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Careers In Poultry

Working with poultry is an increasing popular career with the growth in people keeping poultry in their gardens. If you love poultry, then working with them can be an attractive option, but what careers are available?

Specialist Vets

Some vets specialise in poultry, offering advice on poultry husbandry, breeding and care. To become a vet requires veterinary training before specialisation.

Meat and Egg industry

There are many opportunities within the meat and egg industry varying from administration, marketing and sales roles through to caring for the birds to preparation of the meat and eggs for sale.

Jobs in this area are generally advertised on general recruitment sites and farming magazines.

Poultry Charities

Poultry charities may employ some paid staff and unpaid volunteers to care for poultry who have been rescued.

Larger breeders of poultry

Poultry breeders may employ staff to care for poultry. Again the roles within this industry may vary.  Not all positions will involve hands on working with poultry.

Small farms

Small farms and smallholdings may also breed poultry for their meat or to sell their eggs.
If you are thinking of working with poultry –

  • Talk to someone already working with them if possible to get advice on the industry.
  • Consider volunteering with a poultry charity or farm.
  • Take a poultry husbandry or poultry care course.
  • Offer chicken sitting services to other poultry lovers.
  • Start off small, selling your own eggs. Sell to friends and neighbours at first.
  • Approach local shops who might be interested in selling locally produced eggs. It is important to check any industry specific standards here as you may not be able to say organic or free range without meeting certain standards. However, use your imagination and think of a new way to sell your eggs. 
  • Sell locally. Develop your own logo and marketing, perhaps social media. Pop a small advert in local shops.
  • Sell from your own home, put up a sign and leave an honesty table.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure you are aware of your local industry standards for caring for and breeding poultry to sell their meat and/or eggs.

If you are interested in learning more about poultry, who not get in touch and we can tell you more about the poultry training courses we offer.

You can phone us on (UK) 01384 442752 or (International) +44 (0) 1384 442752, or email, or submit your questions to our specialist Poultry tutors.

We are here to help - it's easy to get in touch, and it may be your first step to a new career!

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