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How do I get Practical

How do you get Practical training in a Distance Education Course?

Many people who have never studied distance education assume it is very theoretical, and is not as practical as classroom education.

This may have been the case fifty years ago, but today’s world is very different.

Technology has opened up lots of new possibilities for distance education (eg. Email, internet, fax, DVD, Video, Digital photography, mobile phones, etc).

Classroom education at the same time has become increasingly pressured by lack of funds; and often the type of “practical” class experienced by our parents is no longer financially viable in today’s classroom.

ACS has used both technology and “real life” projects throughout the courses to ensure your studies are very practical and relevant. The courses are certainly a great deal more than just reading and answering questions. Among other things, you are encouraged to network with people in industry and fellow students, to observe “real life” case studies, and to undertake experimentation.

A Dose Of Reality
One of the problems in today's world is that everyone wants and expects "everything" in a course.
In theory, it is a very attractive idea to choose and do a course that takes less time; teaches you more things, and leaves you with all the practical and theoretical knowledge and skills that you might ever need.
Some schools might sell that "dream"; but it isn't a very realistic dream!
Learning is not something that can be packaged and bought like you buy a food item or piece of clothing. Learning involves changing the very essence of how someone thinks as well as what they know and what they can do. Changing a person in such a fundamental way is not something that can be hurried. This type of change can take longer for some people than others; and if it is to be a permanent change (which learning should be); it needs to happen gradually, being reinforced over a significant period of time.
The value of any course is that it sets down a foundation . You acquire a theoretical understanding of something; then you explore that thing, revisiting it in different ways, seeing it in different contexts, and applying it to different practical situations. Every time you revisit the thing you are learning about; your knowledge and skills strengthen and deepen.
 At some point in time, your knowledge and skill becomes strong enough that you do not forget it; and beyond that, every time you encounter it, you continue to improve even further (irrespective of whether you do more training or not).
Practical and theoretical training are intertwined. They are an ongoing journey. You can start that journey every bit as well through distance education, as through classroom education.
Either way though -you must recognise that it is an ongoing journey of improvement-and the course can never be more than the start! To see it any other way is ignorance. 
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[16/01/2025 01:54:01]