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Duration (approx) 100 hours
Qualification Statement of Attainment

Learn different aspects of non-fiction writing for:

  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Blogs
  • Web sites
  • Scriptwriting

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Learn to Write Non Fiction for

  • Newspapers
  • Newsletters
  • Books
  • Blogs ands more
  • Digital, print or broadcast media


What You Can Learn from this course

  • write better non-fiction in a creative and innovative way
  • write in a more commercially viable way for popular publication.
  • better manage your catalogue of work
  • broaden the scope of what you write
  • develop more ideas for writing



This course has ten lessons as follows:

1. Scope and Nature of Non-Fiction Writing

  • Non Fiction Styles
  • Types of Non Fiction Writing
  • Academic vs Commercial Non Fiction Writing
  • Text types in Non Fiction Writing
  • Text Structure
  • Pseudonyms

2. Writing Forms and Media Options 

  • Sample Author Platform
  • Using Fiction Techniques to Create Strong Non Fiction Texts
  • Making a Story Memorable
  • Hook the Audience
  • Emotional Language
  • Plain and Simple Language
  • Writing for the Readership
  • Ways to Publish/Share Non Fiction Writing
  • Non Fiction Scripts - TV, Radio, Social Media, Advertising, Education, Voice overs, News

3. News Writing

  • Writing News
  • Headlines
  • Lede
  • Key Point Summary in Digital Formats
  • Reverse Pyramid
  • News Coverage and Focus
  • Conflict
  • Proximity
  • Prominence
  • Impact
  • Relevance
  • Oddity/Human Interest
  • Timeliness
  • Newswriting for Different outlets
  • Newspapers
  • News Websites
  • Broadcast News
  • Newsletters
  • Blogs

4. Travel Writing

  • Commercial Travel Writing
  • Overused Descriptions in Travel Writing
  • Holidays
  • Special Events
  • Travel Bloggers
  • Adventure Tourism
  • Lifestyle Blogging
  • How to Travel
  • Destination Pieces
  • Adventure Travel
  • Side Trips/Weekend Trips
  • Literary Travel Writing
  • Career Paths for Travel Writers
  • How to be a Good Travel Writer
  • How to Construct a Travel Piece
  • Researching a Travel Piece
  • How to Pitch a Travel Piece

5. Memoirs and Biography

  • Types of Memoirs - Confessional , Transformational, Portrait, Professional
  • Diaries
  • How to Write a Memoir or Biography
  • Autobiography
  • Research
  • Biography and Profiles
  • How to Pitch a Memoir, Autobiography or Biography

6. Writing about Leisure Activities

  • Introduction
  • Niche or Widespread Writing
  • Leisure and Hobby Writing
  • Hobby Writing
  • Sports Writing
  • Craft Writing
  • Garden Writing
  • How to Pitch Leisure, Sports and Craft Writing

7. Writing about Food and Diet

  • How to Write about Food
  • Constructing a Food Article
  • Sensory Writing
  • Recipes
  • Informative Writing
  • Types of Food Writing
  • Nutritional R & D
  • Allergies and Intolerances
  • Recipes, Diet & Exercise
  • How to Pitch Food Writing

8. Writing about Wellbeing

  • How to Write about Health and Wellbeing
  • Grounding and Context
  • Plain English
  • Research
  • Balanced Viewpoints
  • Different Types of Health and Wellbeing Writing
  • Health, Medicine and Complimentary Medicine
  • Creative Therapies
  • Exercise

9. Fact Based Storytelling

  • Storytelling at Work
  • Storytelling with Data
  • Sales and Marketing
  • True Crime
  • Historical Events
  • Seeking Stories

10. The Business of Non-Fiction Writing

  • Successful Writers
  • Collaborative Writing
  • Delivering your Work
  • Management and Opportunities
  • Contracts and Publishers
  • How to Make Writing More Profitable
  • Syndication
  • Intellectual Property Management
  • Legal Systems
  • Protecting Your Work - copyright, Issues
  • Copyright Licencing
  • Risks when Writing Non Fiction - specific, libel, defamation, slander, false light
  • Fact Checking, Perspective & Time Shift
  • Copyright Infringement
  • Accuracy Errors
  • Digital Rights Management
  • Information Rights Management
  • Electronic Books and Magazines
  • Referencing
  • Thinking Outside the Box


  • Discuss the scope and nature of commercial and professional non-fiction writing for use in print, electronic and broadcast media.

  • Distinguish between different forms of non-fiction writing used in different contexts including different industries and disciplines, being used in broadcast media, print media and electronic media.

  • Formulate and create news writing for different applications.

  • Formulate and create travel writing for different applications.

  • Formulate and create biographical writing for different applications.

  • Formulate and create craft, sports, hobbies, and related writing for different applications.

  • Formulate and create food writing for different applications.

  • Formulate and create wellbeing writing for different applications.

  • Explain how to write fact-based stories.

  • Explain how non-fiction writing is a business.

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone with an interest in or need to write non-fiction, to earn a partial or full income, such as –
  • Journalists
  • Blog writers
  • Diary writers
  • Social media influencers
  • Teachers
  • Educators 
  • Business owners
  • Marketing staff 
  • Students, Researchers, Academics
  • Experts in anything who want to write about their expert area whether cooking, gardening, sport or something else.


Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!