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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification Statement of Attainment

Improve your editing skills with our new course - Editing for Specialists and Professionals.

  • Focus on improving your use of language.
  • A course to help existing editors and organisational professionals work with writers to produce high quality specialist documents.
  • Develop knowledge and skills for specialist editing roles such as online, commercial, and academic work.



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Professional Editing Course. Study Editing for Professional Development/CPD.

Improve your editing skills with Editing for Specialists and Professionals.

  • Focussing on improving language understanding, this course helps existing editors and organisational professionals work with writers to produce high quality specialist documents.
  • The course includes lessons addressing requirements for specialist editing roles such as online, commercial, and academic work.



Course Duration: 100 hours.

Start Date: Start at any time - study at a pace that suits you, and with full tutor support for the duration of your studies.

Lessons: The course comprises 10 lessons as detailed, below.

Lesson 1. The Role of an Editor

  • Introduction.
  • The Role of the Editor.
  • Language Skills and Application.
  • Text Types.
  • Voice, Tone, and Style.
  • How to Work Within Voice, Style, and Tone.
  • Language Use.
  • Register.
  • Project Management and Application.
  • General Skills.
  • Editors-in-Charge.
  • Editorial Teams.
  • Managing Teams.
  • Staff Training and Development.
  • Specialisms in Editing.
  • Substantive or Developmental Editors.
  • More on the Editorial Board.

Lesson 2. A Brief Summary of Grammar

  • Introduction.
  • The Purpose of Grammar.
  • Approaches to Grammar.
  • Prescriptive Grammar.
  • Descriptive Grammar.
  • Punctuation and Clarity.
  • Word Choices.
  • Selecting a More Specific Word or Term.
  • Jargon.
  • Grammar Basics: Refresh your Learning.
  • Spelling.
  • Punctuation.
  • Grammar.
  • Common Mistakes.
  • Style Errors.
  • Style Sheets.

Lesson 3. Referencing, Style Guides and Indexing

  • Introduction.
  • Style Guides.
  • The Difference Between a Style Guide and a Style Sheet.
  • Purpose of a Style Guide.
  • Examples of Common Style Guides and Their Uses.
  • Judgement Calls.
  • Dictionaries.
  • The Oxford Comma.
  • Referencing.
  • Bibliographies and Works Cited.
  • Appendices.
  • In-Text Citations vs. Notes.
  • Repeat Citations.
  • Footnotes and Endnotes.
  • Direct vs. Indirect Use.
  • Quotation Styles.
  • Multiple Authors.
  • Sources.
  • Common Reference Styles.
  • Referencing Changes.
  • Margin Notes.
  • Cross-References.
  • Glossary.
  • Other Inclusions in a Text.

Lesson 4. Editorial Ethics and Relevant Legislation

  • Introduction.
  • Editorial Ethics.
  • Conflicts of Interest.
  • Defining the Client.
  • Scope of Work.
  • Contract.
  • Editing or Re-Writing?
  • Intellectual Property and Examination Work.
  • When to Step Back.
  • Relevant Legislation.
  • Defining the Editor's Role.
  • Copyright.
  • Cultural Sensitivity.
  • Defamation.
  • Libel and Slander.
  • False Light.
  • Moral Rights.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality.
  • Permissions and Rights for Reproduction.
  • Controversial Subjects.

Lesson 5. Editor – Client Relationships

  • Introduction.
  • Professional vs. Personal.
  • Project Definition.
  • Appraisal and Suitability.
  • The Responsibility of the Author in the Relationship.
  • Working With Multiple Authors.
  • Being Aware of the Creative Process.
  • Working With Authors.
  • Writing Enough or Too Much - Project Managing the Author.

Lesson 6. Defining Editorial Queries, Presenting Corporate Briefs, Goal Setting

  • Editorial Queries.
  • How to Write an Editorial Query.
  • Corporate Briefs.
  • Pitch Decks.
  • Ad Copy.

Lesson 7. Developmental and Substantive Editing, and Managing Projects

  • Introduction.
  • Ghost Writing.
  • Discretion.
  • Constructive Criticism.
  • Structure.

Lesson 8. Blog and Online Editorial Management

  • Introduction.
  • Online Considerations.
  • Language Considerations.
  • The Importance of Layout.
  • Visual Style.
  • Indexing and Subject Hierarchy.
  • Evergreen Editing.
  • Developmental Editing.
  • Video Production.
  • Multiple Platforms.
  • Understanding Engagement.
  • Fast Editing and Meeting Deadlines.

Lesson 9. Specialist Commercial Editing

  • Introduction.
  • Corporate Communications Editing.
  • Corporate Storytelling.
  • Problem Based Learning Project (PBL) - Corporate Editing Project.

