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Bachelors Degree -Media


Bachelor of Arts Degree in Media


Media is a growth industry in virtually every country, and globally. New sectors have emerged in the media industry, and the nature of established sectors have changed.


It is easier for writers and small businesses to self publish than ever before, largely because there are new and more accessible ways of publishing. Even video or film production no longer requires an investment in equipment that is beyond the reach of the average person. Virtually anyone can use inexpensive digital equipment to produce broadcast quality productions.


Despite the buoyancy and opportunities offered by the modern media industry, many media studies, writing and journalism graduates sometime find difficulty finding work.

This course is DIFFERENT and attempts to equip you with skills that are IN DEMAND.

On balance, the track record of our graduates is extremely good. (Student Profiles can ve seen at



In recent decades, the media has assumed great importance, reporting, shaping, and interpreting massive amounts of information for many different purposes. Given the wide range of activities and facilities that fall within the definition of media, people wishing to work in this field have a great range of career options that allow them to draw on many skills or to concentrate on key skills, such as writing or photography. Some career opportunities in media are:


  • Writing articles for magazines
  • Writing articles for industry, professional or special interest journals
  • Reporting local news for local newspapers
  • Writing a regular column in a local newspaper
  • Reporting news for a local television or radio station
  • Investigating issues and writing exposes
  • Writing a social column for a local paper
  • Presenting regular fishing or other special interest items in print, on television or radio
  • Reviewing or discussing books, in print, on radio or television
  • Freelance journalism – gathering and reporting news or interest items
  • Photojournalism – using photography to record and report events, news, or create documentaries
  • Travel writing
  • Writing Marketing material
  • Editing for publishers or writers
  • Handling media technology, eg. printing or sound equipment
  • Illustrating articles and other written texts
  • Illustrating for advertising
  • Desktop publishing
  • Printing books, magazines, journals, newsletters
  • Print Media Publishing
  • Web Publishing
  • Freelance Photography (including Photo library business)

Course Prerequisites


  • Successful completion of year 12 or equivalent; or
  • An appropriate media apprenticeship qualification; or
  • Over 21 years of age, with proven and appropriate experience in writing, photography or media.


Applicants are expected to be skilled in the use of computers, especially with respect to word processing and spreadsheets (eg. Microsoft Word and Excel). If your skills are limited in this area, you may find it necessary to undertake an I.T. course before commencing the degree. We can advise on an appropriate course if this is the case.


Applicants should be able to read and write in good English. If you feel that your English language skills are not adequate, you may be required to take an English course, such as ESL Writing Fundamentals, before commencing.


Course duration


Studies for a degree involve 3000 hours of self paced study. This is a basic minimum figure. For most students this would not include extra study for exams, or the additional effort required to deal with any difficulties or exceptional assignment work.


Applying for Advance Standing

Credit may be given on the basis of a formal RPL (Recognition for Prior Learning) application, for up to, but no more than, two thirds of the credit points.

Advance standing is granted to graduates of appropriate modules from institutions recognised by or affiliated with the International Accreditation and Recognition Council or other reputable bodies.


COURSE CONTENT (120 credit points)

Thirty modules must be completed successfully for the degree to be awarded. Each module of 100 hours duration provides 4 credit points toward the degree. A total of 120 credit points must be attained for the degree to be awarded.

Technical Writing

A short introductory, online module, Technical Writing, must be completed at the start of the degree. This module should take only a few hours to complete and is not examinable.

Year 1 (40 credit points)

Core (Compulsory) Modules: Module Code


Journalism I *


(4 credit points)

Photographic Practice I


(4 credit points)

Publishing I


(4 credit points)

Business Studies I


(4 credit points)

Editing I


(4 credit points)

Workplace (Compulsory) Projects:


Industry Meetings


(4 credit points)

Research Project I *


(4 credit points)



Optional (Elective) Modules: Module Code

Select 3 (three) modules from the list below.


Writing a Web Site


(4 credit points)

Creative Writing I


(4 credit points)

Photographing People


(4 credit points)

Psychology I


(4 credit points)

Children’s Writing


(4 credit points)

Fiction Writing


(4 credit points)

Marketing I


(4 credit points)



(4 credit points)

Year 2 (40 credit points)

Core (Compulsory) Modules:

Journalism II


(4 credit points)

Photographic Technology I


(4 credit points)

Digital Photography


(4 credit points)

Publishing II


(4 credit points

Project Management *


(4 credit points)


Plus one of the following:

(The purpose of this study is to broaden the range of subject material on which you are able to write. Choose a subject you have not previously studied)


Health & Fitness I


(4 credit points)

Horticulture I


(4 credit points)

Human Nutrition I *


(4 credit points)

Tourism Studies I


(4 credit points

Environmental Management I *


(4 credit points)


Workplace (Compulsory) Projects:

Research Project II *


(4 credit points)

Research Project III


(4 credit points)



Optional (Elective) Modules Core

Plus two of the following


Flash MX


(4 credit points)

Visual Basic.Net


(4 credit points)

E Commerce


(4 credit points)

Educational Psychology


(4 credit points)

Marketing Psychology


(4 credit points)

Photographic Lighting


(4 credit points)

Landscape Photography


(4 credit points)

Marketing II


(4 credit points)

Year 3 (40 credit points)

Core (Compulsory) Modules: Module Code

Statistics *


(4 credit points)

Professional Practice for Consultants


(4 credit points)

Editing II


4 credit points



Workplace (Compulsory) Projects:

Research Project IV


(8 credit points)

Publishing Project


(8 credit points)

(Publishing Project involves preparing a publication for printing or publication)


Optional (Elective) Modules:

Select an additional three (3) modules from the following options. (Note: Upon approval, electives from other years may be accepted here). Further options will be offered during or after 2004, including Scriptwriting and Broadcast Journalism.



(4 credit points)

Personal Financial Management


(4 credit points)

Business Planning


(4 credit points)

Marketing III


(4 credit points)

Publishing III


(4 credit points)

Technical Writing


(4 credit points)

Note: Modules from electives in year 1 or 2, not yet studied, may also be accepted on approval.

* Modules marked with an asterix are also available for online study.

[14/03/2025 21:24:48]