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SOLER - A Counselling Skill

SOLER is not a misspelling of SOLAR, but a method used in counselling. It is a method of actively listening to people. It can be a very effective way of listening to people in a counselling situation, but also in conversation generally.


Developed by Gerald Egan in his book The Skilled Helper, this acronym details the essential parts of communication:


  • S stands for sitting squarely. You should sit and face the person you are talking to. We should sit attentively at an angle to the person so that we can look at them directly and show that we are listening to them and paying attention to them.


  • O stands for having an open posture. Do not cross your arms, as this can make you appear anxious or defensive.


  • Lean forwards to show you are interested in what the person is talking about. It also means that the person can lower their voice if they wish to, particularly if they are talking about personal issues, for example.


  • E stands for eye contact. Maintaining eye contact again shows that you are interested and listening to what the person has to say. It doesn't mean staring at the person, as this can make them feel uncomfortable, but maintaining good, positive eye contact.


  • R stands for relaxed body language. This shows the person that you are not in a rush to get away, but are letting them talk at their own pace.

When listening to people, it is important to show your interest. Active listening is not just listening and hearing; it is also developing an interaction with the person you are listening to.

As a visually driven counselling skill, SOLER does not lend itself to telephone or online counselling situations. You would need to look to other, more appropriate methods for these.

If you’re looking to enhance your counselling skills, we offer courses like Counselling Techniques (BPS206), Communications (VWR100), and the Diploma in Counselling and Psychology (VPS007). These courses are designed to help you apply essential skills like SOLER effectively in your practice. Contact us today to learn more and find the right course for your career goals.


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