Lesson 10. Specialist Academic Editing

  • Introduction.
  • Identify and Know the Work.
  • Scope.
  • Extent of Work and Restrictions.
  • The Author's Role.
  • Publication.
  • Version Control.
  • Order of Work.
  • Style Conventions.
  • Language.
  • Text Elements, including Grammar and Spelling.
  • Layout.
  • Non-Text Elements.
  • Types of Research.
  • Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism.
  • Intellectual Property and Ethics.Evaluating the Whole Work.
  • Expression and Clarity.
  • Don't be a Co-Author.
  • Defining Roles.
  • Is it Expressed Well?
  • Is it Clear - Drawing it Together.



You can start the course at any time.

It is studied by distance learning, so you can study in the comfort of your own home. But this doesn't mean you are all alone in your studies.  Our highly qualified and friendly tutors are there to help you every step of the way.  If you have any questions at all, they are always happy to help.

Each lesson includes set tasks, and is completed with an assignment which the student submits to their course tutor.  The tutor will mark the assignment and return this to the student with comments and suggestions for further reading.


  • Our courses are written and taught by experienced professionals, so you know you can expect a high quality of teaching and support.
  • You can start the course at any time and study at your own pace.
  • Fit your studies around your own busy lifestyle - we provide full tutor support whilst you are studying.
  • Study where you want to - online studies offer the flexibility for you to determine where and when you study.



Your 'learning package' includes:

  • Course notes.
  • Self-assessment quizzes.
  • Assignment feedback.
  • You can interact one on one with a professional tutor with decades of experience - just email, phone or log on to chat to connect with them.
  • Depending upon your course, your studies may involve independent research, interviews, practical exercises, assessments, Problem Based Learning projects, and more.



We invite feedback from all of our students - a selection of testimonials can be found on our Student Testimonials page.

"I think the course is a valuable learning experience as I feel I’m being challenged along the way. Generally, I am impressed with the service I have received from ACS since enrolling. The enrolment process was very quick and all email support has been prompt and helpful. The tutors seem very pleasant and helpful in their remarks, and this keeps me motivated. It is very encouraging when they offer additional information or ask questions of me/my writing."
Sally Vanston, Malaysia - Technical Writing Course


Enrolling is easy - just go to the box at the top right-hand side of this page.

If you have any questions, or need help in choosing the right course for you please do get in touch with us - connect with our expert tutors, use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE.


email us at

Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

Meet some of our academics

Peta Jinnath Abdul B.Sc., Grad.Dip.Ed., M.Creative Writing. Peta is a writer with interests in education, science education, and literary theory. She's worked as a writer, editor and teacher, and is currently pursuing her research interests, while working as a writer, tutor and academic officer at ACS.
John MasonWriter, Manager, Teacher and Businessman with over 40 years interenational experience covering Education, Publishing, Leisure Management, Education, and Horticulture. He has extensive experience both as a public servant, and as a small business owner. John is a well respected member of many professional associations, and author of over seventy books and of over two thousand magazine articles.
Tracey Jones (writing)Tracey has enjoyed creative writing since she was a child. She has had several short stories published and a novella. She is also a keen writer of children's stories and poetry. She has also written many academic and non-fiction books in the fields of psychology, sociology, child development, writing and marketing.

Check out our eBooks

How to be a Successful EditorThere are plenty of books that show you the processes involved in editing; but knowing the process is in itself not enough to be a successful editor. This book not only covers aspects of the process; but it also goes beyond the process; showing you things that may help you to become better than the “average” editor.
English GrammarThe English Grammar ebook can be a great reference for students, people who are learning English and anybody who writes anything- ever. The English Grammar ebook takes grammar back to basics to help confirm correct use of grammar. Topics that are covered within this course include 1/ Introduction- the components of language, 2/ Types of words, 3/ Punctuation, 4/ Upper and lower case, abbreviations, numbers, bullet points and 5/ Using words together.
Professional WritingProfessional writing is any writing that you are being paid for. It can include fiction writing, a best-selling book, articles in a magazine, articles in a newspaper, blogs for companies, technical manuals or procedure manuals, copy for catalogues, newsletters, text books and other academic material and so on.
Creative WritingThe Creative Writing ebook can be useful for writing students or even professional writers to help improve their writing techniques and skills. The Creative Writing ebook is a fabulous starting point for budding writers. The topics that are covered within this book are an introduction to creative writing, Methodology and technique- the building blocks of writing, Genres, Creative non-fiction, creative writing techniques, developing your skill, building your career and a Glossary.