensitivity Analysis
    • Quality Systems
    • Contingency Planning
    • Catering for People Overload
    • Managing Slippery Surfaces
    • Identifying Risk
    • Workplace Policy
    • Risk Control Methods
    • Business Law
    • Legal Rights and Obligations
    • Consumer Protection
    • The Law & Employees
    • Dispute Management
    • Duty of Care
  8. Staging the Event
    • Theme of an Event
    • Venue Choice
    • Audience and Guests
    • Ticketing
    • The Stage
    • Power, Lights, Sound
    • Catering
    • Performers
    • Crew
    • Hospitality
    • Recording an Event
    • Contingencies
    • Crowd Control
  9. After the Event
    • Measuring Success
    • Dealing with Complaints
    • Cleaning Up
    • Repairing Lawns
    • Evaluation Checklist

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.

Wedding Planning

There are 9 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction
    • Nature and scope of Wedding Planning
    • Skills a Wedding Photographer needs
    • Getting Started in the Industry
    • Types of Ceremonies
    • Traditional Christian Weddings; parts of a service, participants and their roles
    • Muslim Ceremony; Nikah
    • Jewish Wedding
    • Buddhist Weddings
    • Pagan Weddings
    • Legalities in different countries; including Australia, UK and USA
    • Inter Country Weddings
  2. Planning
    • Setting the date
    • Suggested Plans
    • Themed Weddings
    • Renewal of Vows
    • Inviting Children
  3. Managing People
    • Wedding Planners Role
    • Managing the Mother of the Groom
    • Managing the Mother of the Bride
    • Chief Bridesmaid or Maid of Honour
    • Best Man
    • Conflict situations associated with Weddings
    • Dealing with Advice from too many people
    • How to deal with a Bridezilla
    • Psychological stress on the Bride
    • Cancellations
    • Conflict Handling Techniques
    • Anger
    • Expressing Anger
    • Strategies for Anger Management
  4. Managing Locations
    • Factors to consider with choosing a Venue
    • Locations on a Budget
    • Table Plans
    • Developing a Check list for Wedding Photos
    • The Photo Shoot
  5. Managing the Programme
    • Transport Arrangements
    • At the Reception
    • The Receiving Line
    • The Reception
    • After the Meal
    • Cutting the Cake
    • The Party
    • Leaving the Reception
    • Customs
  6. Other Issues
    • Coordinating service providers and sub contractors: Photography, Video, Flowers, Clothing, The Beautician, Printers, etc.
    • The Wedding Cake
    • Stationary; Save the date announcements, Wedding Invitations
    • Buying the Wedding Dress
    • Flowers
    • Wedding Photography
    • Videos
    • Gift Registry
    • Thank You Notes
    • Beautician and Hairdressers
  7. Managing the Client
    • Interviewing a Client
    • Establishing a Contract
    • Cancelations
    • Setting a Budget
    • Managing a Budget
  8. Managing the Wedding Day
    • Guidelines
    • Planning for Contingencies.
    • Calling off a Wedding
  9. Operating a Wedding Business
    • Marketing and Publicity
    • Networking
    • Developing and promoting a web site
    • Advertising
    • What Fee to Charge
    • Bookkeeping and Financial Management
    • Planning

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.

Again this course can be studied as an individual module.

Business Studies

There are 8 lessons in this course:

  1. Establishment Procedures
    • The Business World
    • Ways to Begin a Business
    • Buying or Starting Up New
    • Market, Location, Regulations
    • Risks; emotional, financial
    • Common Reasons for Business Failure
    • Developing a 12 Month Plan
    • Creating a Business Plan
    • Motivation, Planning, Customers, Competitors, Promotion, Sales and Pricing, Employees, Premises, Tax, Cashflow, Your Skills, etc
    • Legislation and Business Law
    • Legal Obligations
    • Partnerships
    • Contracts
    • Types of Business
  2. Management Procedures
    • Management Theory
    • Economic View, Behavioural View, Stakeholder Theory
    • Policies
    • Management Influences
    • Government Intervention
    • Classical School of Management Theory
    • Humanistic Management Theory
    • Scientific or Contingency Approach to Management
    • Systems Management
    • Neo Human Relations Management
    • Organisational Structures
    • "Functional", "Product/Market" and "Matrix" Structures
    • Coordination
    • Office Work
    • Quality Systems
  3. Communication in Business
    • Scope of Office Work
    • Business Letters
    • Customer Service
    • Writing Procedures
    • Clarity in Writing
    • Causes of Confusion
    • Concise Wording
    • Examples of Quality Assurance
  4. Problem Solving
    • Problem Solving Approaches
    • Non Compliance Procedures
  5. Staff Management
    • Introduction
    • Interviewing, Recruitment and Staff Induction
    • Advertising
    • Potential Candidates
    • Interviews
    • Job Specifications
    • Management Styles
    • Supervision
    • Communicating with Employees
    • Giving Orders
    • Delegating
    • Motivating Employees
    • Security, ethics, gratitude, belief systems, etc
    • Negative Motivators
    • Space Management
    • Time Management
    • Vicious and Virtuous Cycles
    • Staff Training
    • Dealing with Complaints
    • Workplace Health and Safety
    • Work Scheduling
  6. Productivity
    • Introduction
    • Total and Partial Productivity Ratios
    • Foundation Economics
    • Goods, Resources, Performance Criteria
    • Economic Laws
    • Improving Results in Business
    • Profitability Ratios
  7. Financial Management
    • Introduction
    • Liquidity
    • Financial Records
    • Steps in the Bookkeeping Process
    • Basic Bookkeeping; Double Entry System, Ledger, Entries resulting from Transactions, etc.
    • Cash Flow
    • Taxation
    • Financial Assistance
    • Insurance and Types of Insurance
    • Financial Terminology
    • Budgeting
    • Costing
    • Cost of Employing Labour
  8. Marketing Techniques
    • Scope and Nature of Marketing
    • Supply and Demand
    • Market Research
    • Making Contact and Communicating with Potential Customers
    • Convincing a Customer
    • Developing an advertisement or Promotional Message

