Diet Pills
What Are Diet Pills?
There are lots of different types of diet pills available and each one affects the human body in a different way. It is important for anyone buying diet pills they understand exactly what to expect from taking them, how they work and they are aware of any possible side effects.
Drugs which reduce appetite work on altering chemicals in the brain leading to a reduced appetite. Mostly these are for short tem use. Also, remember when someone radically decreases their calorific intake it makes the metabolism less efficient as the body is tricked into ‘thinking’ there is a food shortage and goes into survival mode, thus converts all available energy into fat – an energy store. When the person return to a normal diet and no longer takes appetite suppressors the body overcompensates the “starvation response” and so continues to retain fat as energy which means any lost weight is regained.
Drugs which are used to alter or increase metabolic rate are sometimes referred to a ‘thermogenic’ pill. This type of drug has recently been classified as the most dangerous of the weight control pills due to its ingredients – often ephedrine. Ephedrine is a very powerful stimulant, similar in molecular structure to amphetamine. This kind of drug puts extreme pressure on the heart. It also contains huge amounts of caffeine and causes intense energy ups and downs, insomnia and mood swings. Many people get addicted to them because they add diuretics which quickly reduces the “water weight” so people are fooled into believing they have lost fat. Reducing water in the body can cause dehydration which can weaken muscles including the heart muscle.
Drugs which work by reducing calorie absorption are mostly designed to inhibit fat digestion. They work in the stomach and small intestine and have been noted to reduce fat digestion (uptake) by as much as 30%. It is recommended patients on these types of drugs limit their fat intake to avoid discomfort such as bowel cramping or constipation etc, as the body will try to excrete all fat consumed. If it was this easy surely everyone who cared about their fat intake would take these pills. It doesn’t seem possible that the body can ingest proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals but somehow not fat. This kind of pill may encourage unhealthy attitudes towards nutrition – i.e. people can eat fried chips, cakes and biscuits and not need to worry about the fat they consume as it apparently doesn’t enter the bloodstream.
Non-prescription diet pills often contain caffeine as stated earlier, which increases heart rate and the BMR giving more energy, which can be quite effective in weight loss. Some non-prescription pills contain green tea, which also increases metabolism and also slows fat production, or bitter orange, which is a chemical isolated from citrus fruit. Other common ingredients include fat blockers which are natural ingredients produced found shellfish or plants which work by blocking the effect of fat digesting enzymes so that fat is not absorbed into the body and passes straight through. This type of treatment can have unpleasant side effects in people who have a large percentage of fat in their diet, because it can cause diarrhoea and stomach aches, so usually doctors advise to cut back on fat consumption while taking prescription diet pills of this type.
Prescription diet pills are generally more effective and as a result they require medical supervision because they can have side effects. There are several types of commonly used prescription diet pills, and each one has a different mechanism of weight loss. One of the oldest and best known prescription diet pills is phentermine, which works by mimicking brain neurotransmitters so that the brain gets the message that the body is full. Phentermine diet pills, also known as Adipex-P or Fastin, are thought to be the safest diet pills, and have almost no side effects as long as they are not mixed with other drugs.
In the past phentermine diet pills were one of the components in the Phen-Fen combination, until the other component was banned by the FDA (U.S Food and Drug Administration) for similar reasons to the ban on ephedra, but phentermine itself still has FDA approval.
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[16/01/2025 02:28:19]
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