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Natural Health Care for Pets

There are so many holistic remedies for our pets and animals, and these can include physical and aromatherapy techniques.  We can combine massage techniques with aromatherapy essential oils which can alleviate muscle pain, arthritis and joint ache.  This can be particularly beneficial for older animals, injuries, sports or working animals.

So for example, a dog with stiff arthritic hips, we can blend:

  • 15ml base oil.  There are a number of base oils we can use such as almond or hazelnut.
  • 4 drops of Juniper Berry essential oil.
  • 4 drops of Peppermint essential oil.
  • 3 drops of Spearmint essential oil.
  • 3 drop of Black Pepper essential oil.

This mixture should be stored in a dark bottle, and prior to use of any topical treatment, a 24 hour skin test should be undertaken to ensure no skin reactions.  

Apply this mixture using 2 to 4 drops, and getting as close to the skin as you can.  Using the palm of your hands, massage in a slow rocking in movement applying pressure with the heel of you hand.  Be careful not apply to much pressure that the dog is in pain, it should be relaxing, gentle and enjoyable.  Always massage towards the heart, pushing fluid back to the heart.  If we massage the opposite way then we only create further issues.  Never massage the area if the skin is irritated, broken or there are fractured bones. 


If you are interested in animal health care, why not look to study an animal course with ACS?  Those caring for pets professionally or in a domestic environment will find we offer a great range of animal health care courses including:

Dog Psychology

Dog Psychology And Training

or, if you are not ready to study a full course, take a look at our eBooks, including the new expanded edition of Animal Health and Caring For Dogs.

[09/03/2025 13:34:03]