Leisure facilities can include buildings, playing fields (or other outdoor sites) and specific equipment. They can also include ancillary requirements such as toilets, car parks, kitchens, showers, change rooms etc.
Administration of a facility involves exercising control over both its use and its state of repair.
Administrative tasks may vary according to the type of facility concerned, but they may include:
*Ordering materials required for routine maintenance tasks, such as:
- Chemicals for cleaning toilets
- Fertiliser for turf
- Polish for polishing floors
- Safety equipment
- Cleaning products for equipment, etc.
*Ordering materials required for routine operation of facilities, such as:
- Toilet paper or soap for change rooms
- Coffee, tea, sugar, milk for kitchen
- Water for a water cooler or drinks for a dispensing machine
- Maintenance checks on equipment
*Directing staff in maintenance tasks, such as:
- Mowing grass
- Sweeping, vacuuming or polishing floors
- Cleaning toilets/showers/change rooms
- Pool maintenance (eg. checking filtration or chemical treatments)
- Promoting facilities & bookings availabilities
*Staff Training
- Planning and running staff training sessions
- Induction of new staff
- Authorising external training programs.
*Managing bookings for the use of facilities, including:
- Allocating different rooms, outdoor areas, pools, etc. to different clubs or other groups at specific times.
- Allocating times for maintenance work to be carried out on different facilities.
- Maintaining a coordinated record of bookings
*Organising staff/contractors to carry out repairs such as:
- fixing broken windows
- plumbing work
- carpentry work
- replacing broken lights
- repainting
*Managing office procedures
- Answering phone, processing mail, processing accounts etc.
- Writing maintenance procedures & checklists, cleaning lists etc.
- Maintaining records of services (eg. servicing gym equipment)
- Maintaining warranty records.
*Workplace health & safety for maintenance of facilities
- Supplying protective equipment
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