What To Study Next
What to study next is something that many people are now thinking about. The world has changed. People are expected to continue to improve and update their knowledge on a regular basis. Sometimes though, it is hard to know what to study and why.
Why study?
A recent survey by ACS Distance Education found that –
- 46% of people were studying for professional development
- 29% for a new career
- 22% for career progression or a better job
- 44% for passion for an interest
- 41% because they love to learn
The first step in thinking about what to study is to think about why you want to study. If you are studying for professional development or a new career, there will be specific choices you will need to make in certain topics. If you are studying because you love to learn or you have an interest then your choices may be wider.
Once you have decided why you are going to study, then you can start to plan what you want to study.
What to study
Don’t choose the easy option
When we are thinking about what to study, we may try to choose the easy option. To study something we are already familiar with, something we know about, something we think we will find easy. The modern world is a busy place and we may feel we don’t have the time for in depth studying. We need to consider – are we studying to learn and improve ourselves OR to get a piece of paper? If you want a piece of paper to show you have completed your studies, then there are many courses available. If you want to really learn and improve your knowledge, then studying an in depth course, like those available with us, is essential. At ACS Distance Education, we work hard to give you excellent tutor and administration support, we expect you to work hard and enjoy your course to gain the best possible educational experience you can – learn, enjoy and improve.
Most people have a need to feel in control of their lives. They need to feel they know why they are doing something and what the likely outcome is. If learning is to be of value though, your awareness of the subject will be very different after completing study than what it was before you started. You cannot really understand the path you are entering, and where it might lead you, until you complete the course. So when starting a course of study, don’t automatically assume you know where it will lead you. It may take you on to a job you didn't expect, an interest you weren't previous aware of, a job progression you weren't expecting.
Benefits of Studying
Think about the benefits of studying. Studying anything has a number of different benefits. Sure, you learn about the discipline you study; but there are lots of other, often more important benefits. Studying any type of course will:
- Broaden your perspective on the world around you because you will be exposed to thoughts and ideas you have not encountered before.
- Improve your life skills such as your ability to communicate, organise, manage your time, undertake research, to think more creatively, to use technology and resources you may not have encountered otherwise.
- Demonstrate to employers or potential clients that you have a certain level of commitment to jobs you take on.
- Provide opportunities to develop ideas, network with others, and plan for the future.
- Develop your maturity and motivation and formulate a perspective on your future.
Get Started
Take the step and start studying. Many of us procrastinate, avoid making decisions of what to study. Don’t take that step and study something we really want. You may work in horticulture, but yearn to be a writer. Or work in business, but would love to be a business coach. We can become so focussed in where we are now, that we forget to think about where we want to be in the future. What we want for our lives. Someone once said to a person reaching their 50th birthday, “you now have to plan for the next 50 years” and this is very true. Our lives are changing, and what we want from life when we are 20 may be very different when we are 40, 50 or 80. Studying can help us to achieve that, help us move on, take up a new hobby, get a new job, create a new interest. But we will never do that if we do not take that step.
If your dream is to be the next J.K. Rowling or James Patterson or Jo Nesbo, but you never seem to have the time, why not get started on a course in Creative Writing or Dramatic Writing.
If you want to start a new career in business coaching, we can help.
If you are not sure what you need to study, all of our tutors are industry experts, so can help and advise you. If you are working in horticulture, for example, and want to progress in your career, our horticulture tutors can make suggestions. Why not have a look at our wide range of courses and get in touch if you have any questions at all.
Armed with better life skills, greater confidence and a positive attitude, most people can progress their work prospects in just about any industry.
Remember, It is Easier to Succeed in Something You are Passionate About
Parents and teachers all too often push young people into studying things that they are not passionate about; simply because that industry is more prestigious or offers greater income or better job security. Young people may comply because they don't really know what they want to do anyway. This is not a good basis upon which to choose a course as an adult.
Anyone, young or old, will learn more and benefit more from a course if they are studying something they are passionate about. In a minority of instances, it may lead to working in the field they love; but in 100% of cases it will lead to developing far stronger live skills, a better work ethic and a more productive long term benefit.
So what should you study?
- Decide what subject you feel most passionate about and interested in. As we said if you are interested, then you are more likely to succeed and enjoy the course.
- Don’t decide to study something you already know well. What is the point of that? Unless all you want is a piece of paper. Study something new, something fresh, something that inspires you, gives you new ideas and shows that YOU are passionate about what you do or want to do.
- Decide how much time you have to study each week without feeling stressed or demotivated. Think about your week. Is there time you could study instead of watching TV or could you get up an hour earlier to study? Or perhaps stay up an hour later? Could you work in your lunch hour?
- Talk to a tutor about your choices. Talking to someone else may give you ideas for studying that you had never thought of. Click here to get in touch with a tutor.
- Make your choice and then GET STARTED.
Whatever your reason for study, for personal interest, passion, professional development or a new career, we can help. Just ask.
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