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.

You then choose three modules from the list below - please click on the links for more information on the courses.
This course offers an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in planning weddings and events.  




Unlike private events where the only person or people you are dealing with are the clients, public corporate, government and other organisation events will usually require you to consult with a committee, board, or group specifically set up to ensure that the event is run to set guidelines and criteria. In some cases, an event manager may also be required to set up an event committee i.e. those specifically employed to organise events in corporations, government or for fund raising purposes.

After the initial concept or idea for an event has germinated, its feasibility evaluated and the decision to go ahead has been made, a set of steps should be followed to ensure its ultimate success. Following are the most important planning steps for an event controlled by a committee however before these steps are taken, tailoring to specific purposes is advised, as these steps can be slightly modified to suit all types of event management structures including private events.


Set Up the Committee

  • Clarify areas of responsibility: i.e. budgets, finances, planning etc.
  • Plan committee meeting times.
  • Understand the purpose of the event i.e. improve public education or awareness, purely as a celebration, to improve support from a select audience, to improve public relations, to inform a select group or the general public.
  • Identify all the partners to the event i.e. government departments, sponsors, media etc – this can be of specific importance when identifying likely funding sources.
  • Prepare funding bids, identify and contact prospective sponsors if appropriate.

Develop a Master Plan

This is an overall plan of the event, taking into consideration the logistics of the event i.e. size, place, facilities (kitchens, toilets, parking), accommodation, emergency plans (police, fire-brigade) local government restrictions (alcohol, public nuisance, parking restrictions, time restrictions etc). The development of a master plan may also be dependent on the winning of a funding application. Some events are able to run mainly on funding provided by government; if the funding bid is not successful then obviously planning for the event cannot go any further,

  • Set a budget – taking into account all money to be raised from sponsorships, entrance fees (if applicable) grants and so on.
  • Set a date – with careful consideration to ensure that the event has the best possible attendance i.e. does not clash with other events.
  • Identify staff and personnel required including volunteers if appropriate. Develop an organisational structure plan – this is helpful for staff, volunteers and all those involved have knowledge of the hierarchical structure i.e. who is responsible for what and to whom.
  • Make sure that the scope of the event matches the original purpose and that this is reflected in the cost of staging it.

Develop a Planning Checklist

This checklist should identify all the planning steps required (use the numbered items here as a guideline) including some contingency plans for unforeseen developments (i.e. wet weather, parking problems due to a larger then expected response, key speaker can’t attend due to illness etc).

Delegate Responsibilities

For instance, a pre-school organising a special fundraising event will delegate responsibilities to selected members (often to set up sub groups) such as organising refreshments, inviting speakers and so on.

Identify All Stakeholders

Identify all people or organisations involved or with an interest in the outcome. Then make appropriate contact with them to advise them of your aims, seek advice, and raise interest in the event. Stakeholders can include: funding bodies, local councils, government departments (e.g. education), authorities, sponsors, media, general public etc.

Develop a Publicity Campaign

Consider different ways to increase awareness of the event, and to develop interest. Then, develop publicity material. This may be outsourced, depending on the scope of the event and the resources available.

Develop an Evaluation Checklist

Identify ways of gathering feedback, both formal and informal, and gather the information. Then, the committee can use the checklist in its evaluation of the event, as follows.

Example of Checklist (This may be different or improved in different situations):

  1. Were goals and objectives fulfilled?
  2. Was attendance targets met?
  3. Can you identify aspects of the event worked best?
  4. Can you Identify anything that should be revised before a repeat event?
  5. Did outsourced services, including materials used (i.e. caterers, security, decorations etc) meet expectations?
  6. What services would you consider using again?
  7. Did staffing meet needs?
  8. Did the event receive positive feedback?
  9. Was the event worthwhile in relation to the scope of organisation needed?
  10. Were budgetary targets (income and expenditure) met?
  11. Did sponsors and stakeholders get the outcomes they wanted?

Evaluate the Event

Committee meets to go over all of the evaluations obtained, and discusses what did and didn’t work; and why.






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Meet some of our academics

John MasonMr Mason has worked 45+ years in Writing, Education, Horticulture and Recreation. His experience in both public & private sectors is extensive; particularly across Australia and England.